physiology practice exam

___ occur in bands around the entire circumference of the cell.

tight junctions

You step outside in the winter and your skin senses the cold air. BEFORE your body temperature drops, you wrap your arms around your body and start shivering. This prevents your body temperature from lowering and is an example of

feedforward regulation

consider the reaction: H2CO3 to CO2 + H2O

the reaction is catabolic

which of the following statements applies to autocrine regulation?

chemical regulators affect the same cell that produced it

Which of the following metabolic pathways does not require oxygen?


a certain protein receptor is capable of binding the neurotransmitter epinephrine but does not bind to the neurotransmitters dopamine, glutamate, or serotonin. This is because the receptor displays


the study of disease states in the body is called


ammonia is

a waste product of amino acid metabolism

the process during which a protein is made from RNA is called


which of the following is not true regarding the affinity a binding site has for a ligand?

it is due to covalent bonds between the ligand and the protein

before an amino acid can be broken down for energy

the amino group must be removed

which of the following statements is not true about allosteric proteins?

they are always activated when a modulator molecule binds to the regulatory site

physiology is the study of

how organisms function

a protein is found in blood that is produced by the pancreas and acts on the liver. That protein is probably

a hormone

the developmental process that leads to specialized cell types is called


fats and oils are composed of


chemical messengers involved in local communication between cells are known as

paracrine substances

molecules that have some portions that are hydrophobic and others that are hydrophilic are called


which of the below occurs during fatty acid catabolism

beta oxidation

which body fluid compartments contains the largest percentage of total body water

intracellular fluid

cell membranes

consist primarily of phospholipids and protein

beta pleated sheets and alpha helices are examples of what level of structure in proteins?


macromolecules (biomolecules) form when monomers join together to make polymers. The reaction that accomplished this is

dehydration synthesis

RNA synthesis from a DNA template

is called transcription

which of the following are the most common effector cells in the reflex arcs

both muscle cells and glands are correct

___ consist of proteins linking the cytosols of adjacent cells

gap junction

a ligand is a molecule that binds to

a protein by noncovalent bonds

protein kinases

add phosphate groups to proteins

binding site A requires twice the concentration of ligand to achieve saturation as does binding site B. From this, one can conclude that

Binding site B has a higher affinity for the ligand than does binding site A

If the amount of sodium in the blood decreases, then a negative feedback control mechanism would be expected to

increase the amount of sodium in the blood

if a solution has a hydrogen ion concentration of 10^-9 the pH is


modulator proteins

bind to proteins and cause a conformational change that facilitates or inhibits the binding of the functional ligand to its binding site

consider the adage familiar to anyone who has observed oil spills in the ocean or has made a salad dressing: "oil and water do not mix." which of the following helps explain this observation

oil is hydrophobic

a major function of the plasma membrane is to

regulate the passage of molecules into and out of the cell

which of the following lists the levels of organization of the body in the correct order from smallest to largest?

cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism

which of the following is the correct sequence for a regulatory reflex arc?

stimulus, receptor, afferent pathway, integrating center, efferent pathway, effector

after spending several days at a high altitude, where oxygen pressure is low, a person will begin to produce more red blood cells, which enhances the ability of his/her blood to carry oxygen to the tissues. Which of the following control mechanisms best d

physiological acclimatization


are catalysts in chemical reactions

the cell type that is specialized to communicate with other cells and control their activities is

nerve cells

which of the following is a way that the activity of an enzyme can be modified

all of the above

which of the below is not a type of connective tissue


a chemical catalyst increases the rate of a reaction by

decreasing the energy of activation

which of the following is not true of the cytoskeleton

it refers to the cellular components of the bone

which of the following is not one of the four major categories of biological molecules


consider the following reversible reaction : M+N to Y+Z
At chemical equilibrium, which of the following is correct?

increasing the concentration of M will drive the reaction to the right

in transamination, the amino group of an amino acid is

transferred to a keto acid

what forces are responsible for establishing the secondary structure of a protein?

hydrogen bonds

substrate molecules bind to enzymes at the ___ sites


which of the following is not a primary function of proteins?

energy storage

name the above molecule


the conversion of ammonia into a less toxic substance produces


you would expect a peptide bond to link

two amino acids

synthesis of lipids takes place at the

smooth endoplasmic reticulum

name the above molecule 2


a polysaccharide that is formed in the liver and muscle cells to store glucose is


molecules that store and process genetic information are the

nucleic acids

carbohydrate molecules

are the body's most readily available source of energy