bio final

Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

the egg came first. the egg had a mutation that manifested into the proto-chicken.

What is biology?

the study of living organisms

two definitions of science

1) tries to find the truth
2) systematic approach to knowledge

6 steps of the scientific method

1) problem 2) hypothesis 3) materials 4) procedure 5)results/data/observation 6)conclusion

experimental variable

the variable you change in an experiment

experimental controls

All the things you keep the same in an experiment

dependent variable

a variable (often denoted by y ) whose value depends on that of another.

independent variable

a variable (often denoted by x ) whose variation does not depend on that of another.




numbers + words


prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in a way considered to be unfair.


a fake drug used in the testing of medication

cure for cancer

group a :
same cancer
same age
same weight
same health
medicine (experimental variable)
LIVED TWO MORE YEARS (dependent variable)
group b:
same cancer
same age
same weight
same health
placebo (experimental variable )
DIED (dependent variable)

DNA Song

DNA has a sugar, a phosphate and a base
T(Thymine) goes with A(Adenine)
G(Guanine) goes with C(Cytosine)

natural selection

Overproduction > Variation > Natural Selection (best favored in the environment survive) > Inherited

Mendel's experiments

1st gen: purple flower(PP) x white flower(pp) =
2nd gen: all purple flowers (Pp) reproduce =
3rd gen: 75% purple flowers, 25% white flowers
3:1 phenotype, 1:2:1 genotype ( PP, Pp, pp)


genetic change in a population over time


Makes sex cells or gametes (sperm + eggs)
46 chromosomes to 23
Diploid -> haploid

Mechanisms of Evolution

Natural selection, genetics, competitive advantage and adaptions


Having two identical alleles for a particular gene


An organism that has two different alleles for a trait