Physiology Exam 3 2012

During exercise, which organ(s) receive a decrease in the proportion of cardiac output delivered to it?
a. gastrointestinal tract
b. skin
c. heart
d. skeletal muscle
e. brain

gastrointestinal tract

Which one of the following would increase the rate of blood flow through a blood vessel?
a. increased length of the vessel
b. increased pressure of the blood entering the vessel
c. constriction of the blood vessel
d. increased viscosity of the blood
e. de

b. increased pressure of the blood entering the vessel

Calcium binding to calmodulin causes phosphorylation of what protein in what type of muscle?
a. Troponin in smooth muscle only
b. Actin in smooth muscle only
c. Actin in cardiac and smooth muscle
d. Troponin in skeletal and cardiac muscle only
e. Myosin i

e. Myosin in smooth muscle only

Left ventricular pressure and aortic pressure are virtually identical during
a. isovolumetric contraction
b. isovolumetric relaxation
c. diastole
d. the ejection period
e. systole

d. the ejection period

Hyperventilation will cause changes in PCO2 that are detected by the chemoreceptors which causes a(n) ___.
a. decrease in breathing rate and depth of breathing
b. increase in breathing rate only
c. increase in breathing rate and depth of breathing
d. decr

a. decrease in breathing rate and depth of breathing

When an action potential is generated within an alpha motor neuron, ____.
a. all of the muscle cells within the motor unit are stimulated to relax
b. every muscle cell of the motor unit is stimulated to contract
c. only select muscle cells within the moto

b. every muscle cell of the motor unit is stimulated to contract

The opening and closure of the atrioventricular and semilunar valves is driven by _____.
a. contraction of muscles attached to the valves
b. contraction of the ventricle and atria that pull the valves into place
c. contraction of the valve
d. differences

d. differences in pressure across the valve

What is a measure of the change in vascular volume as a pressure within the vessel is altered?
a. the pressure gradient
b. diffusability
c. resistance
d. blood flow
e. compliance

e. compliance

The speed with which a given skeletal muscle fiber generated force is determined primarily by ____.
a. the number of mitochondria in the cell
b. glycogen stores
c. troponin
d. the type of myosin present
e. actin

d. the type of myosin present

Identify which one of the following volumes and capacities CANNOT be measured by spirometry.
a. forced expiratory volume
b. vital capacity
c. expiratory reserve volume
d. residual volume
e. tidal volume

d. residual volume

According to Frank-Starling Law, as venour return increases, end-systolic volume decreases.


The majority of oxygen present within the blood is ____.
a. bound to hemoglobin in red blood cells
b. bound to plasma proteins
c. dissolved within the plasma
d. bound to hemoglobin within the plasma
e. in the plasma as HCO3-

a. bound to hemoglobin in red blood cells

Parasympathetic nerves cause vasodilation in skeletal muscle during prolonged exercise.


Which one of the following statements about myasthenia gravis is NOT true?
a. one effective therapy is to block the enzyme "acetylcholinesterase" in the neuromuscular junction
b. the immune system produces antibodies against acytelcholine receptors
c. res

c. resting membrane potential in affected muscle cells is lower than normal

The lumen of every blood vessel is lined by a monolayer of what cell type?
a. epithelial cells
b. macrophages
c. endothelial cells
d. smooth muscle cells
e. platelets

c. endothelial cells

Which of the following components of an ECG represents ventricular repolarization?
a. QRS complex
b. P wave
c. PQ interval
d. QT segment
e. T wave


Pulmonary edema describes a condition where the uptake of oxygen and unloading of carbon dioxide is reduced as a consequence of a(n) ____.
a. increase in the partial pressure of oxygen in the blood
b. thickening of the diffusion barrier by fluid accumulat

c. thickening of the diffusion barrier by fluid accumulation in the alveoli

The transition from slow depolarization to an action potential in cardiac pacemaker cells is driven by the ____ of the _____ channel.
a. opening: L-type calcium
b. closure: L-type calcium
c. opening : sodium
d. closure : T-type calcium
e. opening: T-type

a. opening : L-type calcium

Ohm's Law allows us to predict the flow of fluid in a tube or vessel if we know the pressure gradient, the radius, and viscosity of the fluid.


During isovolumetric contraction, ___.
a. the AV and semilunar valves are closed and ventricular pressure is increasing
b. the AV and semilunar valves are open and ventricular pressure is increasing
c. the AV valves are open, the semilunar valves are clos

a. the AV and semilunar valves are closed and ventricular pressure is increasing

Increases in the amount of cytoplasmic calcium required to initiate contraction of skeletal muscle are mediated by the coupling between a ____ on the T (transverse) tubule and a ____ on the membrane of the sarcoplasmic reticulum.
a. calcium-induced calciu

d. dihydropyridine receptor: calcium pump

Visceral smooth muscle differs from skeletal muscle in that its cells have unstable resting membrane potentials.


