Physiology Ch 4

Energy is

the capacity to do work

Potential Energy

The general term that describes energy stored in chemical bonds

entropy, energy

According to the second law of thermodynamics: The amount of ___ in living systems increases without the input of ___.

Transfer energy

Chemical reactions in a living system function to

Synthesis, energonic

The ___ of glycogen from many glucose molecules is an ___ reaction

Activation energy is

The energy required to bring molecules into a postion where they can interact

There are small changes in the net free energy from substrate to product

A reversible reaction is one where...


Are enzymes with slightly different structure that catalyze the same reaction

Lowering the activation energy of a reaction

Enzymes increase reaction rate by

There is no net change in the amount of substrates or products

When a chemical reaction is in equilibrium...


Organic molecules that act as receptors/carriers for the cleaved portion of the substrate


The activity of an enzyme is changed by environmental factors such as temperature or pH; these factors are referred to as

phosphorylation; kinase

The addition of a phosphate group to a substrate is called ___. The enzyme that catalyzes this reaction is referred to as a ___.

Addition, subtraction, and exchange reactions

Phosphate groups may be transferred from one molecule to another during


When an enzyme's activity is destroyed by heat or a change in pH

The active site

A competitive inhibitor binds to

A region of the enzyme other than the active site

An allosteric modulator binds to


An enzyme that transfers chemical groups among substrates


An enzyme that joins two substrates using energy


An enzyme that adds or subtracts water molecules


An enzyme that transfers phosphates from ATP to a substrate molecule


A molecule that loses electrons during a reaction

active sites of enzymes

The ___ are regions of an enzyme that are involved in bringing substrates together


When an enzyme is working as fast as it can because its active site is continually refilled with substrate

Gain of electron

Results in a REDUCED molecule

End-product inhibition

The process whereby increasing amounts of product reduce activity of the enzyme


When energy is released during catabolism, it is temporarily trapped in high energy bonds or electrons of certain compounds. Which of the following is NOT associated with carrying energy?


Grouping related enzymes into specific organelles

Aerobic metabolism of glucose

Requires oxygen and produces more ATP per glucose than anaerobic pathways

Cytoplasm, mitochondria

The reactions of glycolysis occur in the cell's ___; the reactions of the citric acid cycle occur in the ___.


In the aerobic metabolism of glucose, ___ acts as the final electron acceptor.

The chemiosmotic theory

The explanation for how ATP bonds are actually formed during oxidative phosphorylation is


For each NADH molecule that moves through the electron transport system, what is the potential yield of ATP molecules?


What is the potential yield of ATP molecules for each FADH2 molecule entering the electron transport system?

The NADH molecules produced during glycolysis are in the cytoplasm; occasionally, electrons are carried by the lower energy FADH2 instead of NADH.

Why is there a range of 30-32 ATP molecules produced from one glucose molecule?

Glucose, amino acids, and fatty acids

Can serve as substrates for ATP production

Kinetic, ATP

ATP synthase transfers the ___ energy of the H+ ions to the high-energy phosphate bond of ___.


Removing an amine group from one molecule and binding it to a different molecule


The process of forming mRNA is


After forming a complex with the ribosome, mRNA interacts with a third molecule. This molecule is

Start, promoter region

The TAC sequence of DNA is the ___ of a coding sequence that is preceded by the ___ that regulates transcription.


All of the triplet codes needed to produce exactly one functional piece of RNA are found in one


Information stored in the nucleus is translated into


Transcription occurs in the ___ of the cell

RNA polymerases

The enzymes that synthesize mRNA from the start codon

Induced, transcription factors

To activate a regulated gene, the formation of mRNA is ___ by the binding of ___ to the promoter

Intron, alternative splicing

Once synthesized, the ___ of mRNA are removed through ___, which results in the formation of the coding sequence of a protein.


The tRNA molecule contains the three-base sequence called the


In the absence of a signal sequence, a newly synthesized protein localizes to the


Following post-translational modification, any misfolded protein will be destroyed by


Representative Enzyme for Synthetase


Representative Enzyme for Dehydrogenase


Representative Enzyme for Dehydratase


Representative Enzyme for Lipase


Representative Enzyme for Kinase


Representative Enzyme for Aminase


Representative Enzyme for Deaminase


A molecule positioned on the high-concentration side of a concentration gradient stores ___ energy.

Reversible reaction

A chemical reaction that can proceed in both directions


Chemical reactions that require an input of energy are said to be ___.


Metabolic intermediates use ___ bonds to transfer energy to the high-energy bonds of ATP, NADH, FADH2, or NADPH


The rates of chemical reactions that occur in the human body are controlled by a particular type of protein called ___.

Key intermediate

A certain molecule that participates in more than one biochemical pathway and acts as a branch point for channeling substrate in one direction or another is called a ___.

Reaction rate

___ describes how much product is generated or substrate destroyed within a period of time.


The availability of ___ determines if pyruvate continues into the citric acid cycle.

