Phylogenetic Analysis

Population Affinities

Living populations
Skeletal populations

Greater population

Origin and evolution of modern humans

Fewer population

Pop. Mix, migration, identity

phylogenetic tree

A family tree that shows the evolutionary relationships thought to exist among groups of organisms


Divergence of time and connection


common ancestor

Neutral tree

numbers of accumulated nucleotide substitutions in each branch of the phylogenetic tree, and also, all the ancestral sequences at the branch points are known

Balancing selection

Directional selection

population bottleneck

a type of genetic drift in which population size is sharply reduced due to some catastrophic event

geographic isolation

isolation between populations due to physical barriers


Form of relocation diffusion involving permanent move to a new location.


Species/population that has unambiguously separated the earliest from the other species or populations being studied

Distance Matrix Approach

Distance matrix
Two taxa w/ smallest distance cluster together
Assume constant rate of evolution across all lineages


unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean

Neighbour joining method

Capable of different rates of evolution across all lineages

Parsimony Approach

Attempt to minimize the # of mutations that a phylogenetic tree must invoke to account for the sequence of all taxa being considered
Mutation is rare

Bootstrapping/Tree reliability

Subset of data is drawn with replacement and a tree is inferred from these new data
Repeat 100-1000+ times to find best tree

Total variation

Amount of mutation/variation


Amount of mutation/mutation rate
I.e.Molecular clock

Molecular clock

-Mutation rate can be calibrated
-used DNA markers or not affected by natural selection
-Mitochondrial DNA is the best candidate

Human/Neandertal common ancestor

550000 - 690000 Years ago

All human common ancestor

120000 - 150000 years ago