In response to a decrease in tissue metabolic activity, tissue oxygen concentrations ____, which causes a(n) _____.
a. increase: constriction of the arterioles
b. decrease: active hyperemic response
c. decrease: dilation of the arterioles
d. increase: act

a. increase: constriction of the arterioles

What is in increase in alveolar ventilation to match the demands of increased metabolic activity in the cells called?
a. hyperventilation
b. hyperpnea
c. hypopnea
d. dyspnea
e. hypoventilation

b. hyperpnea

What is the most abundance gas in the air that we breathe?
a. oxygen
b. nitrogen
c. carbon dioxide
d. argon
e. water vapor

b. nitrogen

What does contraction of the diaphragm cause?
a. decrease in the volume of the thoracic cavity and therefore a decrease in intra-alveolar pressure
b. decrease in the volume of the thoracic cavity and therefore a decrease in atmospheric pressure
c. increas

d. increase in the volume of the thoracic cavity and therefore a decrease in the intra-alveolar pressure

Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE regarding regulation of smooth muscle contraction?
a. smooth muscle can often contract in response to hormonal and chemical stimuli
b. smooth muscle cells receive direct synaptic connections
c. contractions ne

b. smooth muscle cells receive direct synaptic connections

A person goes to the doctor and is told her blood pressure is 110/70 and her pulse is 80. Which of the following is FALSE?
a. Mean arteriol pressure is 110 mm Hg.
b. Heart rate is 80.
c. Systolic pressure is 110 mm Hg.
d. Diastolic pressure is 70.
e. Puls

a. Mean arteriol pressure is 110 mm Hg.

As oxygen binds to hemoglobin, the ____ of the hemoglobin molecule will change through a process of ____ such that the binding of oxygen is enhanced.
a. amino acid sequence: phosphorylation
b. cooperativity: negativity
c. affinity: positive cooperativity

c. affinity: positive cooperativity

The end-diastolic volume minus the end-systolic volume is the___.
a. stroke volume
b. total atrial volume
c. increased in heart failure
d. diastolic blood pressure
e. ejection fraction

a. stroke volume

Which of the following equations correctly relates flow, pressure, and resistance?
a. flow = pressure x resistance
b. flow = pressure + resistance
c. flow = pressure - resistance
d. resistance = flow x pressure
e. pressure = flow x resistance

e. pressure = flow x resistance

A typical value for blood PO2 in the pulmonary artery is ____. Whereas PCO2 is ____.
a. 100 mm Hg : 40 mm Hg
b. 40 mm Hg : 46 mm Hg
c. 150 mm Hg : 0.3 mm Hg
d. 40 mm Hg : 100 mm Hg
e. 46 mm Hg : 100 mm Hg

b. 40 mm Hg : 46 mm Hg

The contractile activity of smooth muscle cells within which type of blood vessel is primarily involved in the control of the organ blood flow and mean arterial pressure?
a. veins
b. arterioles
c. capillaries
d. arteries
e. venules

b. arterioles

Sudden complete obstruction of the respiratory tract causes stimulation of central chemoreceptors.


A healthy person can normally exhale what percentage of his/her vital capacity in one second?
a. 50
b. 20
c. 100
d. 10
e. 80

e. 80

Smooth and cardiac muscle are innervated by the autonomic nervous system, whereas skeletal muscle is innervated by the somatic nervous system.


What is the protein component of the thin filament that binds to calcium thereby initiating skeletal muscle contraction?
a. myosin
b. troponin
c. tropomyosin
d. actin
e. titin

b. troponin

Which of the folowing accurately represents normal forces across capillary walls?
a. interstitial fluid hydrostatic pressure increases from arteriole end to venous end
b. capillary hydrostatic pressure decreases from arteriole end to venous end
c. capilla

b. capillary hydrostatic pressure decreases from arteriole end to venous end

In a mixture of gas, the driving force for the movement of an individual gas within that mixture is ultimately the ____.
a. partial pressure of that gas
b. solubility of the gas
c. volume of the gas
d. fractional concentration of that gas
e. total pressur

a. partial pressure of that gas

In order for crossbridge cycling to occur, the actin-myosin complex must be broken by which of the following?
a. binding of the troponin complex to actin
b. conformational change that occurs as the myosin head changes from the high to low energy state

d. binding of ATP to myosin

Which of the following would increase mean arterial pressure?
a. increase in stroke volume
b. decrease in total peripheral resistance
c. decrease in venous return
d. increase in arteriole diameter
e. decrease in heart rate

a. increase in stroke volume

Which of the following is a property of isometric muscle contraction
a. load is greater than the force generated by the muscle
b. rapid shortening of the muscle
c. load is less than the force generated by the muscle
d. rapid lengthening of the muscle
e. l

a. load is greater than the force generated by the muscle

The first heart sound corresponds in time with the P wave of the electrocardiogram


Which of the following is NOT an accurate description of specific muscle fiber types?
a. slow oxidative fibers are the smallest diameter fibers
b. fast glycolytic fibers produce their ATP by glocolysis
c. fast oxidative fibers have a high mitochondrial de

e. slow oxidative fibers are quick to fatigue

The Bohr Effect shifts oxygen hemoglobin dissociation curve to the left and increases hemoglobin's affinity for oxygen.


A decrease in vital capacity is indicative of restrictive pulmonary disease.


Maximal exercise leads to an increase in tissue fluid formation in active muscles.


Pulmonary surfactant increases the surface tension of fluid lining alveolar walls.


In skeletal muscle, actin and myosin filaments shorten when it contracts.
