Human Physiology Exam 1


The study of the normal functioning of a living organism and its component parts, including all its chemical and physical processes.

Levels of Organization in the Human Body

1. Atoms
2. Molecules
3. Organelles
4. Cells
5. Tissues
6. Organs
7. Organs Systems
8. Organisms

The Organ Systems of the Human Body

1. Circulatory
2. Digestive
3. Endocrine
4. Lymphatic
5. Integumentary
6. Muscular
7. Skeletal
8. Nervous
9. Reproductive (male and female)
10. Urinary

Themes of Physiology

1. Structure and function are closely related
2. Living organisms need energy
3. Information flow coordinates body functions
4. Homeostasis maintains internal stability
5. Evolution


Process by which organisms maintain and regulate a relatively stable internal environment.

Extracellular Fluid (ECF)

The fluid found outside or around cells. Includes Interstitial fluid and plasma.

Intracellular Fluid (ICF)

Fluid found within the cells.

The Law of Mass Balance

The Law that states that the amount of a substance in the body remains constant, and that any gain must be offset by an equal loss. (Input must equal Output)

The Law of Mass Balance (equation)

Total amount of substance x in the body = intake + production - excretion - metabolism

Input components in the body

Water, nutrients, oxygen, other gases, volatile molecules, lipid soluble chemicals enter the body through the intestines, lungs, and skin. Also includes metabolic production.

Output components in the body

Excretion waste by kidneys, liver, lungs and skin. Also includes the conversion of a substance to another substance through metabolism.

Mass Flow (equation)


Response Loop

Stimulus ~> sensor ~> input signal ~> integrating center ~> output signal ~> target ~> response

Feedback Loop

A physiological reflex in which the response "feeds back" to influence the input portion of the pathway thus ending the reflex response.

Negative Feedback

A homeostatic pathway in which the response opposes or removes the signal.

Positive Feedback

A non-homeostatic pathway in which the response reinforces the stimulus rather than decreasing or removing it.

Major Essential Elements

1. Carbon-------
2. Hydrogen-------Most essential
3. Oxygen-----
4. Nitrogen
5. Phosphorus
6. Sulfur


Organic molecules associated with living organisms.

The 4 groups of biomolecules

1. Carbohydrates
2. Lipids
3. Proteins
4. Nucleotides

Conjugated Proteins

Protein molecules combined with another kind of biomolecules


Molecules to which a carbohydrate has been attached.


The biomolecules have a backbone of glycerol and 1-3 fatty acids. Includes lipid related steroids.


These biomolecules are the most abundant and can be divided into three categories: monosaccharides, disaccharides, and polysaccharides.


These carbohydrates are the simplest sugars and considered the building blocks of the more complex carbohydrates. Include Ribose (RNA) Deoxyribose (DNA), Fructose, Glucose, Galactose.


These carbohydrates consists of Glucose and another monosaccharide. Include Sucrose(Fructose+Glucose), Maltose(Glucose+Glucose), Lactose(Glucose+Galactose)


These carbohydrates are Glucose polymers and all living cells store glucose for energy in this form. Includes Glycogen in animals and Starch in plants


These biomolecules are polymers of amino acids (there are 20 different amino acids) which have a carboxyl group (-COOH), an amino group (-NH2), and a hydrogen attached.


These biomolecules play an important role in energy and information transfer. They include one or more phosphate groups, a 5-carbon sugar, and a nitrogenous base.

Single Nucleotide Molecules

These type of nucleotides molecules help capture and transfer energy in high-energy e- or phosphate bonds and aid in cell to cell communication. Ex: ATP, ADP, NAD, FAD, and cAMP.

Functional Groups

These are combinations of elements that tend to move from molecule to molecule as a single unit.
1. Amino (-NH2)
2. Carboxyl (-COOH)
3. Hydroxyl (-OH)
4. Phosphate (-H2PO4)

Important Ions of the Body

1. Sodium (Na+)
2. Potassium (K+)
3.Calcium (Ca++)
4.Hydrogen (H+)
5.Magnesium (Mg++)
6.Chloride (Ch-)
7.Bicarbonate (HCO3-)
8. Phosphate (HPO4--)
9. Sulfate (SO4--)

Characteristics of e-

-can form covalent bonds
-gained of lost create ions
-capture and store energy
-create free radicals

Fibrous Protein

This protein may be B-pleated sheets or long chains of A-helices that are insoluble in water and from important structural components of cells and tissues.

Globular Protein

This protein has an amino acid chain that folds back on itself to create a complex tertiary structure that contains pockets, channels, or protruding knobs.

The pH of Blood

7.40 pH


Any substance that moderates changes in pH
Ex: Bicarbonate anion

Protein Categories

1. Enzymes
2. Membrane transporters
3. Signal molecules
4. Receptors
5. Binding proteins
6. Immunoglobulins
7. Regulatory proteins


These types of protein are biological catalysts that speed up chemical reactions.

