Physics 20

What is a motion diagram?

A series of images showing the positions of a moving object at equal time intervals

Particle Model

A simplified version of a motion diagram in which the object in motion is replaced by a series of single points. In order to use this model, the size of the object must be much less than the distance it moves.

Coordinate system

Tells you the location of the zero point of the variable you are studying and the direction in which the values of the variable increase.


The point where both variables are zero.


Quantities that have both size (magnitude) and a direction


Quantities that are just numbers without any direction, such as distance, time, or temperature. (opposite of vectors)


The vector that represents the sum of the other two vectors. The resultant always points from the tail of the first vector to the tip of the last vector.


Change in position

Average velocity

The slope of a position vs. time graph, which is represented by the ratio of the change of position to the time interval during which the change occurred.

Average speed

The absolute value of the slope of a position vs. time graph. It tells you how fast the object is moving. The sign of the slope tells you in what direction the object is moving, which makes it a vector with velocity.

What is the difference between speed and velocity?

Velocity contains information about the direction of motion while speed does not

The quantity of 2.67e3 has how many significant figures?


If Sam walks 100m to the right, then 200m to the left, his net displacement vector points...?

To the left!

Velocity vectors point ______ in relation to displacement vectors?

In the same direction as displacement vectors

4 types of motion we will study

- Straight line motion
- Circular motion
- Projectile motion
- Rotational motion

Maria is at position x=23m. She then undergoes a displacement of -50m. What is her final position?


Motion at a constant speed is called ____?

Uniforma motion

Significant figures

Digits that are reliably known

Displacement vector

Starts at the object's initial position and ends at its final position.

What is the slope at a point on a position vs. time graph of an object?

The object's instantaneous velocity at that point

What is the area under a velocity vs. time graph of an object?

The displacement of the object

How do you know from a position vs. time graph if an object's motion is uniform?

The graph is a straight line

Instantaneous velocity

An object's velocity at a specific instant in time

A 1-lb. ball and a 100-lb ball are dropped from a height of 10 feet at the same time. In the absence of air resistance...?

The two balls hit the ground at the same time


The rate of change of velocity, and the slope of a velocity vs. time graph

Quadratic relationships

Two quantities are said to have a quadratic relationship if y is proportional to the square of x.

Which objects are in freefall?

Any object moving under the influence of gravity only and no other forces.

Which direction does the freefall acceleration point?

It always points down, no matter what direction the object is moving

What is the freefall acceleration value?

9.80 m/s/s, vertically downward

A(x) is the _____ of the vector A


Coordinate systems

Artificially imposed grids you place on problems

The acceleration vector of a particle in projectile motion....?

Is directed down at all times!

Projectile motion

A projectile is an object that moves in two dimensions under the influence of gravity and nothing else. It follows a trajectory with the mathematical form of a parabola.
In projectile motion, the horizontal motion is constant and the vertical motion is fr

Uniform circular motion

Constant speed but constantly changing direction


Time interval for an object to complete one revolution


The number of revolutions per second (f=1/period)

Is there any acceleration in circular motion?

There is always an acceleration because the velocity is always changing direction.

What is velocity in circular motion?

Tangent to the circular path!

Where does acceleration point in circular motion?

Toward the center of the circle

Net force

The vector sum of all the forces acting on an object

If you are standing on the floor, motionless, what are the forces that act on you?

Weight force and normal force

Newton's First Law

The Law of Inertia. If an object has no force acting on it, it will continue to remain at rest or move in a straight line at a constant speed until another force interferes.

What are the types of forces?

Spring force
Tension force
Normal force
Electric and Magnetic forces

What are the 3 types of friction?

Static friction
Kinetic friction
Rolling friction

Drag force

Air resistance. It points opposite to the direction of motion.

Thrust force

Is exerted on a rocket by exhaust gases

Free-body diagrams

Diagrams used to show the relative magnitude and direction of all forces acting upon an object in a given situation. The size of the arrow in a free-body diagram reflects the magnitude of the force, and the direction of the arrow shows the direction that

Static equilibrium

When an object remains at rest, it is in static equilibrium and has 0 acceleration

Dynamic equilibrium

When an object moves in a straight line at a constant speed, it is in dynamic equilibrium and has 0 acceleration

When looking at drag, going twice as fast requires...?
