AP Physics: Kinematics


The study of the movement of objects in a straight line in one dimension

Free Fall

The type of motion experienced by an object that is under the influence of ONLY the pull of a planet's gravity

What are the two ways to solve Kinematics?

1: Algebraically using the kinematic equations
2: Analyzing graphs


The distance covered by a moving object in a given time, noting its direction


Scalar quantity which has no direction


A change in velocity

Kinematic Equations: Velocity

1) V = delta d/ delta t
2) V= (Vi + Vf)/2

Kinematic Equations: Acceleration

a= delta V / delta t

Kinematic Equations: Final Velocity Squared

Vf^2 = Vi^2 + 2ad

Kinematic Equations: Distance

d = (Vi
delta t) + ( (1/2)
a * delta t^2 )

What two types of motion does linear motion encompass?

1: Constant velocity is when an object does not change its velocity ( never speeds up/slows down)
2: Constant acceleration is when an object changes its velocity uniformly