AP Environmental Science FRQ


6CO2+6H2O+sunlight -> C6H12O6+6O2

Cellular Respirtation


Food Chain Levels

Tertiary consumer
Secondary consumer
Primary Consumer
Primary Producer

Food Change Energy Conversion:

Each trophic level looses about 90% of the energy so they only consume 10% of the original energy.

Carbon Cycle

There is cellular respiration
decomposition releases carbon from dead organisms, comes in the form of CO2
in the water, Calcium Carbonate is formed

El Ni�o

1. air pressure patterns in the South Pacific reverse direction
2. trade winds decrease in strength and can reverse direction
3. the normal flow of water away from South America decreases and ocean water piles up off South America
4. this pushes thermocli


the variety of life in the world or in a particular habitat or ecosystem, can be broken down into ecosystem diversity, species diversity, and genetic diversity


1. Slow generation time (population can't evolve rapidly enough)
2. Low genetic diversity (natural selection doesn't work)
3. Environmental degradation (no suitable habitat to move to)

Natural Selection

the mechanism by which species evolve, survival of the fittest

Evolution by Natural Selection

-Population has variations (different traits)
-Some variations are favorable
-More offspring produced than survive
-Those that survive will have favorable traits
-Favorable traits are passed on


1 million= 10^6
1 billion= 10^9

Hectare conversions

2.47 acres=1 hectare
1 sq. mile=640 acres