Physio - Chapter 12 Muscles

What connects skeletal muscles to bones?


Muscle Body

generates force and contains bundles (fascicles) of muscle cells


plasma membrane of the muscle cell

Muscle Cells

muscle fibers", multinucleate


rod-like fibers that are the contractile component of the muscle cell, contain overlapping thick and thin filaments (myosin and actin), composed repeating units called sarcomeres

Sarcoplasmic Reticulum

The smooth ER that surrounds the myofibrils

Transverse Tubules

inward extensions of the sarcolemma


the striped appearance of skeletal muscle due to an orderly arrangement of thick and thin filaments that run parallel to the long axis of the fiber


Bordered by Z lines,
M lines in the center,
A Band is the dark band that is the length of the thick filament,
H Zone is the light region in the center of the A Band,
I Band is the light band where only think filaments are located


Thin filaments (globular, and linked to form helical strands)


Thick Filaments (myosin molecules are composed of a head and tail, and the thick filament consists of pairs of myosin molecules, attached by their tails)

Myosin Head

Has a site that binds to actin (to form cross-bridges) and an ATPase site that hydrolyzes ATP


How actin and myosin are attached

What are the two regulatory proteins associated with actin?

Tropomyosin (covers binding sites on actin) & Troponin (uncovers binding sites when bound to Ca)


an elastic protein that extends the length of each thick filament, from M line to Z line, and gives the sarcomere its elasticity.

Sliding Filament Theory

A model that explains muscle contraction by the sliding of thick and thin filaments over one another.

Cross-Bridge Cycle

1. Binding of Myosin to Actin.
2. Power Stroke.
3. Rigor.
4. Unbinding of Myosin and Actin.
5. Cocking of Myosin Head.

Step One: Binding of Myosin to Actin

The myosin head is in its high-energy conformation, bound to ADP and Pi, and binds to an actin subunit in the adjacent thin filament.

Step Two: Power Stroke

Binding causes release of ADP and Pi and energy is released as the myosin head pivots toward the middle of the sarcomere and pulls the attached actin filament with it.

Step Three: Rigor

Myosin head is in its low energy form and remains bound to actin until the myosin head binds to ATP.

Step Four: Unbinding of Myosin and Actin

After ATP binds to the myosin head a conformational change occurs that causes the myosin head to attach from actin

Step Five: Cocking of the Myosin Head

The ATP is soon hydrolyzed bt the ATP associated with the myosin head and the energy that is releases forces the myosin head back into its high-energy conformation from where the cycle can repeat itself

Muscles contract smoothly because

crossbridges going through the cycle are at different phases in the cycle.

The corssbridges on either side of the M line bend ________ each other causing the actin to slide toward the __________ which results in the sarcomere getting _______________.

towards, middle, shorter

Excitation Contraction Coupling Steps

1. a. ACh is released from the axon terminal of a motor neuron and binds to the receptors in the motor end plate.
b. The binding elicits an end-plate potential.
c. the end-plate potential triggers an AP in the muscle cell.
2. AP propagates along the sarco

How many motor neurons is each muscle fiber innervated by?


End plate potential is ALWAYS followed by

an action potential

Why is there a high concentration of Ca++ in the SR?

because of the presence of Ca++ pumps

After the Ca++ leaves the SR where does it go?


Protein Receptors in the SR are called

Ryanodine receptors (or foot structures)

Protein Receptors in the T-tubule are called

Dihydropyradine receptors (DHP)

What causes the DHP recpetor to open the Ca++ channel of the ryanodine receptor?

Depolarization of the T-tubule

The Ca++ then acts as a ___________.

Ligand, binds to ligand-gated Ca++ channels un the SR to cause the release of more Ca++

What causes calcium to bind to the troponin complex?

An increase in cytosolic calcium

Under high exertion ATP in the muscle may be rapidly depleted. What is the body's way of meeting this demand temporarily? And, what catalyzes the reaction?

Creatine/Creatine Phosphate system (creatine phosphate + ADP <--> creatine + ATP)
creatine kinase

Continuous muscle contraction at moderate rates is sustained by the ATP produced by _____________ ______________.

oxidative phsophorylation

What happens after glycogen reserves are used up (within the first few seconds)?

glucose and fatty acids are supplied by the blood stream

What is the primary energy source after 20-30 minutes?

fatty acids

During heavy exercise ATP is produced at a rate that ________ builds up too rapidly to undergo phsophorylation, so it is converted into ____________. What does this cause?

pyruvate, lactic acid, burning/soreness of the muscle

Muscle twitch

the mechanical response of an individual muscle fiber

Phases of a muscle twitch

Latent Period (delay between action potential and start of contraction),
Contraction Phase (end of the latent phase to peak of muscle tension),
Relaxation Phase (peak of tension to return of tension to zero)


Repetitive stimulation produces twtches of the same magnitude and shape

Isometric Twitch

Muscle fiber DOES NOT shorten because the load is greater than the force of the contraction, graphing this results in a "bell-shaped curve


force opposing contraction

Isotonic Twitch

Muscle fiber DOES shorten because the force of the contraction is at least equal to the load, graphing this show a plateau during which force or tension is constant

Factors that affect the force generation of individual muscle fibers

1. Frequency of Stimulation
2. Fiber Diameter
3. Changes in Fiber Length

Frequency of Stimulation

~("treppe") - peak in tension rises in step-wise fashion bc muscle is stimulated so frequently. Ca++ release exceeds Ca++ reuptake,
~another explanation is muscle fiber is "warmed up" and enzymatic rate increases
~summation - muscle twitch is slower than


when summation results in levels of tension reaching a plateau, can be incomplete/unfused or complete/fused

maximum tetanic tension

when a muscle is at a maximum sustained tension

Fiber Diameter

The number of crossbridges in each sarcomere, and the geometrical arrangement (number parallel) of sarcomeres, can affect the amount of force generating capacity. The greater the cross-sectional area of a fiber, the more force it can generate.

