Anatomy and Physiology Practice quiz 23

2. Surfactant
(a) protects the surface of the lungs.
(b) phagocytizes small particulates.
(c) replaces mucus in the alveoli.
(d) helps prevent the alveoli from collapsing.
(e) is not found in healthy lung tissue.

-helps prevent the aveoli from collapsing

3. The hard palate separates the
(a) nasal cavity from the larynx.
(b) left and right sides of the nasal cavity.
(c) nasal cavity and the oral cavity.
(d) external nares from the internal nares.
(e) soft palate from the nasal cavity.

-nasal cavity and the oral cavity

4. Air moves into the lungs because
(a) the gas pressure in the lungs is less than atmospheric pressure.
(b) the volume of the lungs decreases with inspiration.
(c) the thorax is muscular.
(d) contraction of the diaphragm decreases the volume of the

-the gas pressure in the lungs is less than atmospheric pressure

5. The glottis closes partway through an exhalation. The
abdominal and internal intercostal muscles then contract
suddenly, creating pressure that blasts the air out of the
respiratory passages. This describes a
(a) sneeze.
(b) hiccough.
(c) cough.
(d) la


6. When the diaphragm and external intercostal muscles
(a) exhalation occurs.
(b) intrapulmonary pressure increases.
(c) intrapleural pressure decreases.
(d) the volume of the lungs decreases.
(e) the size of the thoracic cavity increases.

-interpleurar pressure decreases

7. During the winter, Brad sleeps in a dorm room that lacks any
humidifier for the heated air. In the mornings he notices that
his nose is "stuffy" similar to when he has a cold, but after
showering and drinking some water, the stuffiness disappears

- Since the air Brad is breathing is dry, large amounts of moisture
are leaving the mucus in his respiratory tract to humidify inhaled
air. Drying makes the mucus tacky and makes it difficult for the
cilia to move, so mucus builds up, producing nasal cong

8. Distinguish the structures of the upper respiratory system from
those of the lower respiratory system

-The upper respiratory system consist of nose, nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses, and pharynx. The lower respiratory system consist of the larynx trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, and alveoli of the lungs

9. Name the three regions of the pharynx. Where is each region located?

-Superior nasopahrynx, where the nasal cavity opens into the pharynx
-Oropharynx in the middle, posterior to the oral cavity ;
-Laryngpharynx in the inferior which is posterior to the hyoid bone and glottis

10. List the cartilages of the larynx. What are the functions of each?

-The Thyroid cartilage forms the anterior walls of the larynx;
-The cricoid cartilage protects the glottis and the entrance to the trachea;
-The epiglottis forms a lid over the glottis;
-The Arytenoid cartilages and the corniculate cartilages are involved

11. What three integrated steps are involved in external

-Pulmonary ventilation(breathing)
-Gas diffusion across the respiratory membrane and between blood and interstitial fluids;
-The transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide between alveolar and peripheral capillaries

12. What important physiological differences exist between fetal
hemoglobin and maternal hemoglobin?

-Fetal hemoglobin has a higher affinity for oxygen than does adult hemoglobin. Thus, it binds more of the oxygen that is present, enabling it to "steal" oxygen from the maternal hemoglobin

13. By what three ways is carbon dioxide transported in the bloodstream?

-Carbon dioxide is transported in the blood as a carbonic acid, bound to hemoglobin, and dissolved in the plasma

14. Which of the following does not occur in internal respiration?
(a) Oxygen diffuses from the blood to the interstitial spaces.
(b) Carbon dioxide diffuses from the interstitial spaces to
the blood.
(c) Hemoglobin binds more oxygen.
(d) Bicarbonate ions

-hemoglobin binds more oxygen

15. Gas exchange at the respiratory membrane is efficient because
(a) the differences in partial pressure are substantial.
(b) the gases are lipid soluble.
(c) the total surface area is large.
(d) of a, b, and c.


16. For any partial pressure of oxygen, if the concentration of 2,3-
bisphosphoglycerate (BPG) increases,
(a) the amount of oxygen released by hemoglobin will
(b) the oxygen levels in hemoglobin will be unaffected.
(c) the amount of oxygen relea

-The amount of oxygen released by hemoglobin will increase

17. An increase in the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in arterial blood causes chemoreceptors to stimulate the respiratory centers, resulting in
(a) a decreased respiratory rate.
(b) an increased respiratory rate.
(c) hypocapnia.
(d) hypercapnia.

-an increased respiratory rate

18. Why is breathing through the nasal cavity more desirable than breathing through the mouth?

-The nasal cavity cleanses, moistens, and warms inhaled air, whereas the mouth does not. Drier air entering through the mouth can irritate the trachea and cause throat soreness.

19. How would you justify the statement "The bronchioles are to the respiratory system what the arterioles are to the
cardiovascular system"?

-Smooth muscle tissue in the walls of bronchioles allows
changes in airway diameter (bronchodilation or
bronchoconstriction), which provides control of the flow and
distribution of air within the lungs, just as vasodilation and
vasoconstriction of the art

20. How are pneumocytes type II involved with keeping the alveoli from collapsing?

-Pneumocytes type II (septal cells) produce surfactant, which
reduces surface tension in the fluid coating the alveolar surface.
Without surfactant, the surface tension would be so high that the
delicate alveoli would collapse.

21. How does pulmonary ventilation differ from alveolar
ventilation, and what is the function of each type of ventilation?

-Pulmonary ventilation, the physical movement of air into and
out of the respiratory tract, maintains adequate alveolar ventilation.
Alveolar ventilation, air movement into and out of the alveoli,
prevents the buildup of carbon dioxide in the alveoli and

22. What is the significance of (a) Boyle's law, (b) Dalton's law,
and (c) Henry's law to the process of respiration?

-Boyle's law describes the inverse relationship between gas
pressure and volume: If volume decreases, pressure rises; if volume
increases, pressure falls. It is the basis for the direction of air
movement in pulmonary ventilation. -Dalton's law states tha

23. What happens to the process of respiration when a person is sneezing or coughing?

-Both sneezing and coughing involve a temporary cessation of
respiration, known as apnea.

25. What is the functional difference between the dorsal
respiratory group (DRG) and the ventral respiratory group
(VRG) of the medulla oblongata?

-The DRG is the inspiratory center that contains neurons that
control lower motor neurons innervating the external intercostal
muscles and the diaphragm. The DRG functions in every respiratory
cycle, whether quiet or forced. The VRG functions only during