Intro to Corrections TEST 2 STUDY GUIDE 5-8


A writ of habeas corpus requests an examination of the legality of

habeas corpus

The Military Commissions Act (MCA) eliminated the ability of "unlawful enemy combatants" to file a writ of:

due process

in instances when parole supervision is being revoked, offenders possess various _________ rights

hands-off policy

Prior to the 1960s courts maintained a(n) ____ with respect to corrections

federal government

For most of U.S. history, the bill of rights was interpreted as protecting individuals from acts of the:


According to the textbook, the overall results of the turbulent inmate rights period were:

Both of These: Improvement in institutional living conditions and administrative practices of many prisons; review by correctional officials of many of their procedures and organizational structures

which of the following correctional changes can be attributed to the prisoners' rights movement?


the legislature, president, or governor had the ability to give an agency the power in the areas of health, safety and the environment to implement:

file writs of habeas corpus

In Boumediene v. Bush, the court ruled that the detainees at Guantanamo Bay are entitled to:

brutality and physical conditions

the first case recognized by the Supreme Court which recognizes prisoners' rights involved a case of:

private contractors

With the exception of those working for corporate and nonprofit organizations, correctional personnel are:

both male and female prisoners

the courts have upheld the right of female corrections officers to pat down:


Some lower courts have upheld rules in conflict with the ___________ Amendment protections because they were the least restrictive method of dealing with tn institutional problem

cruel and unusual punishment

According to the Supreme Court, the term "totality of conditions" may be legally interpreted as:


The right to be free from cruel and unusual punishment is found in which Amendment?

All of these:
keep good records
get a mentor
follow institutional procedures

One of the ways a corrections staff member can insulate themselves against civil lawsuits is to:


A(n) _____________ is a public official with full authority to investigate citizens' complaints against government officials.


____________ of those convicted receive a community sentence such as a fine or probation


______________ offenders are more likely to seek solitude

they are extremely difficult to rehabilitate

According to your text, situational offenders pose many problems for the correctional system. Which of the following has been identified as a problem with these offenders

between 18 and 27

Half of those entering state prisons are __________ years old

Alcoholics Anonymous

The treatment program that has consistently proven to be successful for the alcohol abuser in general population but less successful for those in the correctional population is

at least one

in a typical group of 30 or so young adults it is likely that _________ has been locked up


the majority of offenses committed by mentally handicapped people are classified as ________________ or public order crimes

All of these:
their need for treatment
security issues they pose to the prison

in classifying offenders, correctional administrators put them into groups based on:


one key method shown to prevent AIDS transmission is through:

None of these:
compulsive and habitual drug abusers
career criminals

Correctional treatment programs have proven to be most effective with:


Programs that deal with mentally handicapped offenders have recently focused on:

share important characteristics even though they vary in others

References to "types" of offenders mean they:


most people would hardly call their own job a _________ if they had been seen at work only three or four times

classification systems that recognize similarities and differences between offenders

To combat ambiguities in classification, correctional administrators have started using:


in recent years, America's prison population has been

Local offender assistance programs are usually operated by community self-help volunteers

which of the following pressures are not experienced by the local jail?

to make sure those accused of a crime would show up for their trials

according to the text, the central purpose of the early jail was:


The U.S. has just over ___________ jails

both the crisis nature of arrest and detention and emotional stability

according to your text, jail suicides are primarily caused by:

release to an addiction treatment facility

a common strategy in dealing with offenders with substance dependency problems is:

release on recognizance (ROR)

by far the most successful pretrial release program is:

legal liability

according to the authors, which of the following is of a particular importance for today's jail administrators

bail processes

__________ are direct descendants of the 12th century English feudal practices


Almost 60 percent of America's jails _________ prisoners for at least some of the medical care they receive


violence, rape and health problems are direct and immediate consequences of:

locally elected officials

Jails are administered by:

the penitentiary movement

in the 1800s jails began to change in response to:


therapeutic justice is a philosophy of reorienting the jail experience from being mostly punitive to being mostly:

West and South

the jail rate is highest in the:


Nearly___________ of all jail inmates have a history of mental problems


the ___________ model refers to an innovative jail model that promotes a sense of community among staff and inmates alike and centers upon rehabilitation

John Augustus

Who was the first person to provide bail for defendants under the authority of the Boston Police Court in 1841?

First-Time offenders

Probation was originally used mainly for:


___________ conditions provide constraints on some probationers to increase the restrictiveness of probation including fines, community service and restitution


_________ is a drug that inhibits drinking

does not receive

in many states the defense__________ a copy of the PSI report

all of these:
decentralized programs are often unprofessional and lag behind the times
it is able to train staff for a variety of roles
it is able to implement broader programs with greater equality in supervision and services

which of the following is an argument for a centralized probation authority?

the responsibilities of enforcing the law and helping the offender simultaneously

a probation officer faces role conflict every day around:

probation case loads are so large that some probationers have their probation terminated

in which of the following ways may probation be terminated

All of these"
centralized or decentralized
administered by judiciary or executive branch
combined with parole services

Depending on the state, probation may be:

was declared unconstitutional in 1916

Judicial reprieve in the United States


Recognizance was first used in court to recognize a formally recorded _____ to perform some act entered by a judge to permit an offender to live in the community

proceeds in three stages

the approved practice for handling revocation of probation

ankle bracelets

According to the authors, there are now some technological advances in probation to monitor the actions of probation. these include:


____________ incarceration refers to when an offender on probation spends nights and weekends in a local jail?


today about ______ of those on probation have been convicted of a violent offense