Chapter 13

Maslow placed ________ at the base of his hierarchy of needs.
cognitive needs
social needs
physiological needs
spiritual needs

physiological needs

Freud emphasized that emotional healing is associated with the
fixation of repressed sexual desires.
projection of repressed fears.
recovery of repressed wishes.
displacement of repressed hostilities.

NOT... displacement of repressed hostilities.

The person-situation controversy involves a debate regarding the influence of ________ and ________ on behavior.
self-concept; self-esteem
factor analysis; emotions
environments; traits
extraversion; introversion

environments; traits

The Big Five traits show their greatest stability during
early childhood
late childhood.


The better-than-average effect best illustrates
reciprocal determinism.
self-serving bias.

self-serving bias.

If we are nervous about our personal appearance after adopting a new hairstyle, we are likely to ________ the extent to which others notice our nervousness and we are likely to ________ the extent to which they notice our new hairstyle.
overestimate; unde

NOT... overestimate; underestimate

Sheen is usually animated and talkative when he is with his girlfriend, but he is often quiet and reserved at home. He actively participates in many class discussions but frequently seems reluctant to talk with friends at the campus coffee shop. Sheen's b

personality traits

Right-hemisphere brain activity enables a split-brain patient's left hand to carry out instructions the patient cannot verbalize. This best illustrates the importance of
erogenous zones.
unconscious thought.
reaction formation.
the false consensus effect.

unconscious thought.

A characteristic pattern of behavior or tendency to act and feel in a certain way is called
a trait.

a trait.

Which personality theorist would have suggested that many ideas about good and evil that are shared across many different cultures are expressions of universally experienced archetypes?
Sigmund Freud
Karen Horney
Carl Jung
Alfred Adler

Carl Jung

Carl Jung referred to a shared reservoir of memory traces from our species' history as the
false consensus effect.
pleasure principle.
collective unconscious.
erogenous zone.

collective unconscious.

The Oedipus complex is the term used by Freud to describe
the erogenous zones that are the focus of the latency stage.
the passive dependence of someone who is orally fixated.
children's efforts to overcome feelings of inferiority.
boys' feelings of guilt

boys' feelings of guilt and fear of punishment over their sexual desire for their mother.

By selective breeding, researchers can produce bold or shy birds. This best illustrates that some personality differences among birds are
among the Big Five.
empirically derived.
genetically influenced.

genetically influenced.

In an unfamiliar culture, the collectivist self is most likely to experience a greater loss of
reciprocal determinism.
group identification.
personal identity.

group identification.

Freud became interested in unconscious personality dynamics when he noticed that certain patients' symptoms
resulted from the physical abuse they had received from their parents during childhood.
reflected a loss of individuality.
illustrated a collective

made no neurological sense.

Arjean's opinions are so dependent on what her friends think that she will swallow just about anything they tell her. Freud would have suggested that Arjean demonstrates
a fixation.
free association.
reaction formation.
collective unconscious.

a fixation.

Which theorist emphasized that an individual's personal growth is promoted by interactions with others who are genuine, accepting, and empathic?
Sigmund Freud
Carl Rogers
Abraham Maslow
Alfred Adler

Carl Rogers

Accepting ourselves without excessive dependence on the approval of others best illustrates
reciprocal determinism.
defensive self-esteem.
self-serving bias.
secure self-esteem.

secure self-esteem.

Forgotten memories that we can easily recall were said by Freud to be


A psychotherapist instructs Dane to relax, close his eyes, and state aloud whatever thoughts come to mind, no matter how trivial or absurd. The therapist is using a technique known as
free association.

free association.