Corrections Chapter 14


Prison administrators use their programs as incentives for good behavior.?


A majority of people under correctional authority have a history of mental health problems.?


Prison programs are any non-formal, non-structured activities that take prisoners out of their cells and allow them to do something..?


Confrontation therapy is a form of treatment that emphasizes personal responsibility for actions and their consequences.?


Among the most desirable jobs in a prison are those in which the inmate has access to goods or services that can be sold within the prison economy.?


The reformative power of prison itself is often called its "specific deterrence" effect.

treatment of the mind.

The term psychotherapy refers to the:

mental health

A majority of inmates under correctional authority have a history of_______ problems.

principle of least eligibility.

The doctrine that persons having been convicted of wrongful behavior should not be eligible for social benefits beyond the bare minimum required by law is known as the:?


Tool counts, searches, and detailed accounting of materials are all critical to:?

reality therapy

People's problems decline when they behave more responsibly. This is a core tenet of:?

good behavior

Administrators use prison programs as incentives for:?


The general public is often___________ to creative programming for inmates.?

Estelle v. Gamble

Which court case established a right to medical treatment while incarcerated??


Interest in _____ waned when the philosophy of corrections swung toward crime control.?


During incarceration, prisoners may be ______ as they encounter problems or finish treatment programs.?


Prison administrators use institutional programs to help manage inmates' _____.?

Zebulon Brockway

______was the first to implement the classification system at Elmira Reformatory in the 1800s.

predictive models

_____ are designed to distinguish inmates with respect to risk of escape, potential misconduct in the institution, and future criminal behavior.?

transactional analysis

___ is a form of treatment that focuses on patterns of interactions with others, especially patterns that may indicate problems.?


____ therapy is a type of treatment that induces behaviors through reinforcements, role modeling, and other active forms of instruction.?


Because the First Amendment guarantees this individual right,_____ programs are available to all prisoners.?

prison program

A _____ refers to any formal structured activity that takes prisoners out of their cells and sets them to instrumental tasks