Membrane transporters

These type of protein help move substances back and forth between the ICF and ECF.

Signal molecules

These type of protein act as hormones and other signal molecules


These type of protein bind signal molecules and initiate response

Binding proteins

These type of protein bind and transport molecules throughout the body


These type of proteins are extracellular immune proteins, also called antibodies

Regulatory proteins

These type of proteins turn cell processes on and off or up and down


Any molecule or in that binds to another molecule


The degree to which a protein is attracted to a ligand

Law of Mass Action

This law states that when a reaction is at equilibrium, the ratio of he products to the substrates is always the same


The related ligands compete for the binding sites are said to be this.


These are competing ligands that mimic each other's actions


These are closely related proteins whose function is similar but whose affinity for ligands differs

Proteolytic Activation

When the protein is inactive until peptide fragments are removed

Allosteric Activation

This is a modulator that binds to protein away from binding sites and turns it on


These are required for an active bonding site for most proteins and enzymes

Competitive Inhibitor

This type of inhibition blocks ligand binding at the binding site

Allosteric Inhibitor

This is a modulator that binds to protein away from binding site and inactivates the bonding site

Factors that Influence Protein Activity

1. Temperature and pH
2. Amount of protein
3. Amount of ligand

The cell membrane

This membrane contains Carbohydrates, Proteins, Chlesterol, Phospholipids/Sphigolipids

Integral Protein

These type of protein are tightly bound to the membrane. Include Transmembrane protein, and lipid-anchored protein

Peripheral Protein

These proteins are attached to other membrane proteins by noncovalent interactions. Include enzymes and some structural binding protein that are anchored to the cytoskeleton

Transmembrane Protein

These are protein chains that extend all the way across the cell membrane


These are membrane carbohydrates that attach to glycoproteins or glycolipids and are found exclusively on the external surface of the cell where they from a protective layer and cell recognition

Cytoplasmic Protein Fibers

These protein fibers have to purposes: structural support and movement. Include:
1. Microfilaments
2. Intermediate filaments
3. Microtubules


These are the thinnest protein fibers also called actin fibers

Intermediate Filaments

These are a type of protein fiber that are made up of different types of protein including keratin, and neurofilament


These are the largest type of protein fiber that are hollow and are made of a protein called tubulin. These are also create complex structures such as: centrioles, cilia, and flagella

Primary Tissue Types in Humans

1. Epithelial
2. Connective
3. Muscle
4. Neural

The 3 Major Types of Junctions

1. Gap Junctions
2. Tight Junctions
3. Anchoring Junctions

Gap Junctions

This junction allows direct cell to cell communication in the form of chemical or electrical signals.

Tight Junctions

This junction restrict the movement of material between the cells they link.

Anchoring Junction

This type of junction attaches cells to each other or to the extracellular matrix.

Epithelial Tissue

This type of tissue protects the internal environment of the body and regulates the exchange of materials between the internal and external envn't

Types of Epithelial Tissue

1. Exchange Epithelium
2. Protective " "
3. Ciliated " "
4. Secretory " "
5. Transporting "

Exchange Epithelium

This type of epithelial tissue is composed of thin flat cells that allow gases to pass rapidly between the cells.

Protective Epithelium

This type of epithelial tissue prevent the exchange between the internal and external environments and protect areas subject to mechanical of chemical stress

Ciliated Epithelium

This type of epithelial tissue are nontransporting tissues that line the respiratory tract and parts of the female rep. sys. The apical surface is lined with cilia that move fluid and particles across the surface of the tissue

Secretory Epithelium

This type of epithelial tissue is composed of cells that produce a substance and then secretes it into the extracellular space. Includes Endocrine glands and Exocrine glands.

Endocrine Glands

This type of epithelial gland is ductless and release their secretion, called hormone, directly into the blood stream for they are highly vascularized.

Exocrine Glands

This type of epithelial glands have ducts and release their secretion onto the body's external environment.

Transporting Epithelium

This type of epithelial tissue actively and selectively regulate the exchange of nongaseous materials, such as ions and nutrients, between the internal and external environments

Connective Tissue

This type of tissue provides structural support and sometimes a physical barrier that, along with specialized cells, helps defend the body from foreign invaders such as bacteria.

Types of Connective Tissue

1. Loose connective tissue
2. Dense irregular c. t.
3. Blood
4. Cartilage
5. Bone

Loose Connective Tissue

This type of C. T. are the elastic tissues that underline skin and provide support for small glands. Includes areolar, adipose and elastic c.t

Dense Connective Tissue

This type of C. T. provides strength or flexibility. Include regular, irregular, and reticular. Collagen fibers are dominant


This type of C. T. is a semi-solid and therefore flexible, it is notable for its lack of blood supply. Includes hyaline, elastic, and fibrocartilage


This type of C. T. is a solid due to calcification. Includes spongy and compact bone.


