Physiology Chapter 17

The functions of the respiratory system included __________

all answers are correct

Which of the following structures can allow gas exchange?


Put the following structures in the correct order, going from the outermost to the innermost structure:
a. parietal pleura
b. chest wall
c. visceral pleura
d. intrapleural space
e. lungs

chest wall, parietal pleura, intrapleural space, visceral pleura, lungs

In a premature newborn with respiratory distress syndrome, lung compliance will likely improve with an increase in ___________

the amount of surfactant inside the alveoli

Which of the following is the lowest pressure at rest following a quiet expiration?


The direction and magnitude of air flow during breathing is determined by changes in _________ pressure


The cells and structures that defend against bacteria and foreign particles entering the lungs include the __________

mucus escalator, goblet cells, and macrophages

Which of the following characteristics apply to gas exchange surfaces in the lungs?

large surface area, very thin membrane, and coated by surfactant

External respiration processes do not include ___________

the production of ATP by oxidative phosphorylation

John has an upper respiratory infection. this means that his infection is not in his _____________

lungs or trachea

The pleural fluid surrounding each lung ___________

helps the lungs adhere to the thoracic cage.

Arrange these airways in the order that a breath of inhaled air would encounter them:
a. larynx
b. trachea
c. pharynx
d. bronchioles
e. bronchi

pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, and bronchioles

Type 1 alveolar cells __________

are simple squamous epithelial cells adapted for exchange

According to Boyle's law, ___________

the volume of a container of gas and the pressure of the gas within are inversely related

Which of the following statements is false?

the primary muscles involved in passive expiration are the internal intercostals and the abdominal muscles

Magnitude of lung volumes can depend on _________

gender, posture, and activity level

Which of the following statements about expiration is correct?

normally, expiration is a passive process

Alveolar ventilation refers to the movement of ____________

air into and out of the alveoli

Which of the following volumes is the volume that represents quiet breathing and normal breathing during an inspiratory and expiratory cycle?

tidal volume

The air in the lungs that will never be eliminated despite the efforts to eliminate it would be the __________

residual volume

The total amount of air that can be moved between the lungs and the atmosphere is known as the ___________

vital capacity

The total lung capacity is best described by the sum of __________

all lung volumes