science evolution

the father of the theory of evolution

who is charles darwin?

a cumulative change in the inherited characteristics of population
ie:a shrub;starts with many branches but eventually some die and some grow

what is evolution?

the area within a habitat occupied by an organism OR the function of an organism within its community, 3.5 billion years of evolution filled every available niche

what is a niche?

overproduction, competition, variations, adaptations, natural selection, and speciation

what are darwin's six points in his theory?

most species produce far more offspring than are needed to maintain the population, species populations remain more or less constant because a small fraction of offspring live long enough to reproduce

what is overproduction? (first point in darwin's theory)

living space and food are limited, so offspring from each generation must compete among themselves in order to live, only a small fraction can possibly survive long enough to reproduce

what is competition? (the second point in darwin's theory)

characteristics in species are not exactly alike

what is variation? (the third point in darwin's theory)

any kind of inherited trait that improves an organism's chance of survival and reproduction in a given environment

what is adaptation? (the fourth point in darwin's theory)

the environment naturally selects living organisms with better suited inherited traits to survive and reproduce

what is natural selection? (the fifth point in darwin's theory)

over many generations, favorable adaptations gradually accumulate a species and a bad species disappears, eventually accumulated changes become so great that they result in a new species

what is speciation? (the sixth point in darwin's theory)

someone controls 2 organism to create an offspring
ie:dog breeding

what is artificial selection?

organism are made of 1 or more cells, a cell is the basic unit of structure and function ima living thing; the building blocks of life

what information is in "made of cells"?

all organisms need and use energy to live, energy is the ability to do work, sunlight is the source of energy for most living things, plants use energy to make food and animals get energy by eating plants/animals that eat plants

what is the information in "adapted to their surroundings"?

organisms react to change in their surroundings, any reaction to change is called a response
ie: a bright light makes you blink

what is the information in "react to change"?

Organisms produce more of their own kind, reproduction allows organisms to continue living on earth

what is the information in "reproduce"?

all organisms grow and develop, living things change or develop during their lifetime
ie:tadpoles grow into frogs

what is the information in "grow and develop"?