Physiology Exam 4 Chapter 15 Review Questions

1) What is a hematocrit measuring?
A) the amount of hemoglobin in blood
B) the percentage of blood that is comprised of red blood cells
C) the percentage of blood that is comprised of red and white blood cells
D) the percentage of blood that is comprised


2) A normal hematocrit is approximately what value?
A) 10
B) 25
C) 45
D) 75
E) 90


3) Which of the following is NOT a protein found in plasma?
A) albumin
B) hormones
C) carbonic anhydrase
D) fibrinogen
E) globulins


4) What is the most abundant plasma protein?
A) albumin
B) hemoglobin
C) fibrinogen
D) globulins
E) carbonic anhydrase


5) A majority of the protein present within blood is synthesized within what organ?
A) skeletal muscles
B) liver
C) central nervous system
D) kidneys
E) lungs


6) Which of the following statements is NOT accurate with respect to erythrocytes?
A) They lack nuclei.
B) They lack mitochondria.
C) They contain large amounts of hemoglobin.
D) They migrate into infected regions of tissue.
E) They transport oxygen and c


7) Which of the following proteins is located inside erythrocytes?
A) hemoglobin only
B) spectrin only
C) carbonic anhydrase only
D) both hemoglobin and spectrin
E) hemoglobin, spectrin, and carbonic anhydrase


8) The iron-containing ring in hemoglobin is called ________ and it binds ________.
A) heme : carbon dioxide
B) spectrin : carbon dioxide
C) heme : oxygen
D) globin : oxygen
E) heme : carbon dioxide or oxygen


) What enzyme catalyzes the conversion of carbon dioxide and water to carbonic acid, and where is this enzyme located?
A) carbonic anhydrase : plasma
B) carbonic dehydrogenase : plasma
C) carbonic anhydrase : hemoglobin
D) carbonic dehydrogenase : hemoglo


10) Carbonic acid reversibly dissociates to form what two products, without the need of an enzyme?
A) water and carbon dioxide
B) water and bicarbonate
C) carbon dioxide and bicarbonate
D) bicarbonate and hydrogen ion
E) water and hydrogen ion


11) Erythrocytes are synthesized in what organ and under the control of what chemical?
A) liver : bilirubin
B) bone marrow : erythropoietin
C) kidney : transferrin
D) liver : erythropoietin
E) bone marrow : bilirubin


12) What hematopoietic growth factor controls red blood cell synthesis, and what organ releases it?
A) oxytocin : posterior pituitary
B) calcitonin : kidney
C) parathyroid hormone : parathyroid glands
D) erythropoietin : kidney
E) transferrin : bone marro


13) What triggers erythropoietin release?
A) increased blood carbon dioxide levels
B) decreased blood oxygen levels
C) infection in the tissues
D) infection in the blood
E) damage to a blood vessel wall and subsequent exposure of collagen


14) Pernicious anemia is associated with which of the following?
A) abnormal hemoglobin
B) inadequate bilirubin levels
C) bleeding
D) damage to the bone marrow
E) insufficient vitamin B12


15) Old red blood cells are removed from the blood by macrophages in what organ?
A) bone marrow
B) spleen
C) kidney
D) thymus
E) pancreas


16) During hemoglobin metabolism, what is the yellow pigmented substance produced by the removal of the iron group called?
A) ferritin
B) transferrin
C) bile
D) bilirubin
E) myoglobin


17) Iron is transported in blood bound to what molecule?
A) transferrin
B) ferritin
C) bilirubin
D) hemoglobin
E) heme transporters


18) What organ can store iron as transferrin?
A) liver, only
B) bone marrow, only
C) intestinal tract, only
D) liver and bone marrow
E) none


19) What is the most abundant class of white blood cells?
A) neutrophils
B) basophils
C) eosinophils
D) monocytes
E) lymphocytes


20) Which of the following leukocytes has cytoplasmic granules?
A) neutrophils only
B) basophils only
C) eosinophils only
D) both basophils and eosinophils
E) basophils, eosinophils, and neutrophils


21) Which of the following leukocytes is a phagocyte?
A) neutrophils only
B) basophils only
C) monocytes only
D) both neutrophils and basophils
E) both neutrophils and monocytes


