AP Physics 1 Concepts & Equations

At peak height what is the objects velocity?

V= 0 m/s

What is the acceleration of an object? (kinematics)

- 9.8 m/s^2 (also gravity)

The vector component of horizontal velocity relates to which trig. function?


The vector component of vertical velocity relates to which trig. function?


How does horizontal velocity change when an object is thrown or dropped?

Horizontal velocity stays the same the entire way

X vs T graph: What is the slope?


X vs T graph: What does a steep slope indicate?

Fast Velocity

X vs T graph: What does a curve on the graph mean?

acceleration (positive or negative)

X vs T graph: What does a horizontal line mean?


X vs T graph : What does the area of this graph equal to ?


V vs T graph: What is the Area of this graph equal to ?


V vs T graph: What is the Slope of this graph?


V vs T graph: What does a horizontal line mean?

Constant Velocity

A vs T: What is the Slope of this graph?


A vs T graph: What is a horizontal line ?


A vs T graph: What is the area under this graph?


What is N1L ?

objects maintain constant velocity unless a force acts upon it

What is N2L?


What is N3L?

every force has an equal and opposite force

What are the two equations for gravity ?

mg or Gm1m2/r^2

What is the equation for spring force?


What is Normal force in an ideal situation?

weight or mg

What is normal force on an incline?

N= mgcosX

What is normal force on an elevator?

N=m(g+a) or N=m(g-a)

What is normal force when an object is being pushed up or down?


What is the equation for centripetal force?


What is the Velocity of an object in a circular motion?

v=(circumference) / (T)

Centripetal Motion: Forces pointed towards the center of the FBD are negative or positive?


Centripetal Motion: Forces pointed away from the center of the FBD are negative or positive?


What is the equation for Work?


What is work done by gravity ?


What kind of work do forces do that are perpendicular to the direction of force make?

They don't do work

What is the area under a Force vs Direction graph?


What is total work?

The change in kinetic energy

What is the equation for potential energy of a spring?


What is the equation for kinetic energy?


What is the equation for momentum ?

p= mv

When is momentum conserved?


What is an elastic collision & its formula ?

When objects bounce off of each other & Mvi+mvi = Mvf+mvf

What is an inelastic collision & its formula?

when two objects stick together & Mvi+mvi = (M+m)vf

Is Kinetic Energy in an elastic collision conserved ?


Is Kinetic Energy in an inelastic collision conserved?


Force vs Time graph: What is the area?


Waves: What does a bigger amplitude result in?

louder noise

What is a high frequency the same as ?

A higher note

What happens to a wave if you increase the temperature?

Faster Waves

Do you add or subtract when dealing with constructive interference?


Do you add or subtract when dealing with destructive interference?


What is the speed of sound?

340 m/s

What is the equation for the frequency of a wave in an open tube ?


What is the equation for the frequency of a wave in a closed tube ?


What is Ohms Law Equation?


What is resistance of a circuit in series?

R= R1+R2...

What is resistance of a circuit in parallel ?

1/R = 1/R1+1/R2...

What is the equation for current ?

I= Q/t

Equations for Electrical power?

P=IV, PI^2R, P=V^2/R

What is the current of a circuit in series?

The same throughout the circuit

What is the voltage of a circuit in series ?

It is added

What is the current of a circuit in parallel ?


What is the voltage of a circuit in parallel?

The same