Intro 2 corrections test 1

The goal of rehabilitation is oriented slowly toward the ____ and does not imply any consistent relationship between the severity of the punishment and the gravity if the crime


According to clear, cole, and reisig,___ is the most visible penalty imposed by the criminal justice system


Experts usually cite ___ as reasons wrongful convictions occur

All of these

Probationary sentences emphasize guidance and ___ in the community


The most notable used sentencing guidelines used throughout the United States is the

Minnesota sentencing guidelines

___ assets that a person who has infringed the rights if others deserves to be penalized or punished.


According to the concept of ___ offenders are returned to society once they are cured.


Punishments less sever than prison, but more restrictive than traditional probation are

Intermediate sanctions

Restorative justice sees crime as a violation against which of the following

Victim and community

Ideas of the enlightenment fostered the thinking that crime is caused by

Forces in the environment

During the 19th century American society became increasingly


According to the author, in a retributive justice model those who commit a particular crime should be punished


During the progressive reform era, 2 main strategies were implemented. They included improving conditions in social environments and

rehabilitating individual offenders

In the booker decision, the justices said that sentencing guidelines are


In the convict lease system, prisoners are

Used for labor by private interests

The medical model of corrections was beginning to be taken seriously through implementation in the


Wergild developed as

A system of compensation

The ___ was born out of concern for the sinfulness of sloth


Corrections has a ___ relationship with it's environment


The belief that a punishment inflicted on an offender must achieve enough good to outweigh the pain inflicted is called


For the purpose if deterrence, which principles did beccaria believe were most important

Both swiftness and certainty

The following is an example of corporal punishment


The practice of removing offenders from the community to another land was known as


Legal sanctions, in the form we are familiar with today emerged in the


By the 1900s punishments were carried out under the supervision of

Correctional staff

Lex talionis embodies which of the following principles

All of these

___ was a leader of reform in England and the developer of a utilitarian approach to crime and punishment

Jeremy Bentham

The dominant social institution during the Middle Ages in England and Europe was

The church

Benefit of clergy was extended to

All literate persons

During the age of reason, advances in scientific thinking led to a questioning attitude that emphasized which of the following

All of these

The law of the civil society as distinguished from church law is known as

Secular law

The term wergild focuses one which of the following

Money paid to relatives or victims of a crime

The leading of convicts to private entrepreneurs took hold in the


The penitentiary was to be a place where

All of these

An institution intended to isolate prisoners from society and each tiger so that they could reflect in their pat misdeeds repent and undergo reformation is the


Which concept holds that human behavior is governed but the individuals calculation of the benefits versus the cost of ones acts


Punishment of criminals that is intended to be an example to the public and to discourage the commission of offenses by others is known as

General deterrence

According to community based corrections the goal of the criminal justice system is to

Reintegrate the offender

With the ride of the medical model the emphasis in corrections shifted to

The treatment and diagnosis of criminals

Depriving an offender of the ability to commit crimes against society usually by detention is prison is


The purpose of punishment as a public spectacle was

Both crime control and exhibition of the sovereigns power

Approximately ___ of all people under correctional supervisor are living the the community on probation or parole


___ is a method of applying scientific knowledge to practical purposes in a particular field


As systems grow and mature they become

More complex

Counting jails and prisons approximately how many citizens adore incarcerated

2.3 million

Systems learn grown and improve according to what


Which system of government divided power between federal and state governments


Probation and parole officers state that their original decision to become involved In this particular career field is based on their desire to

Help people

Corrections can be seen as a serious of

Both process and agencies

One result of funding squabbles is that organizational turf is


The ___ was an institution for young offenders that emphasized training a mark system of classification indeterminate sentences and parole


Divergence in the lengths and types of sentences imposed for the same crime or crimes of comparable seriousness when no reasonable justification can be discerned is

Sentencing disparity

The concept of good time is proved to inmates in certain correctional facilities based on

Vocational programs

Clear, cole, and reisig, divide some of the controversies issues and themes that arise in the study of corrections into 2 main areas

Managing the correctional organizations and working with offenders

Organizations develop ___ do keep operating with inmates having regular and predictable responses the the staff

All of these

Within 40 years of being built, penitentiaries had become

All of these

The country that have the world it's 1st penitentiary is

The United States

In New England the puritans maintained a society governed by what type of principles


Between 1790 and 1830 the population in urban America had

Sharply increased

The ___ was a penitentiary system developed in Pennsylvania in which each inmate was held in isolation from other inmates

Separate confinement systems

What is the central purpose of punishment

To carry out the criminal sentence e

Corrections ideally serves what goal

Both protection and punishment

When all forms of correctional supervision are taken into account, what percent of all adults in the us are under come form
Of correctional control

More than 3 percent

The effectiveness of correctional strategies is


The concept of selective incapacitation rests on the idea that

The crime rate with remain relatively stable if serious felons are incarcerated for long periods