Biology Terminology


An organisms ability to adapt to an enviornment and reproduce successfully.


Changes in populations of organisms over time.

Natural Selection

Organisms best suited to their environment reproduce more successfully than other organisms.

Vestigial Structures

Structure that had a purpose in an ancestor but no longer serves a useful function to the modern organism
Ex: Human tailbone and appendix, snakes pelvic bones

Genetic Drift

The phenomenon by which allele frequencies in a population change as a result of random events, or chance.

Gene Flow

The process of genes moving from one population to another.


The process of species formation.

Gradual Speciation

The smooth and gradual change from one species to another.

Punctuated Equilibrium

The sudden shift in form that results in very different species.

Adaptive Radiation

When many new species form from a single ancestor.

Geographic Isolation

The physical separation of members of a population.

Pre-Zygotic Isolation

Occurs before fertilization
Ex: Incorrect mating behavior, differences in mating times, differences in morphology

Post- Zygotic Isolation

Occurs after fertilization
Ex: offspring may not develop completely, offspring may be sterile and unable to reproduce


The evolutionary history of a species or a group of related species.


Classifying organisms and their evolutionary relationships based on fossils, morphology, genes, and molecular evidence.


The science of classifying organisms based on similarities and differences.

Phylogenetic Tree

A family tree that shows the evolutionary relationships among groups of organisms.


Patterns of shared characteristics can be depicted in a diagram.