AP Physics Work Energy Momentum


measure of energy transfer that occurs when an object is moved over a distance by a force in the direction of the displacement

units for work

Joules (J)


the capacity to do work or generate heat

units for energy

Joules (J)

types of mechanical energy

kinetic, gravitational potential, elastic potential

kinetic energy

energy due to motion

gravitational potential energy

potential energy related to an object's height

elastic potential energy

the energy of stretched or compressed objects

kinetic energy (formula)


gravitational potential energy (formula)


elastic potential energy (formula)


Hooke's Law


Units on the spring constant


Units for displacement

meters (m)


rate of energy transferred per unit of time

Power (formula)

P=?E/t (or W/t)

units for power

Watts (W)

formula for work



the product of mass and velocity for an object

momentum (formula)


work energy theorem

work is equal to change in energy

work energy theorem (formula)

W=?KE, W=?PEg, W=?PEs

base units for Watts

kg m�/s�

base units for Joules

kg m�/s�

units for momentum

kg m/s

1st law of thermodynamics

conservation of energy

2nd law of thermodynamics

no energy transformation is 100% efficient (some energy is always lost to the highly disordered/random form of energy: heat)

Conservation of momentum

the total momentum of any isolated system is conserved (one object may gain or lose momentum, but the net total in the system cannot change without interacting with another system)

Conservation of momentum (most common formula)

m?v? + m?v? = m?v? + m?v?

conservative force

a force that conserves mechanical energy (KE, PEg, PEs)

non-conservative force

a force that does not conserve mechanical energy (KE, PEg, PEs)

non-conservative force (main example)


inelastic collision

collision where mechanical energy changes but momentum is still conserved

elastic collision

collision where change in mechanical energy = 0, change in momentum = 0, no change in total KE


in this type of collision, the objects are together initially and separate after (opposite of inelastic collision)

inelastic collision example

two objects collide into one another and combine (can be treated as one object after this time)


change in momentum

impulse formula

J = ?p = mv - mv?

impulse performed by a variable force

J = ?F(t)dt

work done by a variable force

W = ?F(x)dx

determining force from potential energies

F = dPE/dx