
Judicial Reprieve

the common-law practice that allowed judges to suspend punishment so that convicted offenders could seek a pardon, gather new evidence, or demonstrate that they had reformed their behavior


permitted offenders to remain free if they promised to pay their debts to the state.


individuals who would agree to make themselves responsible for offenders who had been released from custody.

Reintegrative Philosophy

a correctional approach aimed at returning offenders to the community as soon as possible.

Community Corrections Act

state based acts through which local governments that participate receive subsidies for diverting minor offenders from state prisons.

True Diversion

a diversion program where the offender has his or her criminal prosecution dropped upon successful completion of this program.

Minimization of System Penetration

a diversion whose purpose is to minimize the offenders contact with the justice process as much as possible.

Deferred Prosecution Programs

those referred to these programs benefit from having their charges dropped upon their successful completion of the program.

Treatment Alternatives to Street Crimes

a treatment program designed to divert minor drug abusers away from the criminal justice system.


a form of punishment that permits a convicted offender to remain in the community under supervision of a probation officer and subject to certain conditions set by the court.

Financial Restitution

payment of a sum of money by an offender either to the victim or to a public fund for victims of crime.

Community Service

requires an offender to perform a certain number of work hours at a private nonprofit or government agency.

Risk Management System

a correctional system that is focused more on regulating and controlling offenders than on providing treatment or services for them.

New Penology

new approach in probation and other community based corrections that focuses on administrative control and regulation than on treatment and offering services.

Presentence Investigation

an investigation whose main purposes are to help the court decide whether to grant probation, to determine the conditions of probation, to determine the length of sentence, and to decide on community based or institutional placement for the defendant.

Revocation of Probation

a violation of the rules or terms of probation

Technical Violation

a probationer violates one of the rules of probation

Deferred Sentence

sentence that delays conviction on a guilty plea until the sentenced offender has successfully served his or her probation term.

Shock Probation

the offender his or her attorney or the sentencing judge can submit a motion to suspend the remainder of a sentence after a felon has served a period of time in prison.

Bench, or Unsupervised Probation

probationers are not supervised

Split Sentence

spend period of time in jail before being placed on probation

Intensive Probation

stricter probation.