22) Which type of leukocyte defends against parasitic infections?
A) neutrophils
B) eosinophils
C) basophils
D) monocytes
E) erythrocytes


23) What type of leukocyte secretes heparin?
A) neutrophils
B) eosinophils
C) basophils
D) monocytes
E) lymphocytes


24) B cells and T cells fall under what category of leukocytes?
A) neutrophils
B) eosinophils
C) basophils
D) monocytes
E) lymphocytes


25) What type of leukocyte differentiates into macrophages in the tissues?
A) neutrophils
B) eosinophils
C) basophils
D) monocytes
E) lymphocytes


26) What type of cell is the precursor for platelets?
A) neutrophils
B) erythrocytes
C) megakaryocytes
D) null cells
E) macrophages


27) What is the stoppage of bleeding called?
A) hemostasis
B) homeostasis
C) erythrostasis
D) fibrinostasis
E) vasculostasis


28) Which of the following is the first step of hemostasis?
A) formation of a platelet plug
B) formation of a blood clot
C) formation of a fibrin clot
D) vascular spasm
E) secretion of histamine


29) Formation of a platelet plug is initiated by ________ binding to ________.
A) thrombin : platelets
B) arachidonic acid : collagen
C) fibrin : erythrocytes
D) ADP : platelets
E) von Willebrand factor : collagen


30) Platelets become sticky when exposed to which of the following?
A) von Willebrand factor
B) prostacyclin
C) fibrin
D) thrombin
E) serotonin


31) Which of the following chemicals involved in the development of a platelet plug is secreted by activated platelets in response to ADP?
A) arachadonic acid
B) serotonin
C) epinephrine
D) prostacyclin
E) thromboxane A2


32) In healthy endothelial cells, arachidonic acid is converted to ________, which ________ formation of blood clots.
A) thromboxane A2 : inhibits
B) thromboxane A2 : stimulates
C) prostacyclin : inhibits
D) prostacyclin : stimulates
E) nitric oxide : inh


33) In activated platelets, arachidonic acid is converted to ________, which ________ formation of blood clots.
A) thromboxane A2 : inhibits
B) thromboxane A2 : stimulates
C) prostacyclin : inhibits
D) prostacyclin : stimulates
E) nitric oxide : inhibits


34) What converts fibrinogen to fibrin?
A) prostacyclin
B) thrombin
C) von Willebrand factor
D) arachidonic acid
E) plasmin


35) Which of the following is NOT a function of thrombin?
A) converting fibrinogen to fibrin
B) activating factor X
C) activating factor XIII
D) providing a positive feedback for its own release
E) platelet aggregation


36) The activation of thrombin by the intrinsic pathway is initiated by the ________.
A) release of factor III from damaged tissue to activate factor VII
B) subendothelial activation of factor XII
C) subendothelial activation of factor X
D) activation of


37) The activation of thrombin by the extrinsic pathway is initiated by the ________.
A) release of factor III from damaged tissue to complex with factor VII
B) subendothelial activation of factor XII
C) subendothelial activation of factor X
D) activation


38) ________ activates protein C when it is bound to ________.
A) Fibrin : plasmin
B) Thrombin : fibrin
C) Plasmin : fibrin
D) Thrombin : thrombomodulin
E) Fibrin : fibrinomodulin


39) What chemical dissolves blood clots?
A) plasmin
B) heparin
C) fibrin
D) protein C
E) thromboxane A2


40) Hemophilia is a genetic clotting disorder usually characterized by the absence of what clotting factor?
A) von Willebrand factor
B) factor X
C) factor XIII
D) thrombin
E) factor VIII


41) Low dosages of aspirin inhibit clotting by blocking the formation of which of the following?
A) vitamin K
B) thromboxane A2
C) factor X
D) thrombin
E) factor VIII


42) High doses of aspirin can stimulate clotting by inhibiting the synthesis of ________.
A) prostacyclin
B) protein C
C) thrombomodulin
D) tissue plasminogen activator
E) plasmin


43) Most coagulation factors are synthesized by what organ?
A) bone marrow
B) kidney
C) liver
D) thymus
E) heart