Physiology Ch 12

Muscles generate what three things?

motion, force, and heat

Skeletal muscles are controlled by..

somatic motor neurons

Cardiac and smooth muscle are controlled by..

autonomic innervation, paracrines, and hormones

___ is the more distal or mobile attachment.


___ bring bones closer together


___ move bones further apart


Flexor-extensor pairs are examples of..

antagonistic muscle groups

___ allow action potentials to move rapidly into the interior of the fiber and release calcium from the sarcoplasmic reticulum.


___ are intracellular bundles of contractile and elastic proteins.


___ are made of myosin.

Thick filaments

___ are made of mostly actin

thin filaments

___ and ___ hold thick and thin filaments in position.

Titin, nebulin

Myosin binds to actin, creating ___ between thick and thin filaments


One ____ is composed of two Z-disks and the filaments between them.


A sarcomeere is divided into ___ (thin filaments only).

I bands

An ____ runs the length of a thick filament.

A band

_____ is occupied of thick filaments only.

H zone

M line is an attachment site for...


Z disks are attachment sites for...


The force created by contracting muscle is called

muscle tension

The ____ states that during contraction, overlapping thick and think filaments slide past each other in an energy dependent manner as a result of acin-myosin crossbridge movement.

Sliding filament theory of contraction

In a relaxed muscle, ____ partially blocks the myosin-binding site on actin.


To initiate contraction, Ca2+ binds to ___, unblocking the myosin-binding sites and allows myosin to complete its power stroke


During relaxation, the sarcoplasmic reticulum uses a _____ to pump Ca2+ back into its lumen.


Myosin converts energy from ATP into motion, ____ hydrolyzes ATP to ADP and P.

Myosin ATPase

When myosin releases P, the myosin head moves in the _____.

power stroke

At the end of the power stroke, myosin releases ADP. The cycle ends in the ____, with myosin tightly bound to actin.

Rigor state

In _____, a somatic motor neuron releases ACh, which initiates a skeletal muscle action potential that leads to contraction.

excitation-contraction coupling

Voltage-sensing Ca2+ channels called ____ in the t-tubules open RyR Ca2+ release channels in the sarcoplasmic reticulum

DHP receptors

___ occurs when Ca2+ is pumped back into the SR by a Ca2+-ATPase


Single contraction-relaxation cycle is known as a ___.


The ___ between the end of the muscle action potential and the beginning of muscle tension development represents the time required for Ca2+ release and binding to troponin

latent period

Muscle fibers store energy for contraction in ____.


____ is a reversible condition in which a muscle is no longer able to generate or sustain the expected power output.

Muscle fatigue

Skeletal muscle fibers can be classified on the basis of their speed of contraction and resistance to fatigue into what three fibers?

fast-twitch glycolytic, fast-twitch oxidative-glycolytic, and slow-twitch (oxidative)

___ is an oxygen binding pigment that transfers oxygen to the interior of the muscle fiber.


the tension is of a skeletal muscle contraction is determined by the ____ before contraction begins.

length of the sarcomeres

Maximal contraction


____ are of the same fiber type.

motor units

The force of contraction within a skeletal muscle can be increased by ___ of additional motor units.


An ____ creates force as the muscle shortens and moves a load.

isotonic contraction

An ____ creates force without moving a load

isometric contraction

Isometric contractions occur because ____ allow the fibers to maintain constant length even though the sarcomeres are shortening and creating tension.

series elastic elements

Contraction is fastest when the load on the muscle is..


___ can sustain contractions longer than skeletal muscle without fatiguing

smooth muscle

___ are relaxed, ___ are usually contracted. (smooth muscle)

Phasic muscles, tonic smooth muscle

Smooth muscle has less ___ than skeletal muscle


____ contracts as a single unit when depolarizations pass form cell to cell through gab junctions

single-unit smooth muscle

In ___, individual muscle fibers are stimulated independently

multi-unit smooth muscle

Smooth muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum has both RyR Ca2+ release channels and ____.

IP3-receptor channels

MLCK phosphorylates ______ which activates myosin ATPase. THis allows corssbridge power strokes

myosin light protein chains

During relaxation Calcium is pumped out of the cytosol, and myosin light chains are dephosphorylated by ___

myosin phosphatase

In ____, stretch on the cell depolarizes it and opens membrane Ca2+ channels

myogenic contraction

Unstable membrane potentials in smooth muscle take the form of either ____ or pacemaker potentials.

slow wave potentials

In ____, smooth muscle contraction initiated by chemical signals can take place without a significant change in membrane potential.

pharmacomechanical coupling