Physio 101 Chapter 18 Kidneys

Primary functions of kidneys

regulation of ionic composition (Na+, K+, Ca++, Mg++, Cl-), regulation of plasma volume, regulation of plasma osmolarity, regulation of hydrogen ion concentration, removal of metabolic wastes and foreign substances

secondary functions of kidneys

secretion of hormones and enzymes (erythropoietin, renin), activation of vitamin D3 and gluconeogenesis

function of erythropoietin

erythrocyte production

function of renin

converts angiotensinogen into angiotensinogen II

three basic exchange process of renal nephrons

glomerular filtration, secretion, excretion

forces that drive glomerular filtration

starling forces

three barriers to enter bowman's capsule

1. capillary endothelial cell layer 2. basement membrane 3. epithelial cell membrane of bowman's capsule

capillary endothelial cell layer

fenestrations or pores, INCREASE in movement of fluid through cells by BULK FLOW

basement membrane layer

primary barrier to the filtration of proteins, sandwiched in between capillary endothelial layer and epithelial layer

epithelial cell layer

podocytes-foot processes (interdigitate and form slit pores)

three layers=

the glomerular membrane or filtration barrier-flow of protein-free fluid from blood into lumen of bowman's capsule

glomerular filtration pressure =

net filtration rate due to starling forces

starling forces

1. glomerular capillary hydrostatic pressure 2. bowmans capsule oncotic pressure 60mmHg 3. glomerular oncotic pressure 4. glomerular oncotic pressure

glomerular capillary hydrostatic pressure

60mm Hg, INCREASE in hydrostatic pressure due to high resistance of EFFERENT arteriole

bowmans capsule hydrostatic pressure

OPPOSES filtration=15 mmHg, this pressure LESS than capillary HP & filtration pressure

glomerular oncotic pressure

due to presence of proteins in capillaries, 29 mmHg, OPPOSES filtration

net pressure opposing filtration at renal corpuscle under normal conditions is

44 mmHg

glomerular filtration pressure

16 mmHg

glomerular filtration rate

volume of plasma filtered per unit time (125 ml/min)

glomerular filtration rate(one day)

180 liters filtered every 22 minutes

filtration fraction

glomerular filtration rate (GFR)/ renal plasma flow (RPF), ex 125ml/min/625 ml/min=.20=20%

filtered load and equation and ex w. glucose

quantity of a particular solute that is filtered per unit time, GFR X solute plasma concentration, glucose: 125 ml/min X 1mg/min= 125 mg/min

freely filterable

without restriction when moving across the glomerular membrane

regulation of GFR

less than 1% filtered plasma is secreted, 99% is reabsorbed

regulation of GFR (MAP AND GFR)

an INCREASE in MAP caused and INCREASE in GFR and vice versa

function of intrinsic mechanism

allow for kidneys to maintain the GFR within narrow ranges

three intrinsic mechanisms

1. myogenic regulation 2. tubuloglomerular feedback 3. mesangial cells

myogenic regulation

INCREASE in MAP caused an INCREASE in pressure in afferent arteriole, stretch smooth muscle of afferent arteriole causes reflex contraction of muscle then VASOCONSTRICTION of afferent arteriole, pressure in glomerular capillaries DECREASES-also fall in MA

tubuloglomerular feedback

changes in GFR cause change in tubular fluid flow-change detected by specialized cells of the MACULA DENSA-cells secrete PARACINES-affect contraction of afferent arterioles, INCREASE in GFR=INCREASE in tubular flow=afferent arterioles constrict and reduce

mesangial cells

modified smooth muscle cells-surround glomerular capillaries-when blood pressure INCREASES=mesangial cells STRETCH-cells CONTRACT and DECREASE surface area of the capillaries available for filtration

extrinsic control glomerular filtration

fall of MAP INCREASES sympathetic nervous activity-causes afferent and efferent arterioles to contract, INCREASE in resistance contributes to INCREASE in MAP also DECREASES urine output-helps to conserve water and maintain blood volume


movement of filtered solutes and water from LUMEN of TUBULE back into the PLASMA

two barriers of reabsorption

tubule epithelium and capillary endothelium

two ways in which reabsorption occurs

1. active transporters in basolateral membrane w. carrier proteins present in apical membrane allowing FACILITATE DIFFUSION 2. active transporters can be present in the apical membrane w. carrier proteins located basolateral membrane

water reabsorption (passive)

happens by OSMOSIS, osmolarity in plasma INCREASE because of active transport because of substance from tubule to plasma, creates concentration gradient for water and water flows from region of GREATER OSMOLARITY in the plasma

passive reabsorption via diffusion

need a higher concentration in TUBULAR fluid than in plasma and substance must be permeant through plasma membrane ex. urea

transport maximum

when solute concentration is so high that all carrier proteins and pumps are occupied

