Anatomy and Physiology Chapter 5 Tissues


complex extracellular material


the biology of tissues

Epithelial tissue

-covers and protects the body surface, lines body cavities, specializes in moving substances in and out of body or particular organs
-has very little ECM
-divided into 2 group membranous and glandular epithelium

Connective tissue

-support body and connect and hold them together, transport substances through the body, and protect from foreign invaders
-separated by large quantities of matrix

Muscle tissue

-produces movement
-cells adapted for contractility and produce movement by shortening or lengthening the contractile units
-3 types skeletal, smooth, and cardiac

Nervous tissue

specializes in communication b/w various parts of the body and in integration of activities
-generation of complex messages for coordination of body functions

Primary Germ Layers



-cells in each germ layer become increasing more differentiated to from specific tissues


-made up of mostly proteins and proteoglycans
-have structural protein fibers like collagen and elastin
-has glycoproteins


-hybrid molecules made up mostly of carbohydrates attached to a protein backbone

Membranous epithelium

-covers the body and some of its parts and lines the serous cavities, blood and lymphatic vessels, and respiratory, digestive, and genitourinary tracts

Glandular epithelium

-grouped in solid cords or hollow follicles that form secretory units of endocrine and exocrine glands

Functions of Epithelial

-sensory functions

basement Membrane

-epithelial tissue attaches to an underlying layer of connective tissue by means of thin noncellular layer of adhesive, permeable layer
-highly complex structure made up partly of glycoprotein material secreted by the epithelial components and fine mesh o


-epithelial tissues contain no blood vessels


plasma membranes are modified to hold cells together

Squamous cells

-cells flat and plate-like

cuboidal cells

-cube-shaped and have more cytoplasm than squamous cells

columnar epithelial

-higher than they are wide and appear narrow and cylindrical

pseudostratified columnar epithelium

-has only one layer of oddly shaped columnar cells
-each cell touches the basement membrane
-some nuclei are near top and some near bottom
-only single layer

simple epithelium

-epithelial cells in a single layer

stratified epithelium

-epithelial cells are layered one on another

transitional epithelium

-unique arrangement of differing cell shapes in a stratified, or layered, epithelial sheet

simple squamous epithelium

-consists of one layer of flat, scalelike cells
-substances can readily diffuse or filter through this type of tissue
-ex alveoli of the lungs


-blood and lymphatic vessel linings


-surfaces of pleura, pericardium and peritoneum

Simple Cuboidal Epithelium

-composed of one layer of cuboidal cells resting on a basement membrane
-seen in many glands and ducts like kidneys

Simple Columnar Epithelium

-composes the surface of mucous membrane that lines the stomach, intestine, uterus, uterine tubes and parts of respiratory tract
-is single layer of cells which have modified structure
-ex Goblet cells, cilia, and microvilli

Goblet cells

-large, secretory vesicles that give them the appearance of a goblet
-contain mucus


-a solution of water, electrolytes and proteoglycans
-mixture of mucins which are proteoglycans


-plasma membranes of many columnar cells extend out in hundreds and hundreds of microscopic fingerlike projections

Pseudostratified Columnar Epithelium

-found in lining air passages of respiratory system and certain segments of male reproductive system
-only a single layer of irregularly shaped columnar cells touches the basement membrane
-cells are of differing heights
-goblet cells and cilia are presen

Stratified squamous epithelium

-characterized by multiple layers of cells with typical flattened squamous cells
-has keratin in these cells contributes to protective qualities of skin

Nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium

-found lining vagina, mouth, and esophagus
-surface is moist, and outer epithelial cells do not contain keratin
-serves as protection function

stratified cuboidal epithelium

-serves a protective function
-2 or more rows of low cuboidal cells are arranged randomly over a basement membrane
-can be located in sweat gland ducts, in pharynx, and over parts of epiglottis
-only most superficial cells are truly columnar in appearance

Transitional epithelium

-found in body areas subjected to stress and tension changes
-ex Wall of urinary bladder
-as tensions increases, epithelial sheet is expanded, number observable cell layers decreases and it cell shape changes from cuboidal to squamous

