Chapter 4

Properties of living organisms

1. complex structure, basic unit of organization is the cell
2. acquire, transform, store, use energy
3. sense and respond to internal and external environments
4. maintain homeostasis through internal control systems with feedback
5. store, use, and tran


capacity to do work
-chemical, transport, mechanical work

transport work

enables cells to move ions, molecules, particles through cell membrane and through organelles
-used for creating concentration gradients

concentration gradients

distributions of molecules in which the concentration is higher on one side of a membrane than the other

mechanical work

used for movement
-organelles moving around in cell
-cells changing shape
-cilia and flagella beating
-mediated by motor proteins

kinetic energy

energy of motion

potential energy

stored energy

1st law of thermodynamics

law of conservation of energy
-total amount of energy in the universe is constant
-universe is a closed system (nothing enters, nothing leaves)
-energy can be converted form one type to the next

2nd law of thermodynamics

natural spontaneous processes move form a state of order (nonrandomness) to a condition of randomness/disorder (entropy)
-keeping order requires energy
-disorder loses energy to surroundings


study of energy flow in biological systems

chemical reaction

substance becomes a difference substance
-breaking down or making of covalent bonds


reaction begins with 1+molecules


reaction ends with 1+molecules

reaction rate

speech with which reaction takes place
-disappearance rate of reactants
-appearance rate of products

free energy

the potential energy stored in the chemical bonds of a molecule
-complex molecules have more chemical bonds and higher free energies

activation energy

initial input of energy required to bring reactants into a position that allows them to react with one another.

exergonic reaction

when the free energy of the products is lower than the free energy of reactants----reaction releases energy

endergonic reaction

products retain part of activation energy and is greater than that of the reactants, these require a net input of energy----energy-utilizing reactions

synthesis reactions

energy-consuming reactions where complex molecules are made from smaller molecules

Coupling endergonic and exergonic reactions

simplest way for a cell to acquire activation energy
-ex. using energy released by breaking high energy bond of ATP to drive an endergonic reaction

reversible reaction

the forward reaction and its reverse reaction are both likely to take place
-net free energy plays a part in if this is possible because the net free energy change of forward reaction contributes to the activation energy of the reverse reaction

irreversible reaction

a reaction proceeds in one direction but not the other.


proteins that speed up the rate of chemical reactions.
-biological catalysts: enzyme molecules will not change in any way


enzymatically catalyzed reactions


enzymes that catalyze the same reaction but under different conditions or in different tissues
-important role in diagnosis of certain med. conditions


organic cofactors for enzymes that do not alter the enzyme's binding site, act as receptors and carriers for atoms or function groups


precursors of coenzymes, water-soluble vitamins required for various metabolic reactions

how do enzymes increase rate of reaction?

it lowers the activation energy, making it more likely that the reaction will start, do this by binding to substrates and bringing them into the best position for reacting with each other

oxidation-reduction reactions

most important reactions in energy extraction and transfer in cells
-transfer electrons
-gains an electron= reduced (adding neg. charge reduces the electric charge on molecule)
-loses an electron= oxidized

reduced molecule

gains electron

oxidized molecule

loses electron

hydrolysis-dehydration reaction

breakdown and synthesis of large biomolecules
-dehydration-water is one of the products, losing water by having two molecules combine into one
-hydrolysis- split large molecules by adding water

dehydration synthesis

when a dehydration reaction results in the synthesis of a new molecule

hydrolysis reaction

substrate changes into one or more products through addition of water, covalent bonds of water molecule are broken.

Addition reaction

adds a functional group to one or more of the substrates

subtraction reaction

removes a functional group from one or more of the substrates

exchange reaction

functional groups are exchanged between or among substrates


transfer a phosphate group from a substrate to an ADP molecule to create ATP, or from an ATP molecule to a substrate


removal of an amino group from an amino acid or peptide


addition of an amino group


transfer of an amino group from one molecule to another

ligation reaction

join two substrates using energy from ATP and enzymes known as synthetases


all chemical reactions that take place in an organism
1. extract energy from nutrient biomolecules (ex. proteins, carbs, lipids)
2. synthesize or break down molecules
3. divided into catabolism and anabolism---take place simultaneously in cells at any giv


reactions that release energy through breakdown of large biomolecules


energy-utilizing reactions that result in the synthesis of large biomolecules


amount of energy needed to raise the temp of 1 liter of water by 1 degree C


molecules of the pathway, the products of one reaction become the substrates for the next (intermediary metabolism)

key intermediates

play in more than one pathway and at as the branch points for channeling substrate in one direction or another (ex. glucose in many metabolic pathways)

How do cells regulate flow of molecules through metabolic pathways? 5 ways.

1. controlling enzyme concentrations
2. producing modulators that change reaction rates
3. using two different enzymes to catalyze reversible reactions
4. compartmentalizing enzymes within intracellular organelles
5. maintaining an optimum ration of ATP a

Enzyme modulation

frequently controlled by hormones, type of outside regulation is key element in the integrated control of body's metabolism following a meal or fasting between meals

feedback inhibition

built-in form of modulation in metabolic pathways. the end product of a pathway acts as an inhibitory modulator of the pathway, then the enzyme catalyzing the conversion is inhibited. This slows down production until cell can use it up. When levels drop,

ratio of ATP to ADP

ratio determines whether pathways that result in ATP synthesis are turned on or off
-High ATP levels, production of ATP decreases
-ATP low, cells send substrates through pathways that result in more ATP

High-energy phosphate bond

energy stored in bond between ATP with 3 phosphate groups, one of the groups is attached to ADP by a covalent bond. when bond is broken, high energy is released.
ADP + Pi + energy --><--ADP ~ P (=ATP) where Pi = inorganic phosphate group and ~ denotes a h

how much ATP does an adult human need a day?

