Evolution Vocabulary 2

behavioral isolation

isolation between populations due to differences in courtship or mating behavior

convergent evolution

evolution toward similar characteristics in unrelated species, resulting from adaptations to similar environmental conditions


evolution of two or more species from one ancestral species

genetic drift

change in allele frequencies due to chance alone, occurring most commonly in small polulations

adaptive radiation

process by which one species evolves and gives rise to many descendant species that occupy different ecological niches

divergent evolution

evolution of closely related species into different species

reproductive isolation

members of isolated populations are either no longer able to mate or no longer able to produce viable offspring

natural selection

mechanism by which individuals that have inherited beneficial adaptations produce more offspring than other individuals

punctuated equilibrium

theory that states that speciation occurs suddenly and rapidly, followed by long periods of little evolutionary change

geographic isolation

isolation between populations due to physical barriers


inherited trait that is selected for over time because it allows organisms to better survive in their environment


evolutionary history of a group of related species

allele frequency

proportion of one allele, compared with all the alleles for that trait, in the gene pool


collection of all of an organism's physical characteristics

biological resistance

the natural or genetic ability of an organism to avoid or repel attack by biotic agents or to withstand the effects of abiotic agents


variety of life within an area

directional selection

pathway of natural selection in which one uncommon phenotype is selected over a more common phenotype

disruptive selection

pathway of natural selection in which two opposite, but equally uncommon, phenotypes are selected over the most common phenotype

stabilizing selection

pathway of natural selection in which intermediate phenotypes are selected over phenotypes at both extremes


process in which two or more species evolve in response to changes in each other


principle that states that the changes in landforms result from slow changes over a long period of time


a species that has been eliminated from the Earth

mass extinction

a widespread and rapid decrease in the biodiversity on Earth

behavioral isolation

isolation between populations due to differences in courtship or mating behavior

convergent evolution

evolution toward similar characteristics in unrelated species, resulting from adaptations to similar environmental conditions


evolution of two or more species from one ancestral species

genetic drift

change in allele frequencies due to chance alone, occurring most commonly in small polulations

adaptive radiation

process by which one species evolves and gives rise to many descendant species that occupy different ecological niches

divergent evolution

evolution of closely related species into different species

reproductive isolation

members of isolated populations are either no longer able to mate or no longer able to produce viable offspring

natural selection

mechanism by which individuals that have inherited beneficial adaptations produce more offspring than other individuals

punctuated equilibrium

theory that states that speciation occurs suddenly and rapidly, followed by long periods of little evolutionary change

geographic isolation

isolation between populations due to physical barriers


inherited trait that is selected for over time because it allows organisms to better survive in their environment


evolutionary history of a group of related species

allele frequency

proportion of one allele, compared with all the alleles for that trait, in the gene pool


collection of all of an organism's physical characteristics

biological resistance

the natural or genetic ability of an organism to avoid or repel attack by biotic agents or to withstand the effects of abiotic agents


variety of life within an area

directional selection

pathway of natural selection in which one uncommon phenotype is selected over a more common phenotype

disruptive selection

pathway of natural selection in which two opposite, but equally uncommon, phenotypes are selected over the most common phenotype

stabilizing selection

pathway of natural selection in which intermediate phenotypes are selected over phenotypes at both extremes


process in which two or more species evolve in response to changes in each other


principle that states that the changes in landforms result from slow changes over a long period of time


a species that has been eliminated from the Earth

mass extinction

a widespread and rapid decrease in the biodiversity on Earth