Unicellular glands

-glandular epithelial cells that functions singly

Multicellular glands

-glandular cells that function in clusters, solid cords, or hollow follicles


-classified as either endocrine or exocrine

Exocrine glands

-discharge secretion products into ducts
-ex Salivary glands

Endocrine glands

-ductless glands
-discharge secretion products directly into blood or interstitial fluid
-ex Pituitary, thyroid, and adrenal glands

Tubular Exocrine glands

-shaped like a tube

Alveolar Exocrine glands


simple exocrine glands

-have only one duct leading to surface

compound exocrine glands

-have 2 or more ducts leading to surface

Apocrine glands

-collect secretory products near apex or tip of cell and the release them into a duct by pinching off distended end
-Ex mammary glands

Holocrine glands

-collect their secretory product inside the cell and then rupture completely to release it
-Ex sebaceous glands

Merocrine glands

-discharge secretion product directly through the cell or plasma membrane
-ex Salivary gland

Functions of Connective Tissue


ECM of Connective Tissue

-made up of varying numbers and kinds of fibers, fluid, and ground substance
-qualities of its fibers determine structural characteristics of connective tissue
-has either collagenous, reticular, or elastic fiber

Collagenous Fibers

-made up of collagen
-occurs in bundles, which provide great strength
-sometimes called white fibers
-most abundant protein compounds

Reticular fibers

-occurs in networks
-support small structures like capillaries and nerve fibers
-made out of reticulin

Elastic Fibers

-made up of protein called elastin
-returns to original length after being stretches

Fibrous Tissue

-have many fibers in the ECM

Loose Connective Tissue

-called areolar tissue also
-stretchable and most widely distributed of all tissues
-its matrix is soft, thick gel
-fibroblasts are the greatest numbers in this tissue
-macrophages are second
-mast cells also present


-synthesize gel-like ground substance and fibers present in


-carry on phagocytosis

Mast cells

-capable of releasing a variety of molecules
-released in response to exposure to substances from outside the body and produce an inflammation response

Adipose Tissue

-contains fat cells called adipocytes
-fewer fibroblasts, macrophages, and mast cells
-found in kidneys for support and protection
-constitutes a storage depot for excess food
-acts as insulating material to conserve body heat

Reticular tissue

-3D web
-forms framework of spleen, lymph nodes, and bone marrow
-functions in defense against microorganisms and injurious substances
-filters these harmful substances out of blood and lymph

Dense fibrous tissue

-fibers packed densely in the matrix
-has few fibroblast cells
-2 types regular and irregular

Dense Irregular FIbrous Tissue

-bundles of collagenous fibers intertwine in irregular, swirling arrangements
-forms thick mat of strong connective tissue that can withstand stresses applied from any direction
-found in Kidney and spleen

Dense Regular FIbrous Tissue

-arranged in regular, parallel rows
2 forms of this tissue, collagenous regular fibrous tissue and elastic dense regular fibrous tissue

Collagenous dense regular fibrous tissue

-flexible but possesses great tensile strength when pulled from either or both end
-found in structures that anchor muscle to bone

Elastic dense regular fibrous tissue

-contains mostly elastic fibers
-are in parallel arrangement
-found in walls of arteries

Osseous Tissue

-unique form of hard connective tissue


-embedded in matrix material containing both collagen fibers and mineral salt crystals
-has calcified matrix
-located in lacunae
-trapped in hard bone matrix

Membrane bones

-formed with membranous tissue
-ex flat bones of skull

Endochondral ossification

-other bones formed indirectly in this replacement of cartilage process

Compact Bone Tissue

-bone tissue that forms hard shell of a bone


-basic organizational structural unit of compact bone
-also called Haversian System


-small spaces
-arranged in lamellae


-concentric layers of bone matrix


-connect each lacuna and osteocyte with nutrient blood vessels


-bone-forming cells


-bone-destroying cell
-dissolve bone away from mature osteocyte and release it again to become osteoblast

Cancellous bone Tissue

-lattice of thin
-also called spongy bone tissue
-also called trabecular bone


-thin beams
-form framework that supports the red bone marrow
-give internal support to the bone

Red Bone Marrow

-also called myeloid tissue
-type of reticular tissue that contains the stem cells responsible for producing various types of blood cells

Cartilage Tissue

-has one cell type, chondrocyte
-avascular so nutrients reach cell by diffusion
-movement is through matrix from blood vessels located in perichondrium
-3 types, Hyaline, Fibrocartilage, and elastic