Force Generating Capacity

Maximum tetanic tension a muscle fiber can generate in an isometric twitch

Changes in Fiber Length

The optimum length of a muscle fiber is when it allows for the greatest number of active crossbridges, but it decrease as fibers are stretched to far or shorten too much. (Thin filaments begin to overlap and interfere with each others movements, and thick

Factors Regulating Force Generated by Whole Muscles

Size Principle
Velocity of Shortening


The whole muscle can generate greater force by increasing the number of individual fibers that contract, due to varying the number of active motor units

Size Principle

When a muscle is called upon to generate small forces only small motor units are stimulated, but when larger forces are needed larger motor units are recruited.

Velocity of Shortening

When a muscle contracts isotonically under increasing loads the following occur:
1. latent period increases
2. duration of shortening decreases
3. velocity of shortening decreases

Factors of Types of Fibers

Speed of Contraction - slow-twitch (ex. soleus) or fast-twitch (ex. extraocular) myosin
Primary Mode of ATP Production - Glycolytic or Oxidative

Glycolytic Fibers

high cytosolic concentration of glycolytic enzymes, few mitochondria, bigger, fewer capillaries, lighter in color, can cause lactic acid build up

Oxidative Fibers

rich in mitochondria, high capacity for oxidative phsophorylation but are slower in producing ATP, smaller, darker in color, more capilaries, more resistant to fatigue, contain myoglobin

Very High intensity exercise may cause neuromuscular fatigue due to

depletion of ACh

Muscle growth

increase in fiber diameter due to increase in myofibrils

Two types of receptors for communicating info to CNS for coordinated activity

- muscle spindles
-Golgi tendon organs

Muscle Spindles

stretch receptors", 2-12 intrafusal fibers enclosed in a sheath of connective tissue surrounded regular skeletal muscle fibers (extrafusal fibers)

Central Bag Region

Expanded central region of muscle spindle fibers where the nuclei of these fibers are located

Two types of Sensory Receptors associated with intrafusal receptors

Annulospiral endings (end of a type Ia afferent fiber)
flower spray endings (branching end of type II afferent fibers of these neurons are located on either side of the central bag region)

Gamma Motor Neurons

innervate contractile fibers and adjust the sensitivity of stretch receptors, when they fire it increases tension in the intrafusal fibers

What happens when a voluntary muscle contraction occurs?

Both alpha (going to extrafusal fibers) and gamma (going to intrafusal fibers) contract together

Golgi Tendon Organs

capsules of connective tissue intertwined with the collagen fibers of the tendons, innervated by type Ib fibers that detect the degree of stretch imposed on the tendon

Smooth Muscle

Has thick and thin filaments but they are not arranged in myofibrils. Filaments are parallel but bundles are arranged obliquely in various directions and are connected to the cells exterior by dense bodies

Excitation Contraction Coupling in Smooth Muscle

1. Smooth Muscle contracts when voltage-gated Ca++ channels cause calcium to enter the cytosol from the SR and from outside the cell.
2. Calcium binds reversibly with calmodulin
3. Calcium-Calmodulin complex activates myosin light chain kinase.
4. MLCK ca

How does the contraction of skeletal muscle compare to smooth muscle contraction?

Smooth muscle contraction takes longer to initiate and terminate.

Smooth muscles are innervated by:

-Autonomic Neurons
-Can be Symp, P-Symp, or both
-Can be excitatory or inhibitory
-May cause relaxation or contraction depending on differences in the NT receptors in different locations

Autonomic nuerons form synapses with

groups of cells


The swellings found along the length of the axon where NT is released for smooth muscles, which cause a neighboring group of cells to contract.

Why do smooth muscle contract in groups?

Gap junctions between cells allow electrical signals to spread from one cell to another

Most smooth muscle cells respond to neuron stimulation in a

graded fashion.

Some smooth muscle cells display a resting degree of

tension or tone

Smooth muscle may also respond to the presence of

hormones and mechanical stretch

Multi-Unit Smooth Muscle

An organization where smooth muscle cells are mostly seperate and richly supplied with neurons. They are found in places where fine control of contraction is needed (ex. respiratory airways and large arteries).

Single-Unit Smooth Muscle

Smooth muscles are connected by gap junctions and there are fewer neurons (ex. walls of GI tract and uterus), may serve as pacemakers by depolarizing on a regular basis to produce pacemaker potentials

Cardiac Muscle

Has a sarcomere structure and a troponin/tropomyosin system for regulating contractions.
Extensively connected by gap junctions that allow APs to spread rapidly
Cardiac APs are broad and last for hundreds of milliseconds, which prevents summation and allo

Some Cardiac Cells in SA and AV nodes show

pacemaker activity, which allows the heart to beat by itself without neural input.