BSC 108 Module 11

Basic Idea of Natural Selection

Individuals with specific inherited traits will survive and reproduce with individuals with other traits

evolutionary adaption

Different modifications to specific ways of life in the environment

5 types of Evolution

- edward from Fossils
- evidence from homologies
- evidence from evolutionary trees
- evidence from natural selection
- evidence from population

What kinds of adaptations did Darwin observe in the Gal�pagos finches?

The Finches lived in areas with a lot of hard shelled nuts had strong thicker beaks, compared to those who lived in areas with insects and fruit had more delicate beaks

What are the two observations that formed that basis of Darwin's theory of natural selection?

- all organisms struggle to survive
- some are better adapted to the environment than others

Describe one example of natural selection

pesticide residence in insects

What is a population

a group of individuals of the same species that live in the same area and interbreed

genetic variation

- sexual reproduction
- mutations

gene pool

all copies of every type of allele at every locus in members of the population

what is genetic drift

a change in the gene pool of population due to chance

bottleneck effect

a genetic drift due to a drastic reduction in population

founder effect

a genetic drift because of a small new population whose gene pools differ from that of the parental population

gene flow

the genetic exchange with another population. A population can either lose or gain alleles when fertile individuals move into or out of the population or when gametes are transferred between populations

Darwinian Fitness

Genetic contribution of an individuals to the next generation gene pool measured by the number of offspring or close relatives that survive to reproduce

Directional selection

favors one extreme phenotype

stabilizing selection

favors intermediate phenotypes