Ap Physics 1 Review


Is conserved always

Junction rule

I in = I out
Conservation of charge

Loop Rule

For any conductive loop, emf-v=0
Conservation of energy

Ideal Spring

obeys Hooke's law = "simple harmonic motion

Hooke's Law

F = -kx
Linear relationship between restoring force and displacement

Newton's First Law

-An object at rest will stay at rest
-a moving object will stay moving unless disturbed by an un balenced force.

Newton's Second Law


Newton's Third Law

-For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction
-"Third law pairs

Center of Mass

-Where external force acts
-Where mass is concentrated
-If no external force, position is constant
X(com) = ( m1x1 + m2x2 ) / M(sys)

Velocity of Center of Mass

V(com) = ( m?v? + m?v? ) / M(sys)

Units for momentum


Units for energy

Joules (J)

Units for voltage


Units for electric power


Moment of Inertia

point mass I=mr^2
cylinder I=1/2(mr^2)

Conservation of Mechanical Energy

When only conservative forces do work on an object, energy is conserved and described by the equation: ?E = ?KE + ?PE = 0

Longitudinal Wave

Moves parallel to propagation (sound)

Transverse Wave

Moves perpendicular to propagation


where ? is mass/length

Constructive interference

where ?(1) = n*?(2) difference in length is an integer of whole wavelengths

Destructive interference

where ?(1) = n*?(2)/2 difference in lengths os a whole number of half wavelenghs

V of a wave

determined by medium, inversely proportional to square root of density

Beat frequency

occurs with two sound sources of different frequencies alternating between constructive and destructive interference.
f(beat) = | f1 - f2 |

Sound Intensity

Intensity = Power / Area

V of sound

Proportional to root of Temp in Kelvins
When T increases, V increases

Damped Oscillation

Energy is lost to other forms so ME(i) ? ME(f)

Rule of Small Angles

sin?(degrees) = ?(rad)

Rotational Period

T=2? ?(I/mgd) increases with Inertia

Rotation vs. Circular motion

Rotation - rotation around an axis
Circular motion - object moving in a circle due to centripetal force

No Slipping

V of any point of contact must be zero
0 = Vcom + Vt


R = ? L/A. L is length of the conductor, A is cross-sectional area. ? is resistivity - determined by medium

Power relates to the physical property of


Amplitude of a sound wave determines


Frequency of a sound wave determined


Unit for current

Amps (A)
I = ?q / ?t
rate of net charge flow in respect to time


Allow charge to flow


Don't allow charge flow

Unit of charge

coulomb (C)

Current flows from

High V to low V

Electric potential

?V=W/q, W is work needed to move test charge aka ?Ue

Conservation of Momentum

When there are no net external forces doing work on the system.

Conservation of Angular Momentum

no external torque doing work on the system

Rotational Kinetic Energy

KErotational = 1/2
W = ?KErot = ? ??

Angular Momentum

L = r?mv or I?
?L = ??t

Elastic Collision

KEi = KEf

Perfectly Inelastic Collision

Objects stick together

Resistors in Parallel

?v is = in all resistors
I is shared (junction rule) & depends of value of R
Sum of inverse of the resistances = inverse of R(eq)
Lowers total resistance, increases power, increases brightness!

Resistors in series

I is = in al resistors
?v is shared & depends on the value of R
Increases resistance, decreases power, decreases brightness!

Intensity will be zero when two speakers have

Same amplitude and ?d = n(wavelength)

Units for k of a spring


Without friction, a mass collides with a spring. What is conserved?

NOT mechanical energy bc. force on impact is not conservative!

Rate at which energy is dissipated in a resistor is...


Ohmic Resistor

A resistor that follows Ohm's Law
