corrections final

2.25 million

Of the 7 million adults in corrections how many are in jails and prisons

first half of the 20th century

Big houses predominated much of the country during the


The _____ model was dominant in the 60's and 70's

crime control

at present the focus of corrections has shifted to


Most prisons employ a ______ model

federal government all 50 states and private companies

Prisons are operated by

is uncertain

as states deal with severe budgetary problems the future of private prisons


Today's prison construction is greatly influenced by


the cost of maintaining a ______ inmate is higher that costs associated with other incarcerated populations

2.5 times higher

the rate of confirmed aids cases in state and federal prisons is ______ in the total us population


rates of hiv infection are higher in _____ prisons


Mass closings of public hospitals for the mentally ill began in the

federal bureau of prisons

historically the ______ has been an innovator in the field of corrections

the marshal's service

Responsibility of housing federal pretrial detainees belongs to


the general rule of architecture, including prisons, is that form follows


The oldest prison in americas still houses offenders


the civil rights movement had no affect on prisoners


Mental illness is prevalent in prison


the american correctional association determines all prison classification in this country


the major advantage cited for privately operated correctional institutions is the increased security security that can be provided

reintegration mode

maintenance of community and family ties

courtyard style

newer with functional units lovated in the entry

telephone pole design

cental corridor for prisoner movement

eastern penitentiary

radial design

age, education, and criminal history of the inmate population

influence how correctional institutions function

Campus style

often used for juveniles and women

graterford and marion

telephone pole design

Private prisons

questions about cost effectiveness since the 70's

Radial design

a control center from which to monitor movement

custodial model

emphasizes security, discipline and order

27 months

Median time served in us prisons is about


tool counts, searches, and detailed accounting of materials are all critical to

juvenile offenders

prisoner education is more available for which group of offenders

federal funding for post secondary education

educational programs in prison do not include

from the first days of prison

inmate labor has been sold to private employers

criminogenic needs

Recent research has indicated that rehabilitation can work if ____ are focused upon

in cost benefit ratios

the most powrful new studies of correctional rehabilitation programs try to express their effectiveness in which of the following ways

all of these

one of the benefits of prison maintenance jobs is that


The theme in prison the one thread that links all prisoners is

good behavior

administrators use prison programs as incentives for


the prison environment affects programming in what way


community based rehabilitative programs are ______ effective at reducing recidivism than those same programs in prison


the most extraordinary helth prome in contemporary corrrections is


institutional programs aggravate the oppressiveness of time behind bars


classification is a one time procedure


inmates who participate in educational programs while incarcerated are the least likely to return to prison


a majority of people under correctional authority have a history of mental health problems


men in prison tend to have already graduated from high school

competing goals

the decision to release an inmate is made in the context of

indeterminate sentences

from 1920 to 1973 sentencing and release procedures involved


only _____ are released on parole

conditional release

parole is understodd as


______ has been described as a transient state between libery and recommitment

about 77 percent

currently what percent of felons are released on parole and remain under correctional supervision for a specific period

prison population growth

because of ______, many states have devised ways to get around the rigidity of mandatory release

under supervision

most former prisoners must serve a period of time

autonomous model

in the _____, there is a parole board, an independent decision making authority, that is organizationally close enough to the department to be sensitive to institutional and correctional needs

alexander maconochie

sir walter crofton built on ______'s idea of requiring prisoners to earn early release

all of these

which of the following is a release criteria used by the parole board

all of these

which of the following is an impact of release mechanisms


more than ______ adult felons leave state and federal prisons each year.


with the increase of the prison population the percentage of parolees has

be in a program

according to inmate, if you want to be paroled you've got to


The number of felons on parole has decreased since 1980


release on parole has had little impact on other parts of the system, such as plea bargaining and sentencing


almost all inmates will eventually be released to live in the community


most former prisoners are released without supervision


most parolees return to prison