Physiology Chapter 3-ML

Define interstitial fluid, indicating whether it is inside or outside cells (intracellular or extracellular).

Interstitial fluid is extracellular fluid outside the circulatory system and the cells.

Cell membranes are mainly constructed from __________.

lipids and proteins

The space that is surrounded by the tissue wall of hollow organs is known as the


The watery medium that surrounds a cell is known as

extracellular fluid.

Two rows of phospholipids that form a sheet with tails facing each other and heads on either side facing the aqueous solution


A double membrane droplet containing proteins along the center and an aqueous core


Droplets of phospholipids containing a lipid core/center


Molecules) that are inserted between the phospholipids of the cell membrane

functions including immune responses, cell-cell communication, transport of large molecules (i.e., glucose), and structural stability.

Structures within and around the Cell Membrane

Transmembrane Protein

an ability to transport ions, nutrients, and other substances across the membrane. Do NOT produce energy

What is/are the major role(s) of the phospholipid bilayer

The formation of a barrier that is selectively permeable to lipid-soluble molecules and to provide a framework for membrane proteins

Which structure is a lipid bilayer that controls which objects can leave or enter the cell?

Plasma membrane

________ proteins extend all the way across the cell membrane


The lumen of a hollow organ such as the stomach is considered to be part of the ________ environment.


Which two fluid compartments make up the extracellular fluid?

Plasma and interstitial fluid

Functions of the cell membrane include physical isolation of the cell from its surroundings, regulation of exchange, structural support, and which other function?

Communication between the cell and its environment

Cell membrane properties vary considerably in different types of cells. What determines the specific properties of a cell membrane?

The relative amounts of proteins and lipids

Parts of a Cell


Which of the following cell structures or functions involve microtubules?

All answers are correct:
Moving molecules from one part of the cell to another

Membranous organelles include __________.

Mitochondria and Golgi Complex

Groups of tissues that carry out related functions may form structures known as __________.


Functions of connective tissue include __________.

all answers are correct:
providing protection for delicate organs
establishing a structural framework for the body
transporting fluids and dissolved materials
storing energy reserves

Which of the following statements about exchange epithelium is true?

Exchange epithelial cells are found in the lungs and lining of blood vessels.

The plasma membrane is __________.

primarily composed of lipid bilayer

Cells that retain the ability to develop into specific cell types within a tissue are called __________.

Stem Cells

The cytoskeleton is not responsible for which of the following cellular movements?

Diffusion of solutes

The basic structural and functional unit of the human body is __________.

the cell

Macrophages are cells that destroy invading bacteria or viruses by phagocytosis, a process similar to endocytosis. These types of cells would have a large number of __________.


Which of the following is not a nonmembranous organelle made from insoluble protein fibers?


Glands that secrete hormones into the blood via tissue fluids are __________ glands.


Unsaturated fatty acids __________.

contain double bonds between carbon and hydrogen atoms

Primary protein structure is determined by __________.

the sequence of amino acids

The study of tissue structure and function is called __________.


Cells that secrete large amounts of protein would most likely possess large numbers of or an extensive network of __________.

all answers are correct
Golgi complexes
rough endoplasmic reticulum