Biochemistry Exam 4

What is the trend in prevalence of childhood and adult overweight/obesity that has occurred during the past 50 years?

Decreasing prevalence

What is the trend in prevalence of childhood and adult overweight/obesity that has occurred during the past 50 years?

Increasing prevalence

What is the disease name characterized by i) refusal to maintain a minimal normal body weight, ii) intense fear of gaining body weight, and iii) body weight distortion?

Anorexia nervosa

What is the difference in genetics between the three types of human obesity (syndromic, non-syndromic, and common), respectively?

Monogenic, monogenic, polygenic

The hypothesis suggesting that natural selection results in altered protein function and metabolism that provides an advantage thereby allowing for more efficient energy storage during times of food abundance is referred to as the following?

Thrifty gene hypothesis

The first law of thermodynamics states that body weight cannot change if the three basic components of energy balance remain at equilibrium. What are the three basic components of energy balance?

Energy consumption, energy expenditure, and energy storage

What country has the distinction for having the highest global food energy consumption?

United States

The world's leading expert (James Hill from University of Colorado) for maintaining whole body energy balance has proven which of the following statements?

Humans have evolved to regulate whole body energy balance at high energy expenditure (energy expenditure thus regulates energy consumption).

The hormone insulin differs from the hormone glucagon, ephinephrine, and cortisol with respect to what type of metabolism?

Insulin is anabolic while glucagon, epinephrine, and cortisol are catabolic.

The major metabolic fuel available in a normal weight man/woman and an obese man/woman is represented by which of the following nutrients?

Triacylglycerol that is present in adipose tissue.