Corrections Chapter 10

Long term inmates are recognized as those who suffer from:
a. physical stress
b. emotional stress
c. medical problems
d. disciplinary actions

b. medical problems

93 percent of the adult prison population is:
a. African American.
b. Latino.
c. Male.
d. White.

c. male

America's oldest prison was built in 1798. This prison was located in what city in New Jersey:
a. Dalton
b. Trenton
c. Wilmington
d. Wilbur

b. Trenton

The prison design most often used for female and juvenile inmates is:
a. Radial design
b. telephone pole design
c. campus style
d. courtyard style

c. campus style

The __________ model was dominant in the 1960s and early 1970s.
a. retribution
b. incapacitation
c. rehabilitation
d. reintegration

c. rehabilitation

In the wake of the Civil Rights Movement, prisoners demanded their constitutional rights as:
a. inmates.
b. citizens.
c. human beings.
d. people.

b. citizens

At present, the focus of corrections has shifted to:
a. crime control.
b. rehabilitation.
c. treatment.
d. restitution.

a. crime control

Most prisons employ a __________ model.
a. rehabilitative
b. reintegration
c. retributive
d. custodial

d. custodial

Some Prisons are operated under the direction of:
a. the federal government.
b. sheriff's
c. police departments.
d. local government

a. the federal government

The Federal Bureau of Prisons was created within:
a. the Department of the Interior.
b. the Department of Justice.
c. the National Institute of Justice.
d. the Department of Homeland Security.

b. the Department of Justice

As state's deal with severe budgetary problems the future of private prisons is:
a. secure.
b. positive.
c. assured.
d. uncertain.

d. uncertain

Today's prison construction is greatly influenced by:
a. drug use.
b. scare tactics.
c. cost.
d. politics.

c. cost

The cost of maintaining a(n) __________ inmate is much higher than costs associated with other incarcerated populations.
a. elderly
b. younger
c. female
d. male

a. elderly

The rate of confirmed AIDS cases in state and federal prisons is __________ in the total U.S. population.
a. three times lower than
b. the same as
c. 2.5 times higher
d. on a par with

c. 2.5 times higher

Rates of HIV infection are higher in __________ prisoners.
a. female
b. male
c. juvenile
d. homosexual

a. female

Mass closings of public hospitals for the mentally ill began in the:
a. 1950s.
b. 1960s.
c. 1970s.
d. 1980s.

b. 1960s

According to sociologists, the "big house" image of the American prison has:
a. ceased to show a limited understanding of the contemporary prison.
b. provided us with a deeper understanding of the modern prison.
c. spawned a great deal of humanitarian ref

a. ceased to show a limited understanding of the contemporary prison.

Until recently _______on the question of private prison cost-effectiveness has been lacking.
a. research
b. misunderstandings
c. conflicts
d. disagreements

a. research

A majority of all state prisoners throughout the country are housed in __________ prisons.
a. maximum security
b. medium security
c. minimum security
d. super max

b. medium security

With the correctional focus shifting to crime control, some believe that offenders have had it too soft, resulting in:
a. the institution of strict regimes in prisons.
b. the removal of educational and recreational amenities from prisons.
c. an increase i

d. all of these

Historically, the __________ has been an innovator in the field of corrections.
a. State of Texas Department of Corrections
b. State of Illinois Department of Corrections
c. Federal Bureau of Investigation
d. Federal Bureau of Prisons

d. Federal Bureau of Prisons

Responsibility of housing federal pretrial detainees belongs to:
a. the FBI.
b. the Secret Service.
c. the Marshal's Service.
d. none of these.

c. the Marshal's Service

According to the author, the general rule of architecture, including prisons, is that form follows:
a. freedom.
b. function.
c. style.
d. all of these.

b. function

Prisons designed to hold the "toughest of the tough" are called:
a. maximum security prisons.
b. solitary confinement.
c. custodial confinement.
d. super-max prisons.

d. super-max prisons

Private enterprise has __________ played a role in American corrections.
a. never
b. always
c. sometimes
d. only recently

b. always

The 1960's and 70's reflected the dominance of the rehabilitative model toward inmates.


The civil rights movement had no affect on prisoners.


The amount of prisoners currently incarcerated has declined over the past decade.


Many states have removed educational and recreations amenities from their institutions.


The reintegration model is linked to the structures and goals of community corrections


According to the author, mental illness is prevalent in prison.


The American Correctional Association determines all prison classification in this country.


Eastern State Penitentiary followed the concept of a radial design to house inmates.


Section 1983 allows inmates to sue public officials for constitutional violations.


All state prisons test new inmates for HIV.


A prison designed and organized to permit inmates and visitors as much freedom as is consistent with the concept of incarceration is a _____________ prison.


Administrators believe that elderly inmates should remain in general prison population however receive _______________accommodations.


A ___________ prison is designed and organized to minimize the possibility of escapes and violence, thereby imposing strict limitations on the freedom of both inmates and visitors.


_______________ activity among men is one way HIV is transmitted in prison populations.


A _____________ prison is designed to prevent escapes and violence but in a less rigid atmosphere.


_____________ appoints the Bureau of Prisons director.

the president

During the rehabilitation model many prisons were converted into ____________institutions.


According to the author, the incarceration rate of the _________________ill is considerably higher than that of the general population.


The design of a structure should serve the structure's ____________.


The _________________ was created by Congress in 1930 and given the responsibility for "safekeeping, care, protection, instruction, and discipline" of persons charge or convicted of offenses against the United States.

Federal Bureau of Prisons

Maximum security

strict limitations on freedom of inmates/visitors

Medium security

restrictions on inmates/visitors are less strict than maximum security

Custodial model

Emphasizes security, discipline, and order

Minimum security

inmates and visitors have a great deal of freedom

Radial design

A control center from which to monitor movement

Telephone-Pole design

Central corridor for prisoner movement

Courtyard style

Newer with functional units located in the entry

Campus style

Often used for juveniles and women

Rehabilitation model

treatment programs designed to reform offender

Reintegration model

emphasizes family and community ties as a method of reform