Natural selection and Selective Breeding

selective breeding

race horses are chosen and bred to be fast and have endurance to run races.

natural selection

over several generations, light colored moths become more abundant near the light colored limestone cliffs in Austin.

Natural selection

Frogs have highly developed lungs in order to live successfully on land (terrestrial habitat)

Selective breeding

wheat is cross bred by scientists to produce more seeds per plant, which increases the yield of wheat crops

Natural Selection

This cricket can not chirp and can not find a mate, and is not able to pass on his genes. The no chirp trait "dies off" after a few generations.

natural selection

The bees kill those of their kind who only eat, but do not work in their beehive. Over time, those bees are not as common.

selective breeding

Cattle are cross bred by ranchers to produce beef that is more tasty and more more abundant. Only these cattle are allowed to breed and produce offspring

selective breeding

corn crops are cross bred by farmers to produce larger size, and larger kernels

Natural Selection

Organisms with traits better-suited to their environment survive and reproduce more often (This causes traits to change over time).


A trait that allows a species to be better suited to its environment.

Natural Selection

A process that favors the survival and reproduction of organisms with traits well adapted to their environment


A group of organisms that is able to reproduce with each other.

natural selection

The bees kill those of their kind who only eat, but do not work in their beehive. Over time, those bees are not as common.

inherited traits

to receive traits or characteristics that are passed down from a parent


An adaptation in which an animal looks like an object or another animal.


An animal's color or pattern that helps an animal blend in with its surroundings


The place in which an organisms naturally lives


Being slightly different from another of the same kind.

Natural Selection

Long process where animals that are best adapted to the conditions around them survive and the poorly adapted ones will die out.

Selective Breeding

All breeds of dogs existing today come from the gray wolf; humans have selected which individuals are allowed to reproduce depending on the presence or absence of desired traits