physiology ch 5 Membrane Dynamics silverthorn

chemical disequilibrium

solutes are concentrated in either one compartment or the other

electrical disequilibrium

cations and anions are not distributed equally between the body compartments

osmotic equilibrium

water moves freely between the cells and extracellular fluid


movement of water across a membrane in response to a concentration gradient


to compare solution concentrations, we express the concentration in terms of the number of particles (ions or intact molecules) per liter of solution, expressed as milliosmoles per liter


describes the cell volume change that occurs at equilibrium if the cell is placed in that solution


cells swell


cells shrink


cell does not change size at equilibrium

nonpenetrating solutes

the relative concentrations of ? in the cell and in the solution determine tonicity

penetrating solutes

contribute to the osmolarity of a solution but not to its tonicity

bulk flow

pressure gradient moves a fluid along with its dissolved and suspended materials.

passive transport

transport that does not require the input of energy


passive movement of molecules down a chemical (concentration) gradient from an area of higher concentration to
an area of lower concentration


net movement stops when the system
reaches ?, although molecular movement continues

structural proteins

membrane proteins that maintain cell shape and form cell junctions

membrane-associated enzymes

membrane proteins that catalyze chemical reactions and help transfer signals across
the membrane

receptor proteins

membrane proteins that are part of the body's signaling system

transport proteins

membrane proteins that move many molecules into or out of the cell

channel proteins

form water-filled channels that link the intracellular and extracellular compartments

gated channels

regulate movement of substances through them by opening and closing, may be regulated by ligands, by the electrical
state of the cell, or by physical changes such as pressure

carrier proteins

never form a continuous connection between the intracellular and extracellular fluid. They bind to substrates, then
change conformation.

facilitated diffusion

protein-mediated diffusion, it has the
same properties as simple diffusion

active transport

moves molecules against their concentration gradient and requires an outside source of energy

primary active transport

transport where energy comes directly from ATP

secondary active transport

transport that uses the potential energy stored in a concentration gradient and is indirectly driven by energy from ATP

glucose transporter (GLUT)

example of a transporter that uses facilitated diffusion; moves glucose into and out of the cell depending on concentration gradient

Na+ K- ATPase

most important primary active transporter

sodium glucose transporter (SGLT)

example of a secondary active transporter


ability of a transporter to move only one molecule or a group of closely related molecules


related molecules may compete for a single transporter


occurs when a group of membrane transporters are working at their maximum rate

phagocytosis and endocytosis

two processes by which large macromolecules and particles are brought into cells


process by which material leaves cells; vesicle membrane fuses with the cell membrane before releasing its contents into the extracellular space; requires ATP

membrane recycling

vesicles that come into the cytoplasm by endocytosis are returned to the cell membrane

receptor-mediated endocytosis

ligands bind to membrane receptors
that concentrate in coated pits or caveolae

clathrin or caveolae

in receptor-mediated endocytosis, ligands bind to membrane receptors that concentrate in

apical and basolateral surfaces

where different membrane proteins are found on transporting epithelia; this polarization allows one-way movement of molecules across the epithelium


molecules cross epithelia by moving between the cells


molecules cross epithelia by moving through the cells


process by which large molecules cross epithelia; includes vesicular transport

electrical gradient

although the total body is electrically neutral, this is created when diffusion and active transport of ions across the cell membrane, with the inside of cells negative relative to the extracellular

resting membrane potential difference

electrical gradient between the extracellular fluid and the intracellular

electrochemical gradient

movement of an ion across the cell membrane is influenced by

equilibrium potential

membrane potential that exactly opposes the concentration gradient of an ion