ABA Midterm MC ABA Philosophical underpinnings words


Enhances the understanding of a given phenomenon by enabling scientists to describe it accurately


� Repeated observations reveal that 2 events consistently covary with each other
� Correlation-systematic covariation between 2 events


� Third and highest level of scientific understanding
� Functional relations-exists when a well-controlled experiment reveals that a specific change in one event (dependent variable) can reliably be produced by specific manipulations of another event (ind


� Fundamental principle underlying operant conditioning
� The basic tenet is that all forms of operant behavior are shaped, selected, and maintained by their consequences during an individual's lifetime
� Skinner's concept of selection by consequences is


� Scientists presume that the universe is a lawful and orderly place in which all phenomena occur as the result of other events.


� The practice of objective observation of the phenomena of interest
� Objective not subjective
� The scientist's empirical attitude demands objective observation based on thorough description, systematic and repeated measurement, and precise quantificati


� The basic strategy of most sciences
� To investigate the possible existence of a functional relation, an experiment must be performed in which the factors suspected of having causal status are systematically controlled and manipulated while the effects


� The repeating of experiments (as well as repeating IV conditions within experiments)


� All simple, logical explanations for the phenomenon under investigation should be ruled out, experimentally or conceptually, before more complex or abstract explanations are considered
� "great frugality

Philosophic Doubt

� Requires the scientist to continually question the truthfulness of what is regarded as fact.
� Scientific knowledge must always be viewed as tentative
� Healthy level of skepticism of others research and their own


� One of the four interrelated domains of behavior analytic science and professional practices guided by that science
� Theory and philosophy

Experimental Analysis of Behavior

� One of the four interrelated domains of behavior analytic science and professional practices guided by that science
� Research in lab


� One of the four interrelated domains of behavior analytic science and professional practices guided by that science
� Conduct experiments aimed at discovering and clarifying functional relations between socially significant behavior and it controlling v

Practice guided by ABA

� One of the four interrelated domains of behavior analytic science and professional practices guided by that science
� Behavior analysis practitioners design, implement, and evaluate behavior change programs that consist of behavior change tactics derive


� Signals ABA's commitment to affecting improvements in behaviors that enhance and improve people's lives
� Must select behaviors to change that are socially significant for participants-social, language, academic, daily living, self-care, vocational, and


� The behavior chosen for study must be the behavior in need of improvement
� The behavior must be measurable
� When changes in behavior are observed during an investigation, it is necessary to ask whose behavior has changed (e.g., observer drift)


� A study in ABA is technological when all of its operative procedures are identified and described with sufficient detail and clarity "such that a reader has a fair chance of replicating the application with the same results

Conceptually Systematic

� The procedures for changing behavior and any interpretations of how or why those procedures were effective should be described in terms of the relevant principles from which they were derived.


� must improve the behavior under investigation to a practical degree; enough to make a socially important difference
� Look for behavior changes that reach clinical or social significance!
� Ask the people who deal with the behavior how much it needs to


� lasts over time, appears in environments other than the one in which the intervention that initially produced it was implemented, and/or spreads to other behaviors not directly treated by the intervention.