Science - Evolution Quiz

A Species is ....

a group of similar organisms that can mate with each other and produce fertile offspring.

What are the differences between members of the same species?


What is one of the main ways that a new species forms?

When a group is separated from the rest of the species.

What are fossils?

The preserved remains or traces of organisms that lived in the past.

What does extinct mean?

When a species no longer has any living members.

Homologous structures refers to....

Similar structures that related species have inherited from a common ancestor.

A branching tree is .....

A diagram showing how scientists think different groups of organisms are related.

When 2 organisms look very similar during their early stages of development, this is evidence that ....

the organisms evolved from a common ancestor.

When determining the evolutionary relationships among species, scientists ....

combine evidence from fossils, body structures, early development, DNA, and protein structures.

Darwin observed that the beaks of finches in the Galapagos Islands

were adaptations related to the food they were eating

Evolution is ....

the gradual change in a species over time.

Adaptation is ....

a trait that helps an organism survive and reproduce.

Natural Selection is ....

when individuals that are better adapted to their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce.

Overproduction is when ...

a species creates (reproduces) more offspring than can possibly survive.

What evidence do we have that whales once walked on land?

Fossils of whale-like creatures that had legs

Natural selection leads to evolution when ...

variations build up among surviving members of the species

Species that are related with similar body structures and patterns of development inherit ...

many of the same genes from a common ancestor.

What did Darwin conclude about the organisms on the Galapagos Islands?

that the organisms had changed/adapted over time