CH 13: MasteringAandP

How are cardiac muscle cells similar to smooth muscle cells?
A.) They lack striations.
B.) They do not contain sarcomeres.
C.) They are electrically linked to one another.
D.) They are branched.

C.) They are electrically linked to one another.

_____ are stretch receptors inside skeletal muscles.
A.) proprioceptors
B.) Golgi tendon organs
C.) muscle spindles
D.) joint receptors

C.) muscle spindles

In a stretch reflex, what causes the response to stop?
A.) After the response, the stretch receptors are no longer stretched.
B.) The muscles are inhibited by neural stimulation.
C.) The stretch receptors are inhibited by neural stimulation.
D.) Antagonis

A.) After the response, the stretch receptors are no longer stretched.

Postural reflexes normally do NOT require input from _____ sensory neurons.
A.) proprioceptors
B.) vestibular
C.) visual
D.) auditory

D.) auditory

What is the response of a muscle stretch reflex?
A.) contraction of the antagonist muscle
B.) contraction of the agonist muscle
C.) inhibition of alpha motor neuron activity
D.) relaxation of the agonist muscle

B.) contraction of the agonist muscle

What is the response of a Golgi tendon reflex?
A.) The agonist muscle contracts.
B.) Activation of the alpha motor neuron to the agonist muscle starts.
C.) The agonist muscle relaxes.
D.) The antagonist muscle relaxes.

C.) The agonist muscle relaxes.

Which response of the flexion reflex in the leg reflects the crossed extensor reflex?
A.) contraction of the sartorius muscles in both legs, causing the legs to cross
B.) contraction of the quadriceps in the contralateral leg
C.) contraction of the flexor

B.) contraction of the quadriceps in the contralateral leg

Central pattern generators (CPGs) are groups of interneurons that control which of the following?
A.) reflex movements
B.) voluntary movements
C.) rhythmic movements
D.) postural movements

C.) rhythmic movements

Choose the FALSE statement.
A.) Innate reflexes are genetically determined.
B.) Monosynaptic reflexes involve only one neuron.
C.) Autonomic neurons control adipose tissue.
D.) Spinal reflexes do not require input from the brain.

B.) Monosynaptic reflexes involve only one neuron.

Cranial autonomic reflexes are primarily integrated in the ________.
A.) brainstem and pituitary
B.) cerebrum, brainstem, and cerebellum
C.) brainstem
D.) hypothalamus, thalamus, and brainstem

D.) hypothalamus, thalamus, and brainstem

The effector in a reflex is the
A.) control center.
B.) muscle or gland.
C.) sensory receptor.
D.) afferent neuron.
E.) efferent neuron.

B.) muscle or gland.

A polysynaptic reflex has at least ________ in the reflex pathway.
A.) two synapses
B.) two neurons
C.) two synapses and three neurons
D.) three neurons
E.) one synapse

C.) two synapses and three neurons

In a ________ reflex, a sensory neuron synapses directly on a motor neuron.
A.) polysynaptic
B.) bisynaptic
C.) monosynaptic
D.) nonsynaptic

C.) monosynaptic

A ________ reflex has/have at least one interneuron placed between the sensory and motor neuron.
A.) nonsynaptic
B.) monosynaptic
C.) polysynaptic
D.) nonsynaptic reflex and a monosynaptic

C.) polysynaptic

The tension maintained in a muscle at rest is known as muscle
A.) tetanus.
B.) tone.
C.) twitch.
D.) reflex.

B.) tone.

Relaxation of skeletal muscle results from the ________ input by the somatic motor neuron.
A.) absence of inhibitory
B.) presence of inhibitory
C.) presence of excitatory
D.) absence of excitatory

D.) absence of excitatory

________ monitor the position of skeletal muscles and joints.
A.) Baroreceptors
B.) Stretch receptors
C.) Chemoreceptors
D.) Proprioceptors

D.) Proprioceptors

The ________ is essentially a group of interneurons that run from the motor cortex to the spinal cord.
A.) corticospinal tract
B.) basal ganglia
C.) pyramids
D.) basal nuclei

A.) corticospinal tract

Most reflexes are regulated by ________ feedback.
A.) negative
B.) positive
C.) neutral
D.) a combination of positive and negative

A.) negative

Most reflex movements are integrated by
A.) the spinal cord.
B.) effectors.
C.) proprioceptors.
D.) central pattern generators.
E.) the brain.

A.) the spinal cord.

________ reflexes involve skeletal muscles.
A.) Somatic
B.) Autonomic
C.) Central
D.) Visceral

A.) Somatic

Most reflexes are regulated by
A.) positive feedback.
B.) ganglia.
C.) the brain.
D.) negative feedback.
E.) the spinal cord.

D.) negative feedback.

Put these structures in the proper order for an autonomic reflex:
1 - Postganglionic autonimic neuron
2 - Target cell
3 - Receptor
4 - CNS integrating center
5 - Preganglionic autonomic neuron
6 - Sensory neuron
A.) 2, 6, 1, 4, 3, 5
B.) 3, 6, 4, 5, 1, 2

B.) 3, 6, 4, 5, 1, 2

Which area of the brain is responsible for mediating an emotional response into a visceral reaction, such as increased heart rate during anger?
A.) Hypothalamus
B.) Cerebellum
C.) Limbic system
D.) Thalamus

C.) Limbic system

Which type of movement is the most complex and is integrated in the cerebral cortex?
A.) Rhythmic movements
B.) Postural movements
C.) Reflex movements
D.) Voluntary movements

D.) Voluntary movements

Which area of the brain is responsible for planning and initiating movement?
A.) Limbic system
B.) Cerebral cortex
C.) Cerebellum
D.) Thalamus

B.) Cerebral cortex

Which group of interneurons travels down the spinal cord from the motor cortex and controls voluntary movement?
A.) Corticospinal tract
B.) Cortico-cerebellar pathway
C.) Volitional motor tract
D.) Motor muscle tract

A.) Corticospinal tract