This type of C. T. is characterized by its watery extracellular matrix called plasma. Includes red and white cells along with cell fragments called platelets

Mast Cells

This type of cell produce histamine which increases permeability of capillaries and sets the stage for inflammation


The capacity to do work

The 3 Types of Work

1. Chemical Work
2. Transport Work
3. Mechanical Work

Chemical Work

This type of work is the making and breaking of chemical bonds.

Transport Work

This type of work enables cells to move ions, molecules, and larger particles through the cell membrane and through the membranes of organelles in the cell

Mechanical Work

This type of work is used for micro and macro movement.

The 2 Forms of Energy

1. Kinetic energy
2. Potential energy

Kinetic Energy

The energy of motion

Potential Energy

Stored energy that can be converted into kinetic energy


This is the study of energy use

1st Law of Thermodynamics

This law states that the total amount of energy in the universe is constant

2nd Law of Thermodynamics

This law states that processes move from a state of order to randomness or disorder, or entropy

Activation Energy

This is the initial input of energy required to bring reactants into a position that allows them to react with each other.


The study of energy flow through biological systems

Chemical Reaction

This happens when reactants (A and B) become products (C and D).
A + B ~> C + D

Exergonic Reaction

This type of chemical reaction releases energy because the products have less energy than the reactants

Endergonic Reaction

This type of chemical reaction traps some activation energy in the products, which then have more free energy that the reactants


These are enzymes that catalyze the same reaction but under different conditions or different tissues


These are organic cofactors for enzymes that do not alter the enzyme's binding site.


The addition of a phosphate group


A molecule that loses an e- is said to have gone through this


A molecule that gains an e- is said to have gone through this

Dehydration Reactions

In this reaction a water molecule is one of the products. In other words, two substrates become one while losing water on the way

Hydrolysis Reaction

In this reaction a substrate changes into one or more products through the addition of water


The removal of an amino group from an amino acid or peptide


The addition of an amino group


Refers to all the chemical reactions that take place in an organism. It is often divided into:
1. Catabolism
2. Anabolism


This is a metabolic reaction in which energy is released due to the breakdown of large biomolecules


This is a metabolic reaction in which energy-utilizing reactions that result in the synthesis of large biomolecules


This step in ATP production occurs in cytoplasm; converts one glucose into 2 pyruvates, makes 2 ATP and NADH


The movement of water across a membrane in response to a solute concentration gradient


The number of osmotically active particles (ions or inactive molecules) per liter of solution.

Osmolarity (equation)

molarity(mol/L) x # of particles/molecule = osmolarity (osmol/L)


The concentration expressed as osmoles of solute per kilogram of water


When two solutions contain the same number of solute particles per unit volume


When a solution A has a higher osmolarity(contains more particles per unit volume, is more concentrated) than another solution (B) is is said to be this.


When a solution B has fewer osmoles per unit volume than the other solution (A) it is said to be this.


This is a physiological term used to describe a solution and how that solution would affect cell volume if the cell were placed in the solution and allowed to come to equilibrium.

Hypotonic Solution

A solution where the concentration of dissolved material inside the cell is higher than outside, causing the cell to swell at equilibrium.

Hypertonic Solution

A solution where the concentration of dissolved material inside the cell is lower than outside causing the cell to shrivel at equilibrium.

Isotonic Solution

A solution where the concentration of dissolved material inside the cell and outside cell are equal, causing the cell to have no change size at equilibrium.

Penetration Solutes

Solute particles that can enter the cell are called this.

Non-penetrating Solutes

Particles that cannot cross the cell membrane

Bulk Flow

The most general form of biological transport where a pressure gradient causes fluid to flow from regions of higher pressure to regions of lower pressure

Passive Transport

This type of transport does not require the input of energy.

Active Transport

This type of transport requires the input of energy from some outside source, such as the high energy phosphate bond of ATP


The movement of molecules from an area of higher concentration of the molecules to an area of lower concentration of the molecules.

Properties of Diffusion

1. It is a passive transport
2. It goes from high to low
3. It keeps going until equilibrium is reached
4. Fast in short distances and slow in long ones
5. Directly related to temperature
6. Rate is inversely related to weight and size
7. It can take plac

Simple Diffusion

Diffusion directly across the phospholipid bilayer of a membrane. Along with the 7 properties of diffusion this type of diffusion must also follow these properties:
8. Rate of diffusion depends on lipid solubility
9. Rate of diffusion is directly proporti

Fick's Law of Diffusion

This law states that the diffusion rate increases when surface area, the concentration gradient, or the membrane permeability increase.

Factors that influence membrane permeability

1. Size and shape of molecules
2. Lipid solubility of molecule
3. The composition of the lipid bilayer

Types of membrane proteins

1. Membrane transporters
2. Structural proteins
3. Membrane enzymes
4. Membrane receptors

The 2 types of Membrane Transporters

1. Carriers
2. Channels

Channel Proteins

These type of protein create water-filled passageways that directly link the intracellular and extracellular components

Carrier Proteins

These type of protein bind to the substrates that they carry but never from a direct connection between the ICF and the ECF.