40 kg, 88 lbs.


ATP molecules that require oxygen, oxidative pathways


no oxygen, produces ATP as well but in smaller quantities

electron transport system (ETS)

in the mitochondria, transfers energy from those electrons to the high energy phosphate bond of ATP

ATP Production

catabolic pathways extract energy from biomolecules and transfer it to ATP
pg. 112
-citric acid cycle
-both produce high energy electrons electrons carried by NADH and FADH2 to the electron transport system in the mitochondria


one molecule of glucose is converted by a series of enzymatically catalyzed reactions into 2 pyruvate molecules, producing a net release of energy PAGE 113

Pyruvate, Acetyl CoA, and Citric Acid Cycle

1.If adequate oxygen, 3-carbon pyruvate from glycolysis is moved to mitochondria
2.Pyrvate reacts with coenzyme A and produces aceytl CoA, one NADH, one CO2
3.Aceytl CoA has two parts; 2-carbon acyl unit derived from pyruvate and coenzyme A
4.coenzyme A i

Electron transport system

1. made up of mitrochondrial proteins located in the intermitochondrial membrane
-includes enzymes and iron-containing cytochromes
2. (NADH and FADH2) from citric acid cycle release high-energy electrons and H+
3. These products are moved into the electro

Oxidative phosphorylation

synthesis of ATP using electron transport system because it requires oxygen to act as the final acceptor of electrons and H+

Chemiosomotic theory

potential energy stored by concentrating H+ in the intermembrane space is used to make ATP

Aerobic metabolism of one glucose molecule

carbon dioxide, water, and 30-32 ATP

Glycolysis equation

Glucose + 2NAD + 2ADP + 2Pi = 2 pyruvate + 2ATP + 2NADH + 2H+ + H20


1 glucose---> glycolysis----> 2 pyruvate and 2 lactate in form of lactic acid THIS MAKES 2 ATP

aerobic metabolism

1 glucose--->glycolysis--->2 pyruvate--->acetyl CoA--->citric acid cycle------> high energy electrons---->electron transport system----> 6H20, 30-32 ATP, 6 CO2

Branch point between aerobic and anaerobic metabolism

pyruvate is the branch point.
pyruvate to lactate = anaerobic
pyruvate to pyruvate and citric acid cycle = aerobic

proteins are the key to cell function

run a cell from day to day. protein enzymes control synthesis/breakdown of carbohydrates, lipids, structural proteins, and signal molecules


region of DNA that contains the info needed to make a functional piece of RNA, which can then make a protein


DNA base sequence is used to create a piece of RNA

messenger RNA

Processed in nucleus after made (alternative splicing, RNA interference, or processed). If it is processed, it leaves nucleus and eters cytosol, tere it works with tRNA and rRNA in translation


Transfer RNA, Messenger RNA, Ribosomal RNA

Post-translational modification

newly synthesized proteins may fold into complex shapes, split by enzymes, or have chemical groups added to them

constitutively active genes

continuously being read and converted to RNA messages

regulated activity genes

are first inducted or repressed, then begin to be converted to RNA messages

interference of RNA


Alternative splicing of RNA

Becomes processed mRNA then it is translated with rRNA and tRNA and amino acids to make a protein chain

protein chain from protein synthesis

folding and cross links, cleaved into smaller peptides, addition of groups (sugars, lipids, phosphate), assembly into polymeric proteins

transcription process

1. RNA polyamerase binds to DNA
2. The section of DNA unwinds.
3. The RNA bases bind to DNA creating single strand of mRNA
4. mRNA and the RNA polymerase detach from DNA
5. mRNA goes to cytosol after processing
during transcription bases are linked at an

RNA polymerase

required for synthesis of RNA from a double-strand of DNA

Transcription factors

bind to DNA and activate the promoter (the region that precedes the gene that is activated before transcription begins, tells the DNA where to unwind)

mRNA processing

next step in the process of protein synthesis is mRNA processing
-RNA interference: newly synthesized mRNA is inactivated/destroyed before it is translated into proteins
-alternative splicing: enzymes clip segments out of the middle/ends of mRNA strand, t

a gene contains segments called exons and introns

exons- encode proteins
introns- noncoding
mRNA is initially containing noncoding segments that must b removed before mRNA leave nucleus. Alternative splicing results in smaller pieces of mRNA that only contain coding sequence for a specific protein

mRNA translation links amino acids

Arrival in the cytosol, processed mRNA binds to ribosomes (small particles of protein/types of rRNA) to create a ribosome-mRNA complex
-then matched to the proper amino acid by help of tRNA
-tRNA contains a three-base sequence called ANTICODON that is com

dehydration synthesis

links amino acids by creating a peptide bond between the amino group of the newly arrived amino acid and the carboxyl end.
-the empty tRNA releases from mRNA
-tRNA attaches to another amino acid


enzymes that break down mRNA, some forms of mRNA are broken down rapidly while others may linger in the cytosol and be translated many times

protein sorting

specific proteins go from the ribosomes directly to where they are needed in the cell

sorting signal

an address label that tells the cell where the protein should go during protein sorting

translation process

1. transcription
2. mRNA processing
3. attachment of ribosomal subunits
4. translation---> processed mRNA leaves the nucleus and associates with ribosomes. Translation matches the codons of RNA with amino acids to create a protein
5. termination

signal sequence

signal sequence tag directs the protein to the proper organelle and allows it to be transported through the organelle membrane

post-translational modification

newly made protein can form different types of covalent and noncovalent bonds after translation.`

in some common forms of post-translational modification, the amino acid chain can:

1. fold into various three-dimensional shapes---take on their tertiary structure of the protein
2. create cross-links between different regions of its amino acid chain
3. be cleaved (split) into fragments
4. add other molecules or groups
5. assemble with