Corrections Chapter 19

Those with a felony conviction are not allowed to vote. This is referred to as:
a. criminal disability.
b. civil death.
c. pervasive disability.
d. disenfranchisement.

d. disenfranchisement.

Which president signed The Fair Sentencing Act eliminating the mandatory minimum sentence for simple possession of crack and powder cocaine?
a. President Obama
b. President Bush
c. President Reagan
d. President Clinton.

a. President Obama

The fact that African Americans and Latinos are subjected to the criminal justice system at considerably higher rates than other ethnic and racial groups is:
a. indisputable.
b. arguable.
c. not borne out by research.
d. a myth.

a. indisputable

In terms of culture, the United States is:
a. a homogenous society.
b. a melting pot.
c. a disassimilated culture.
d. a mosaic.

d. a mosiac

When groups are treated differently without regard to their behavior or qualifications, __________ occurs.
a. racism
b. homogeneity
c. ethnic cleansing
d. discrimination

d. discrimination

The argument that African Americans are more criminal than whites by nature:
a. is a fact.
b. is not sustained by the evidence.
c. is sustained by evidence in the court system
d. shows that racism is well hidden in the criminal justice system.

b. is not sustained by the evidence.

Many observers believe that the relationship between racism and the criminal justice system is:
a. reciprocal.
b. one-sided.
c. unrecognizable
d. invisible.

a. recirpocal

The gap between unemployment rates for African American men and every other group in society grows when:
a. prisons do not allow inmates to work.
b. men who are behind bars are released.
c. men who are behind bars are included in the unemployment rate.

c. men who are behind bars are included in the unemployment rate.

___________ adults have committed a serious offense in their lifetime.
a. Few
b. Most
c. About half of
d. None of these

b. most

The victim's perception of the race of the offender
a. is usually accurate.
b. differs from the race of those arrested.
c. has influence over sentencing.
d. is neither here nor there.

b. differs from the race of those arrested.

A consequence of the view of differential criminality would be that:
a. race would not be a factor in the criminal justice system.
b. the view is vulnerable to charges of racism.
c. it can inform preventative detention policies.
d. the view is vulnerable

d. the view is vulnerable to charges of racism and it would mean the creation of a "criminal class" of people who are dangerous.

Which of the following contribute to high rates of incarceration of African Americans?
a. drug sentences
b. poverty
c. unemployment
d. all of these

d. all of these

Criminal justice officials make a variety of decisions that disadvantage minority males. These include:
a. where police patrol.
b. the cost of bail.
c. the ability to hire a private attorney.
d. all of these.

d. all of these

The problem of disproportionality is _________ if the problem is not racist people but disadvantageous rules and practices.
a. more complicated
b. less complicated
c. easy to fix
d. simple

a. more complicated

Recent sociological studies have demonstrated that:
a. employers are hesitant to hire young men who have been in prison.
b. employers are more likely to do a background check on young African American men.
c. young African American men are barred from man

d. employers are both hesitant to hire young men who have been in prison and are more likely to do a background check on young African American men

The high percentage of young African American men behind bars results in their:
a. lack of earning a wage.
b. not being able to parent children.
c. not being able to support their partners.
d. all of these.

d. all of these

Prison surpassed college as a place for young African American men after:
a. 1950.
b. 1960.
c. 1970.
d. 1980.

d. 1980

No one can dispute the __________ impact of the prison system's growth on young men of color.
a. underwhelming
b. insignificant
c. disparate
d. equitable

c. disparate

African Americans make up 40 percent of the prison population but __________ of all U.S. residents.
a. 5 percent
b. 13 percent
c. 25 percent
d. 32 percent

b. 13 percent

Referrals to juvenile court for African American males occur more than _________ the rate for whites.
a. twice
b. five times
c. triple
d. half

a. twice

One in three African American men are:
a. in prison.
b. on probation.
c. in college.
d. under correctional supervision.

d. under correctional supervision

Patterns of disproportionate representation in the criminal justice system:
a. start with juveniles.
b. are a rural phenomenon.
c. have always existed.
d. are inevitable.

a. start with juveniles

Whites tend to admit to more ____________crimes than African Americans or Hispanics when completing a self-report survey.
a. theft
b. drug
c. burglary
d. alcohol

b. drug

Self-report studies show that __________ have committed a crime.
a. very few people
b. most people
c. more white people
d. fewer people of color

b. most people

Some people believe that _______________factors result in large numbers of Hispanics and African Americans being processed by the criminal justice system.
a. biological
b. physiological
c. sociobiological
d. sociological

c. sociobiological

Most Americans associate race and crime.


Sentencing for drug crimes contributes to the high incarceration rate of African Americans.


African American youths are more likely to be arrested for all crimes than any other race.


Many observers believe the relationship between racism and the criminal justice system is reciprocal.


Examination of self-report studies of criminality has often revealed that African American and white youths admit to similar participation in criminal and deviant activity.


There have always been more African American men in prison than in college.


The argument that African Americans are more criminal than whites by nature is not sustained by the evidence.


Drug crimes are the only place we see discriminatory incarceration rates.


Ethnicity relates to a person's language, religion, and group traditions.


According to the author, Race is very controversial to the extent that is has been recognized as having both political and biological implications.


An investigation of behavior (such as criminal activity) based on a subject's responses is a(n) ______________.

self-report study

___________ distinguishes people according to language, religion, and group traditions.


Racial disparities become racial ____________if people who are otherwise similar in their criminality are treated differently by the criminal justice system.


According to the author some people believe that ______________factors result in large numbers of Hispanics and African Americans being processed in the criminal justice system.


Some people claim that eliminating racism from the criminal justice system is not likely to occur, because the system is embedded in a larger racist ___________.


President Barack Obama signed The Fair Sentencing Act of ____________ eliminating the mandatory minimum sentences for crack and powder cocaine use by offenders.


_____________ are seven times more likely than whites to have been incarcerated at some time in a state or federal prison.

African Americans

The ____________________ is the belief that white fear of African Americans is least when whites are the majority.

racial threat hypothesis

____________is a difference between groups that can be explained by legitimate factors.


____________ is assumed to be a biological concept that divides humankind into categories related to skin color and other physical features.



Complex concept with changing definitions


Cultural characteristics

Self-report studies

Individuals are asked to report on their own criminal behavior


Inequality of treatment


A difference explained by legitimate factors

Nearly everyone

Committed a crime in their lifetime

State presence

Some type of criminal justice contact in your life or community

Crack cocaine

Punished 100 times more severely than powdered


Losing the power to vote

Racial threat hypothesis

White fear of blacks will be greatest in areas where the proportion of blacks approaches that of whites