urine "spillover

when plasma concentration of the solute rises to the point that the filtration concentration exceeds transport maximum, some of the solutes start to appear @ this point renal threshold is reached

glucose is

transported across the APICAL membrane by SODIUM-LINKED-active transport, a carrier protein moves it across BASOLATERAL membrane into peritubular fluid-diffuses into plasma


transport max for reabsorption=375 mg/min, normal= 80-100 mg/dL, GFR= 1.25 dL/min, filtered load=125 mg/min

glucose (true)

renal threshold=160-180mg/mL, filtered load=225 mg/min

tubular secretion

molecules move from plasma into the renal tubules to become part of the filtrate, same mechanisms as reabsorption-but in reverse

substances secreted (tubular secretion)

K+, H ions, waste products, Cl-, creatine, and foreign substance(penicillin)

regions of tubules differ in

substances transported and mechanisms of transport

non-regulated reabsorption in proximal tubule

70% H2O and Na+ that is filtered=reabsorbed in proximal tubule, glucose=100% reabsorbed

mass absorber is

proximal tubule-b.c such a large portion of solutes and water is reabsorbed there

three features of proximal tubule that facilitate mass absorption

1. apical membrane has many MICROVILLI that INCREASE surface area 2. cells posses large # of MITOCHONDRIA to supply ATP for active transport 3. the TIGHT JUNCTIONS between epithelia are more PERMEABLE to small solutes and water, which enable DIFFUSION by

distal tubule

1. fewer microvilli on apical membrane 2. epithelial cells have less mitochondria 3. tight junctions are less permeable

regulation of distal tubule

achieved by presence of RECEPTORS to various hormones, affect change in absorption and secretion of various solutes and water

water conservation: Loop of Henle

juxtamedullary nephrons is designed to create an OSMOTIC GRADIENT in the medulla so that the ONCOTIC PRESSURE increases from the boundary between the cortex and the medulla to the renal papilla-enables kidneys to conserve water


elimination of solute and water as urine

amount secreted =

amount filtered + amount secreted - amount reabsorbed

excretion rate

if filtered load of a solute is calculated and compared to the solute excreted per min., the NET EFFECT of renal processing can be determined

excretion rate (two rules)

1. if the amount of solute excreted is LESS than the filtered load then net reabsorption of the solute occurred 2. if the amount of the solute excreted is GREATER than the filtered load then net secretion of the solute occurred


a way of measuring excretion rates, IMAGINARY b/c it is the measure of the volume of plasma from which a substance is completely removed, virtual b.c portions of plasma are never completely cleared, useful for describing how the kidneys are handling one s

equation for clearance

excretion rate/ plasma concentration or U X V/P

relative clearance of solutes

indicates how excretion affects the plasma concentration of one solute compared to another


concentration of substance in Urine

clearance- P=

concentration of substance in plasma


urine flow rate

equation for excretion rate


estimates of glomerular filtration rate

a substance can be used to calculate the glomerular filtration rate if it is neither absorbed or secreted ex. inulin

excretion rate of inulin =

the filtered load or GFR X Pinulin (concentration of inulin in plasma)

finding clearance of inulin gives you GFR b.c

GFR=excretion rate of inulin/Pinulin=clearance


natural substance in body that can be used to estimate the GFR, freely filtered, not reabsorbed, slightly secreted, slightly overestimates GFR, but its clearance can be used as a suitable clinical estimate of GFR

two rules to determine the rates of solutes in renal tubules

1. if the clearance of a substance is greater than the GFR then NET SECRETION occurred in the renal tubules 2. if the clearance of a substance is LESS than the GFR then net REABSORPTION occured

clearance of glucose is

0 because it is completely reabsorbed

para-aminohippuric acid (PAH)

freely filtered, not reabsorbed, secreted completely into tubules


urine is stored in the bladder until it is expelled through this process

detrusor muscle

smooth muscle in the wall of the bladder

internal urethral sphincter

smooth muscle at the neck of the bladder

external urethral sphincter

flow of urine is controlled by the skeletal muscle of the pelvic floor

as expansion of the bladder continues with urine coming in

stretch receptors in the wall of the bladder become activated and trigger the mixturation reflex

parasympathetic neurons innervate

the detrusor muscle

sympathetic neurons innervate

the internal urethral sphincter

somatic motor neurons innervate

the external urethral sphincter

describe how bladder empties

increase in activity of stretch receptors caused PNS to cause contraction of detrusor muscle and SNS relaxation of internal urethral sphincter and Somatic caused relaxation of external urethral sphincter-opening of internal and external urethral sphincter

explain when micturition is overridden by voluntary control

descending pathways from cerebral cortex can inhibit parasympathetic neurons and stimulate motor neurons that excite the external urethral sphincter and this inhibit micturition