Biotic Diversity Sub Mod 3


a characteristic, behavior, or physiological advantage that increases the likelihood that your species will survive and reproduce


differences in traits between members of the same species

selective breeding or artificial selection

humans determine which traits in a species they prefer and choose individuals with those traits to reproduce

natural selection

the process in which organisms with favorable traits survive and reproduce at higher rates than organisms without those traits

Structural Adaptation

involves a specific part of an organism's body.
Ex: a cactus has spines on it that help protect it from the organisms that try to eat it

Behavioral Adaptation

involves an animal's behavior- it can be learned or it might be something an animal is born doing.
Ex: every species of bird has its own bird call. These patterns of sound help birds find mates and protect their territory

Physiological Adaptation

involves the overall functions, systems, or processes of an organism.
Ex: certain types of bacteria have become resistant antibiotics, which means they have adapted to survive the treatments that people use to kill them


when plants grow towards or away from light


a survival technique to conserve energy by becoming inactive and slowing down all body processes


a seasonal or periodic movement of animals in response to climate or food availability


a method organisms use to create shelter for themselves and their offspring

innate behavior

an organism is born knowing how to do it (inherited through your genes!)


an innate action or behavioral adaptation that an organism knows to do without being taught


When an organism comes to recognize another as a parent or someone of habitual trust
developed during the 'critical period' or very early in an organism's life

learned behavior

something that organisms develop through observing others or are taught to do

symbiotic relationship (or symbiosis)

when organisms have a mutually beneficial relationship with one another
Ex: - A clownfish & a sea anemone
-A bee pollinating a flower while getting food for himself

sexual selection

when natural selection occurs through the preference of certain traits of individuals of a certain gender