Renal System Physiology: Computer Simulation 41B

Describe the effect of increasing the afferent radius on gomerular filtration rate and glomerular pressure.

Both glomerular filtration rate and glomerular pressure will INCREASE.

Describe the effect of decreasing the efferent radius on glomerular filtration rate and glomerular pressure.

Both glomerular filtration rate and glomerular pressure will INCREASE.

Describe the effect of increasing the efferent radius on glomerular filtration rate and glomerular pressure.

Both glomerular filtration rate and glomerular pressure will DECREASE.

Describe the effect of increasing the breaker pressure on glomerular filtration rate.

Glomerular filtration rate INCREASED.

Describe the effect of increasing the breaker pressure on glomerular pressure.

Glomerular pressure INCREASED.

In the absence of any regulatory mechanisms, what effect do you think an increase in blood pressure would have on glomerular filtration rate?

In the absence of regulation, an increase in blood pressure in the kidneys would INCREASE the glomerular filtration rate.

What was the glomerular filtration rate at 80mm Hg breaker pressure, 0.55mm afferent radius, and 0.45mm efferent radius?


With the breaker pressure increased to 85mm Hg, at what afferent radius was the glomerular filtration rate restored?

0.52mm (afferent radius)

With the breaker pressure increased to 85mm Hg, at what afferent radius was the glomerular filtration rate restored?

0.52mm (efferent radius)

In the body, what mechanisms play a role in maintaining glomerular filtration rate with fluctuating blood pressure?

The myogenic mechanism, tuboglomerular feedback mechanism, sympathetic nervous system controls, renin-angiotensin mechanism, prostaglandin E2, intrarenal angiotensin II, and adenosine.

As you increased the concentration gradient of the interstitial fluid, what happened to the concentration of the urine?


What happened to the volume of the urine as you increased the concentration gradient of the interstitial fluid?


What effect does the concentration gradient of the interstitial fluid ahve on the maximum urine concentration?

Urine concentration EQUALS interstitial fluid concentration.

What happens to the concentration of glucose in the urine as the number of glucose carriers increases?


Glucose can be elevated in the blood of a diabetic person. Relate this information to glucose in the urine and glucose carriers.

We would expect to find glucose in the urine because there is too much glucose in the filtrate to be reabsorbed and not enough available glucose carriers to transport it.

What was the volume of urine in the presence of aldosterone?


How did aldosterone affect the urine volume?

When aldosterone is present, urine volume SLIGHTLY DECREASES as the interstitial gradient increases.

What was the volume of the urine in the presence of ADH? How did ADH affect the urine volume?

20.14; With ADH present, urine volume is DRAMATICALLY DECREASED

Why did the concentration of potassium change in the presence of ADH without a change in the excretion of potassium?

Urine volume is one-tenth of volume without ADH. With ADH, postassium concentration is 10x that of the concentration without ADH. There is no increase in potassium secretion with ADH.

Does ADH favor the formation of dilute or concentrated urine?

ADH causes an increase of water permeability in the DCT and collecting ducts. Water moves from the tubules into the interstitial fluid by osmosis. Favors the formation of CONCENTRATED urine.

What are two primary functions of the kidney?

excrete excess water and regulate plasma osmolarity, plasma volume, body's acid-base volume and the body's electrolyte balance.

Starting at the renal corpuscle, list the components of the renal tubule as they are encountered by filtrate.

proximal convoluted tubule --> loop of Henle --> distal convoluted tubule

Compare the urine volume in your baseline data with the urine volume as you increased the blood pressure. Did uring volume change?

The urine volume increased a significant amount

When the one-way valve between the collecting duct and the urinary bladder was closed, what happened to the foltrate pressure in the Bowman's capsule and the flomerular filtration rate?

The pressure increased and the filtration rate did not change

How did increasing the blood pressure alter the results when the valve was closed?

The capillary pressure increased and the filtration rate did not change

In the body, how does a nephron maintain a near-constant golmerular filration rate despite a constantly fluctuating blood pressure?

changing afferent and efferent arteriole radii