Exam 1 PP 1,2,3

empirical science

testable, can be done in a lab

historical science

cannot redo this, it is in the past


everything is designed


everything appears to be designed... chance


scientific method, naturalistic explanation


started simple and then got more complex.. life came from the sea


natural selection- nature played a roll in choosing which creatures would survive and reproduce


chain (scala natura), organized simple to complex


everything trying to reach perfection (theory of forms)

***John Ray

species involved male and female (by God) that would reproduce

***Carl Linnaeus

taxonomy, kinds of organisms are immutable


irreducible complexity

***Darwin's observations

1) members of a population vary greatly
2) inherit from parents
3) capable of producing more offspring than the environment can support
4) survival of the fittest

Bc of Darwin's observations.. people conclude that everything evolved from macroevolution

mutation + natural selection + time = macroevolution

mutations are

not beneficial and lose info

Starting with a trilobite and ending with a trilobite is


natural selection is preservative because

it does not make new

all things have same type of

homologous structures

some people think that since we might have all come from common ancestors because of these homologous structures..

some say that all have to have some sort of locomotion.. law of physics and their need for locomotion determines these shapes and structures

antibiotic resistance is a mutation because

the person cannot compete so they have an overall decrease in function

DNA Homology

sequence of hemoglobin

We may be similar to monkey but there are too many

different DNA Sequences

If you try to track back all things with similar past DNA.. instead of getting the "tree of life" you get the

bush of life

Fossil record

transitional animals (if a frog became a fish then we should see fossils.. but you cant find them

if we do see an animal change to another we see these 3 things:

1) sudden appearances
2) stasis (doesn't change)
3) extinction (dissapear)

***Hardy Weinberg- populations of animals will stay the same unless...

1) no mutation 2) no gene flow 3) no natural selection 4) random ating 5) large population

Founder's Effect

small population leave and going else where

Darwin's finches is a good example for

the founder's effect

you need a large population to


when a population gets small, you lose the

diversity and reproducing becomes harder than when the population was larger

genetic drift

you can use alleles

Types of Natural Selection

disruption - 2 extremes
directional - one side
balanced - equal to both


cannot mate a chihuahua and a pitbull


group of population whose members who have potential to reproduce viable offspring in nature (works with animals)

reproductive isolation is necessary for


prezygotic barrier

prevents fertilized egg from occurring (mechanical or geographical.. sqirrels in the grand canyon that cannot get to the other side)

***allopatric speciation

dependent on geographical isolation (salamander migrated south or the fish in different waters)

How can we tell if allopatric speciation has occurred?

cannot reproduce and if they do the offspring isn't healthy and do not live long, the further apart they are the more different they look, lots of species on barries

***sympatric speciation

live in same place and over a period of time they diverge (ex. sexual selection, sicklids in Lake Victoria, pupfish)

What happens if these speciation events occur and these animals come back together in these hybrid zones?

we reinforce these boundaries..

fusions between the animals

we weaken both and could possibly get them back together (magazine, siclids in LakeVictoria)

If there is a fusion we need stability-

we can continue to make hybrids but can keep the 2 species separate, too

Punctuated Equillibrium

describe periods of apparent stasis punctuated by sudden change.. derived from the lack of fossil evidence from fossil record for macroevolution

***Why didn't Noah take every species of animal onto the ark if God brought 2 of every kind of animal to him?

he brought 2 of every kind, not species.. did not take the things that could survive in water

***The paper proposes that all the species of animals alive today descended from the animals on the ark. Why isnt this macroevolution?

reproductive isolation events would occur.. not Hardy Weinberg because each of the kinds were not big enough populations for that to happen

***Discuss at least 2 mechanisms that enabled different species to descend from a kind of animal that was on the Ark.

behavioral isolation, geographical isolation

***Why was it important that God brought the animals to Noah instead of Noah picking 2 of every kind himself??

only he would know which ones were the most suitable to survive and then be able to reproduce