-produce fibers and tough rubbery ground substance of cartilage
-found in lacunae


-connective tissue membrane
-surrounds cartilage mass

Hyaline Cartilage tissue

-low amount of collagen
-has shiny and translucent appearance
-most abundant type of cartilage
-found in respiratory tubes and at ends of bones


-strongest and most durable type of cartilage
-matrix is rigid and filled with dense strong white collagen fibers
-serves as shock absorbers b/w adjacent vertebrae and in knee joint

Elastic Cartilage

-contains few collagen fibers but large number of elastic fibers
-has great flexibility
-Ex external ear, and in larynx

Blood Tissue

-exists in a liquid state
-contains neither ground substance nor fibers
-matrix divided into plasma and formed elements aka the name of the first word of this term cells
-many transport functions
-maintain constant body temperature and regulating pH of bo

Blood cells

-divided into 3 classes, erythrocytes, RBC, leukocytes, WBC, and thrombocytes, platelets

White Blood Cells

-destroy harmful microorganisms

Hematopoietic Tissue

-circulating blood tissue formed here

Skeletal Muscle Tissue

-most of muscle that is attached to bones
-striated voluntary muscle
-have length of more than 3.75 cm

Smooth Muscle Tissue

-also called visceral muscle tissue
-found in stomach, intestines and blood vessels
-non-striated involuntary

Cardiac Muscle Tissue

-makes up wall of heart
-striated involuntary
-have cross striations and unique dark bands


-cross striations visible on microscopic slides


-willed control of muscle contractions

Nervous tissue

-does rapid communication
-has more developed excitability and conductivity characteristics
-organs of system is brain, spinal cord, and nerves
-2 basic cells neurons and neurologia


-nerve cells
-conducting units of system
-characterized by a cell body called soma, axon, and dendrites


-special connecting, protective, and supporting cells
-different types astrocytes, microglia, schwann cells, and oligodendrocytes
-important coordinating roles in nervous system


-transmits nerve impulses away from cell body


-carry nerve signals toward axon


-form a blood-brain barrier that protects brain tissue from potentially harmful substances in blood


-help destroy pathogens and damaged tissue cells in brain

Schwann cells

-electrically insulate axons to increase their speed of conduction


-electrically insulate axons to increase their speed of conduction


-tissue repair themselves by allowing phagocytic cells to remove dead or injured cells and filling gaps that are left
-in epithelial membrane when cut occurs, cells quickly divide to form daughter cells to fill the wound
-in connective tissue, cells that


-if in connective tissue, the mass is deep or large or cell damage extensive


-unusually thick scar that develops in lower layer of skin

Muscle regeneration

-limited capacity to regenerate itself
-sometimes replaced with fibrous connective tissue instead of this tissue

Nervous tissue regeneration

-limited capacity to regenerate
-neurons can sometimes regenerate but very slowly if certain neuroglia are present


-sheetlikes structure that has many important functions in the body
-cover and protect body surface, line body cavities, and cover inner surfaces of hollow organs
-some anchor organs to each other or to bones and other cover internal organs
-sometimes sec

Epithelial membranes

-composed of epithelial tissue and underlying layer of connective tissue
-3 types, cutaneous membrane, serous membrane, and mucous membranes

Connective tissue membranes

-composed of types of connective tissue only

Cutaneous membrane

-covers body surfaces that are exposed to external environment
-most largest and visible in body
-16% of body weight

Serous membrane

-lines cavities that are not open to external environment and covers many organs inside cavities
-has 2 layers os tissue, simple squamous epithelium, and other thin connective tissue layer
-secrete thing, watery fluid that lubricates as they rub against o

Mucous membranes

-epithelial membranes that line body surfaces opening directly to exterior
-ex respiratory, digestive, urinary, and reproductive tracts
-epithelial component of membrane varies depending on location
-connective tissue component is lamina propria

Lamina Propria

-fibrous connective tissue underlying the epithelium in mucous membranes

Synovial Membrane

-lines spaces b/w bones and joints that move
-smooth and slick and secrete a thick colorless lubricating fluid called synovial fluid
-reduce friction b/w opposing surfaces of bones in moveable joints