Chapter #1 - Past Problems - Physics

If an object is in uniform motion, the dots on a motion diagram_____

are spaced at equal distances apart

Making rough estimates of physical quantities is useful____

to see if the answer to a problem makes phusical tense

The correct SI units for distance and mass are______ and ______

meters and kilograms

If Sam walks 100 m to the right, then 200 m to the left, his net displacement vector points to the ________


Velocity vectors point in the _________ direction as displacement vectors


The slope at a point on a position-versus-time graph of an object is the object's ________

instantaneous velocity at that point

Is a hockey puck sliding in a straight line at a constant speed an example of uniform motion or non uniform motion?

Uniform Motion

If you throw a ball against the ceiling�so the ball moves upward and then rebounds to move downward�at the instant the ball hits the ceiling, the acceleration is


If an object is speeding up, its acceleration is_____

can be positive or negative depending on the direction of motion

base fundamental units

meter, kilogram, second

What are the three quantities and units listed

mass, time, and length

A single digital reading of 5.067 grams will have an uncertainty that is _____ g.


Select all of the steps that are necessary to finding uncertainty when multiple readings are taken.

Measure many times
Check for ourliers with histogram
delete ourliers then find average
subtract average from maximum reading
subtract the minimum reading from average
find the largest of differences from the average - uncertainty

The symbol that is used to represent a vector is an _______________ because direction is an important characteristic of vectors.


What would a motion diagram slowing down to the left look like

points getting closer together the farther left you go

what would a motion diagram moving at a constant speed moving to the right look like?

points are evenly spaced out

What would a motion diagram slowing down to the right look like

points getting closer together the farther right you go

If an object is maintaining a state of motion - constant velocity. What shaped line would it be?

Straight - because it is constant. Does not matter the direction.

if the slope is constant then ________ is constant


If an object is maintaining its state of motion, what direction is it going?

To maintain the state of motion is to keep a constant velocity (i.e., to have a zero acceleration). This translates into a zero slope on a v-t graph.

True or false, accelerating is only in the positive direction


Slowing down is the same thing as?

accelerating in the opposite direction

smallest acceleration = smallest
