Physiology Exam 1

Which term describes the physical attraction between ligand and binding site


What would the graph look like when graphing binding of the concentration of available ligand?

Sigmoidal curve

When comparing the binding of two receptors for the same ligand, the binding curve that is further to the left on a standard graph of receptor binding indicates

higher affinity between the ligand and the receptor used too generate that curve.

The presence of a specific binding protein for transport of the lipid soluble hormone means

More of the hormone can be dissolved in blood than is predicted nyt the solubility coefficient because of the presence of the carrier protein...

Which of the following signal transduction pathways involves phosphorylation of transcription factore allowing dimerize, translocate to the nucleus and increase transcription of specific messages.

Binding activates JAK that attached to the reseptor molecule

THe largest superfamily of receptors which of the follwong types of signaling pathways

G-protein-coupled receptors

Theenzyme that breaks PIP2 into IP3 and DAG is

Phospholipase C

An enzyme that creates a binding site on its substrate protein is a

Tyrosine kinase

The importance of a series of activated enzymes in a signaling pathway is...

amplication of original chemical signal

NSAIDS like aspirin or ibuprofen act by blocking or reducing the activity of...

cyclooxyggenase enzymes

Which of the following is a signaling protein activated by binding of calcium?


Ganglia are structures in the


Action potentials are carried on the


Motor neurons are also

Efferent neurons

THe most common type of neuron is an


Movement of the vesicle of materials from the nerve terminals from the nerve terminals of a neuron to the soma of the neuron is called

Retrograde transport

the glial cells which produce the CSF withing the CNS

Ependymal cells

Capacitance of the membrane

Is the collection of oppositely charged particles on either side of the cell membrane due to RMP

THe ion in highest concentration inside the cell is


Cytosolic calcium concentration is always

very low in a cell at rest

The voltage across the membrane at the point where sodium currents across the cell membrane in both directions are equal is called

the nernst potential of sodium

In classm, I described the Goldman equation is being sort of a weighted, composite version of the equation for equilibrium potential. How is the equation weighted within its own formula

for the membrane permeability of each individual ion

The term "undershoot" refers to

the part of the action potentiall when membrane potential is less than resting potential

Which is essentially the flow of ncurent within nerve cells

graded potentials

Which is generated by changes in current flow across the membrane of axons

acion potentials

Which shows decrement in its amplitude as it travels

graded potentials

What triggers an action potential

a recepter potential, a post-synaptic potential, and pacemake potential

The rising phase of the actionpotentail in neurons is associated with

Increasing Na permeability

The falling phase of the action potential is associated with

increased K permeability and decreased NA permeability.

The positive feedback loop that insures an action potentail fires is a generated by

voltage-gated Na channels

The negative feedback loop that helps to end absolute refractoriness of a neuron is generated by

voltage-gated K CHANNELS

During relative refractoriness

some voltage gated Na channels have reset

the reason that diameter of an axon affects the speed of conduction is

the larger diameter means the current of graded potential travels faster...

In saltatory conduction down myelinated axons

the signal under the myelin is current inside the cell and the signal at the nodes is an action potential

The post-synapric density is caused by

the clustering of reseptor proteins and other signaling npathway proteins in the membrane.

A synapse that modifies activity in a nerve terminal to reduce release of neurotransmitter for the nerve terminal onto itspastsynap[tic cell is calles...

an axo-axonic synapse

Release of neurotransmitter from a pre-synaptic cell requires

opening of voltage-gated Ca channels on the synaptic nerve terminal

Isoproterenol is used to speed up the heart and can also be administered in inhaled form to relax airways during an asthma attack; it is

an agonist for epinephrine at beta adrenergic receptor.

During long term potentiation at a glutamatergic synapse, which channel needs initial depolarization

the NMDA receptor (ca channel)

The enzyme that degrades norepinephrine in the synaptic cleft is

monoamine oxidase

Which type or receptor is also an ion channels

nicotinic cholinergic receptor

What is the most common excitatory neurotransmitter in the brain?


What is the most common inhibitory neurotransmitter in the spinal cord?


THe most common neuromodulator in the CNS is


THe lobe of the cortex where personility , decision,intiative and morals are generated is


The one part of the brain required to be present and functioning in order for a human to stand is the


Visual information is processed in

the occipital lobe of the cerebral cortex

Which part of the gray matter of the cerebral cortex stores motor patterns and sends signals to activate motor neurons

the rostral (anterior) "half" (from central sulcus forward)

The cranial nerve that innerviates the tooth sockets and is frequent target of dentists

trigeminal nerve (V)

The motor neurons that innervate skeletal muscles have soma located in the

the ventral horn of the spinal cord.

The spinal nerves that carry sensory and motor information going t the arms are the

cervical nerves

The snsory neurons that recieve input from skin, skeletal muscles nd joints have soma located in the

the dorsal root ganglia

Parasympathetic nerves leave the CNS via

The vagus nerve; the sacral spinal nerves

The neurotransmitter in the ganglion in both divisions of the sutonomic nervous system is


Which of the following indicates how closely the points lie to the line for a linear or curvilineart regression?



the p value

What are the underlying assumptions that must be tested prior to running a parametric statistical test

equal variance; normality of distribution

What is usually organized into the colums of a data table when reporting data in a scientific paper?

independent and dependent vaiables.

What is usually organized into the rows of a data table when reporting data ina scientific paper?

Levels of independent variabe, individual obsrvations of an experiment.

Assume you are making a bar graph, which bar would go on the left?

control group or condition

