evolution test review

the slow, gradual change in a species is called


what is biodiversity

variety of living organisms in an area

what are homologous structures

structures that look the same but different functions, EX. forelimbs of diffrent species have radius, ulna, but fuction diffrently

what was lamarcks theory and why was he incorrect

the theory of inheritance of acquired traits

what is artificial selection

when humans interfere and breed animals for desired traits like increased milk production or dog breed

what is a natural selection

the process by which biological organisms with favorable traits survive and reproduce more successfully than organisms that do not possess such traits

give an example of natural selection in action

if you have a population and some have short hair and other long hair and temp drops, the long haired ones will survive longer and pass their genes while short hair ones die off

why might one variation have a selective advantage over another variation

environment might favor one and be against the other. predators might see one color over another and keep attacking them

what is survival of the fittest

describes the idea that there is, in nature, competition to survive and reproduce

how are natural selection, adaptation, and fitness all interrelated

adaptation make an organism survive better in their enviroment, therefore making them more fit which means they will be more suckessful at living and passing their genes. natural selection places the pressure on which adaptations are benifical or determin

what is stabilizing selection

favors the average in-between individuals and selects against the two extremes

what is distruptive selection

favors both extremes while selecting against the avarage in-between

what is directional selection

favors one extreme

what is convergent evolution

when enviroment dictates the evolution of similar structures that have similar functions but are from different un-related species EX. wings of bat, bird or dragonfly

what is diverget evolution

one species gives rise to many species over time. these new species can tace origin back to a common ancestor EX. darwins finches

what are vestigial ogans

organs/structures that have no apparent function or beifit for the organism. EX. wisdom teeth, tail bone, eyes for blind cave fish

what are the major drive forces behind evolution

natural selection, enviromental depletion or formation, mass extinctions events, climate changes, new or reduced food sources

what is speciation

evolution of a new species because of geographic, reproductive isolation, or change in the number of chromosomes EX. polyploidy in some species of plants

what is adaptive radiation

when a population or a species evolves to fill in niches that were previously unoccupied

what is a mutation

any changes in the noral DNA sequence

what type of cell is believed to be on the earth first


what major therory did lynn margulis propose

she was a scientist that tried to explain cellular evolution using the endosymbiont therory where one prokaryote swallowed another forcing it to become a mitochondriaon

natural selection occurs in which level


adaptation radiation is associated with which type of evolution


shark, penguin, dolphin are examples of

convergent evolution

a modified structure seen among diffrent groups of descendants

homologous structure

in the earliest stages of develepment a tail and gill slits can be seen in rabbits, fish, birds

embryological evedence

exemplified by forelimbs of bats, penguins, and monkeys

homologous structure

the forelimbs of a flightless birds

vestigial structure

DNA and RNA comparisons may lead to evolutionary trees or cladograms

molecular evedince

birds and butterfly wings have the same function but diffrent structure

analogous structue

a body structure no longer used but may habe had a function in an early ancestor


structure associated with divergent evolution

homologous structure

structure associated with convegent evolution

analogous structue

geographic isolation would fit into dis category

biogeographical evidence