Corrections Study Guide Chapter 12


The House of Shelter became the model for reformatory treatment for female prisons.?


Women are generally more receptive and responsive to prison-based programs than their male counterparts.?


arah Doremus and Abby Gibbons formed the Women's Prison Association in New York to improve living conditions for female offenders.?


In the early 1800s, reformers began to press for separate confinement facilities and programs for female offenders. ?


Until 1870, most women inmates in the United States were housed in the same prisons and treated essentially the same as their male counterparts. ?

forgotten offenders

According to the authors, in the correctional system women are known as the:?

Glover v. Johnson

What case was instrumental in ensuring that women's prisons had programs comparable to those of male prisons??

sexual misconduct by male officers.

Inside women's facilities there has been a recent escalation of:?

women's prison association

In 1844, the was created with the goal of improving the treatment of female prisoners and separating them from male prisoners.?

?housed with men and other prisoners and treated as they were.

Prior to the reform movement in the 1800s, women in Europe and the United States were:?

there is a relatively small number of women in prison and jail.

The justification for the lack of diverse educational, vocational, and other programs for incarcerated women is that:?


Approximately of female inmates are currently incarcerated for violent offenses.?

campus style

The design of most women's prisons is the:?


When compared to their male offenders, female prisoners typically have ___________ prior convictions before their current sentence. ?


The movement advocated for separation for women prisoners from men, differential care, and female staff. ?

class action

In recent years, women who were sexually harassed or assaulted have brought __ lawsuits against correctional institutions/officials.?

Elizabeth Gurney Fry

was the first person to advocate for changes in the treatment of sentenced women and children.?

lighter sentences; drug offenses

Female inmates traditionally receive than men for similar offenses.?
The arrest rates for women have increased more than those for men over the past decade, especially for and larceny. ?


To deal with the growing problem of sexual abuse in prisons, many states have enacted __ that prohibit sexual relations with correctional clients. ?


Effective programming begins with effective in terms of housing assignments, therapeutic approaches, and educational and vocational opportunities.

Interpersonal Relationships

A major difference between male and female prison subcultures is


Incarcerated women account for approximately percent of the federal and state prison population.?