Glucose-6-phosphate, ATP

Glucose is phosphorylated to ___ with a phosphate from ___.


The activity of metabolic pathways is influenced by the ratio of ___.


In the process of ___ a phosphate group is attached to a molecule.

NADH, mitochondria

___ generated in the ___ enter the electron transport system to generate 2.5 ATP molecules.

Potential energy, intermembrane space

Energy released by electrons moving through the electron transport system is stored as ___ by H+ ions concentrated in the ___.

Inner mitochondrial membrane, cytochromes

The electron transport system is located in the ___ and includes enzymes and iron-containing proteins known as ___ .


During the synthesis of proteins, amino acids are assembled in the proper sequence because the tRNA molecules that bring them to the ribosomes have an ___ that is complementary to a specific codon in the mRNA.

Transcription; nucleus, translation

mRNA is created in a process called ___. It then leaves the ___ and enters the cytosol to direct ___, the assembly of amino acids into protein.


Amino acids are carried to the ribosomes to be incorporated into polypeptide chains by ___.

RNA polymerase, magnesium

The enzyme ___ and ___ ions are required for the synthesis of mRNA.


A molecule of ___ consists of all the codons needed to produce a specific polypeptide chain at the ribosome.


Ribosomes are composed of protein and ___.


RNA is usually ___ stranded.

Small interfering, micro

Two types of RNA block translation of mRNA. They are ___ RNA and ___ RNA.

Constitutively active

Genes that are always being expressed in a cell involve promoters that are ___.

Promoter, induce, repress

Transcription factors are proteins whose binding to the ___ region for a gene can ___ (increase) or ___ (decrease) expression of that gene.


The ___ is the portion of the mRNA that contains the coding sequence of the gene.

Dehydration synthesis

The peptide bond formed between amino acids occurs as a consequence of ____.

Molecular chaperones

Proteins folding can take place spontaneously or with ___.

Exergonic chemical reaction

Releases energy as the reaction progresses.

The enzyme would not be able to function

How would the lack of a required cofactor for an enzyme affect that enzyme's function?

Damaged cells release enzymes into the blood that can be detected

Enzymes are often useful as diagnostic tools how?

Adding more substrate molecules

The rate of product formation by an enzyme-catalyzed reaction would be increased by

Either increase or decrease depending upon enzyme properties

Changes in environmental pH or temperature will cause the reaction rate for an enzyme to

Changing the concentration of an enzyme

Cells normally regulate the rate of an enzymatic reaction by

Ribonuclease activity and siRNA concentration

Increasing ___ will decrease the amount of mRNA transcript within a cell for a constitutively active gene

Accumulate inside the cell

In order to slow generation of product from a particular biochemical pathway within a cell, the intermediates formed by that pathway...


What is a key intermediate of glucose catabolism to the citric acid cycle?

2 ATP and 0 NADH

The net energy yield for the anaerobic metabolism of one glucose molecule is

Requires the vitamin pantothenic acid for its conversion to acetyl CoA

Inside the matrix of the mitochondria, pyruvate...

During anaerobic glycolysis

NADH is produced from each reaction described except one. Identify the exception:
During aerobic glycolysis,
During the conversion of pyruvate to acetyl CoA,
During the citric acid cycle,
or During anaerobic glycolysis

In the mitochondria due to the electron transport system, ATP

Oxidative phosphorylation occurs ___; the beneficial end product is ___.

ATP synthase

The protein in the mitochondria that captures the kinetic energy of moving H+ ions and converts it to the stored energy of ATP is called ____.

The oxygen is combined with hydrogen to form water

What happens to the oxygen that is metabolized within the mitochondria?

Isoenzymes are produced from a single gene.

What is the result of alternative splicing of mRNA?


Transcription of the DNA triplet sequence ATC yields ___.


Transcription of the DNA triplet sequence CAT will bind to the tRNA bearing ___.

Serves as a guide for mRNA synthesis

The template strand of DNA...


During starvation, steroid hormones trigger the transcription of genes for lipid metabolism in their target cells. This would be an example of control by ___.

Form proteins

If the enzyme RNA polymerase was completely inhibited within a cell, it could not...

DNA, promoter, where to bind to the DNA

Regulatory-protein transcription factors bind to ___ and activate ___, which tells the RNA polymerase ___.


Vitamins are precursors for ___.

Properties of Living organisms

Acquire, transform, store, and use energy.
Sense and respond to internal and external environments.
Maintain Homeostasis.
Store, use, and transmit information.
Reproduce, develop, grow, and die.

Chemical work

making and breaking chemical bonds

Transport work

useful for creating concentration gradients, moving ions, molecules, and larger particles

Mechanical work

moving organelles, changing shape, beating flagella and cilia, and contracting muscles

Exergonic Reaction

ATP + H20 --> ADP + Pi + H+ + Energy

Endergonic Reaction

Glucose --> Glycogen

Activation Energy

Coupled reactions acquire...