chapter 12

Identify the FALSE statement.
A) There are only three types of muscle tissue in the human body.
B) Skeletal muscle is always striated.
C) Smooth muscle is often present in the walls of hollow organs.
D) Skeletal muscle contraction is always under consciou

skeletal muscle contraction is always under conscious control

Which statement about cardiac muscle is FALSE?
A) It is found only in the heart.
B) It is classified as a striated muscle.
C) It is controlled involuntarily.
D) It can contract spontaneously.
E) It is easily fatigued.

it is easily fatigued

the origin of a particular skeletal muscle is defined as

the attachment site to the less movable bone

In the arm, the biceps brachii is a flexor whereas triceps brachii is an extensor. Which of the
following statements is TRUE?
A) The biceps brachii is the primary muscle responsible for movement of the hand and forearm
towards the shoulder.
B) The triceps

the biceps brachii is the primary muscle responsible for movement of the hand and forearm towards the shoulder
these muscles are an example of antagonistic muscles

the purpose of transverse tubules is to

rapidly conduct action potentials to the interior of the muscle fiber

made up of multiple globular molecules polymerized to form long chains or filaments


most of the time, the parallel thick and thin filaments of the myofibrils are connected by... that span the space between the parallel thick and thin filaments

nebulin molecules

striated muscles are so-called because of a repeating pattern of light and dark bands. One repeating unit of the banding pattern is called a


the I band contains

thin filaments

the H zone contains

thick filaments

Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A) Titin returns stretched muscles to their resting length.
B) Titin stabilizes the position of the contractile filaments.
C) Titin is helped by actin.
D) A and B
E) all of the above

titin returns stretched muscles to their resting length
titin stabilizes the position of the contractile filaments

Which statement is TRUE?
A) As the sarcomere shortens, the two Z disks at each end move closer together, and the I band
and H zone virtually disappear.
B) The thin actin filaments slide along the thick myosin filaments as they move toward the M
line in th

As the sarcomere shortens, the two Z disks at each end move closer together, and the I band
and H zone virtually disappear.
the thin actin filaments slide along the thick myosin as they move toward the M line in the center of the sarcomere

the tension generated in a muscle fiber is directly proportional to the

number of crossbridges formed

when a muscle cell contracts

some myosin heads form crossbridges as others release them

Which statement is TRUE?
A) Myosin is a motor protein that converts the chemical bond energy of ATP into the mechanical
energy of motion.
B) Each myosin molecule acts as an enzyme that both binds ATP and releases its energy.
C) The energy released by ATP

myosin is a motor protein that converts the chemical bond energy of ATP into the mechanical energy of motion
each myosin molecule acts as an enzyme that both binds ATP and releases its energy
the energy released by ATP produces the power stroke by swiveli

each myosin head has

a binding site for an ATP molecule, a binding site for an actin molecule, and the ability to swivel when powered by ATP

as ATP binds to the myosin head at the beginning of a muscle contraction cycle,

the myosin head detaches from actin

the power stroke begins when

the inorganic phosphate and ADP are released from the myosin

at the conclusion of the power stroke

inorganic phosphate has been released from the myosin, actin has been moved toward the M line, ADP is released from the myosin head, and the myosin head is tightly bound to actin

regulation of cross-bridge formation is accomplished by

tropomyosin, troponin, and calcium ions

excitation-contraction coupling refers to

the chemical and electrical events that trigger the mechanical events in a muscle fiber

when acetylcholine is released into the neuromuscular junction

it binds to receptors that allow Na+ and K+ ions to cross the sarcolemma, the muscle membrane depolarizes creating an end-plate potential (EPP), and action potentials are triggered, which lead to activation of the contraction cycle

the contraction cycle is triggered by the rise in.... released from the SR

Ca 2+

the brief period of time between the end of the action potential in the muscle and the beginning of contraction is referred to as

latent period

the period of time during which the sarcomeres return to their resting length is referred to as

relaxation phase

metabolism of ... is the fastest way for cells to increase their supply of ATP in order to meet the ATP demands of heavy exercise


muscle fatigue is classified into these types

central and peripheral

muscle fatigue arises primarily from failure in

excitation-contraction cycle

the onset of fatigue in a muscle cell is influenced by

the intensity and duration of the contractile activity, the use of aerobic or anaerobic metabolism, and the fitness level of the individual

muscle fatigue is known to be associated mainly with

depletion of glycogen stores

central fatigue

includes feeling tired and may precede physiological muscle fatigue

within a single fiber, the tension developed during a twitch depends on

the length of the sarcomeres prior to contraction

When comparing complete tetanus with unfused tetanus, which is true?
A) In complete tetanus, no relaxation occurs between stimuli.
B) In complete tetanus, maximum tension is developed.
C) In complete tetanus, the muscle fiber is stimulated at a higher fre

in complete tetanus, no relaxation occurs between stimuli
in complete tetanus, maximum tension is developed
in complete tetanus, the muscle fiber is stimulated at a higher frequency

a motor unit consists of

one neuron and the muscle fibers it controls

in muscles used for fine actions. such as controlling eye movement or use of the hand, a motor unit will have... muscle fibers when compared to a motor unit in muscles used for power and strength

very few

Each of these statements is true, except one. Identify the exception.
A) A power muscle, such as in the calf of the leg, may have 2000 muscle fibers in one motor
B) All muscle fibers in a single motor unit are of the same fiber type.
C) With enduran

the entire skeletal muscle contracts in an all-or-none manner

Which fibers generate more force?
A) fast-twitch fibers
B) slow-twitch fibers

fast-twitch fibers

Which fibers fatigue faster?
A) fast-twitch fibers
B) slow-twitch fibers

fast-twitch fibers

asychronous recruitment

helps avoid fatigue during sustained muscle contractions.
refers to different motor units taking turns maintaining muscle tension
makes an entire muscle seem to contract smoothly

A contraction that generates force and moves a load is known as __________, whereas one
that generates force without movement is known as __________.

isotonic; isometric

the components of muscle that allow force generation without a change in length are the

series elastic elements

In the body, the bones act as __________ whereas the joints form the __________, so that
the muscles attached to the bones can create force when they contract.

levers; fulcrums

compared to skeletal muscle, smooth muscle

is slower to contract in response to a stimulus and sustains contractions longer without fatigue

smooth muscle cells lack which protein?


caveolae are important because they contain

voltage-regulated Ca 2+ gates and chemically regulated Ca 2+ gates

in smooth muscle, what is the small protein chain the regulates contraction and relaxtion?

myosin light chain

the primary calcium release channel in smooth muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum is

an IP3 receptor channel

inward extensions of the muscle cell membrane


an intracellular structure that generates the force of muscle contraction


a single muscle cell

muscle fiber

the muscle cell membrane


a bundle of adjacent muscle cells


the structures that serve as the attachment site for the thin filaments and mark the boundaries for one sarcomere

Z disk

the letter assigned to this structure stands for the German word for middle; it is the attachment site for the thick filaments

M line

the lightest color bands of the sarcomere, occupied only by thin filaments

I band

the darkest band with the most overlapping filaments; its abbreviation derives from its property of scattering light unevenly

A band