Physics: Projectile Motion

What is the main force acting on a projectile?


Projectile motion is always movement in _____ dimensions.


With projectile motion we usually ignore ___________________.

air resistance

With vertical motion, it is ___________.


With horizontal motion, it has _______ velocity.


shape of a projectile's path


curved path that an object makes in space or that a thrown object follows as it rises and falls to earth, path of a projectile


horizontal distance traveled by a projectile


any object that moves through the air or through space under the influence of gravity only


highest point in the parabolic trajectory


Projectiles are objects that are shot at some angle so they have both ____________ and vertical motion at the same time.


Why do projectiles move forward?

due to their inertia given to them by initial force which launched the projectile

What path do projectiles follow?


governed by the force of gravity, follows the same rules used in straight red fall

vertical component

The object in free fall will fall with _________ distance each time interval as it _____________ downward as it falls.

increasing, accelerates

constant, governed by the law of inertia, moves forward parallel to the ground the same distance in each successive time interval, motion in the forward direction is completely independent of the vertical, accelerated motion

horizontal component

A projectile is any object with an ________ non-zero horizontal velocity whose acceleration is due to _______ alone.

initial, gravity

acceleration due to gravity may be assumed constant in both magnitude and direction throughout its trajectory.

simple projectile

follows a closed path that never brings it in contact with a celestial body (like the earth).


no matter where its trajectory may take it.

general projectile

The kinematic equations for a simple projectile are those of an object traveling with...
constant _________ velocity and constant vertical acceleration


horizontal distance traveled by a projectile


Give example of projectiles.

basketball, soccer ball, stone, arrow, human cannonball at a circle, frog hopping, kicked or thrown balls, jumping of animals

How can an object be thrown in the air? (what three ways)

launched at an angle, launched vertically, launched horizontally

line or point around which an object rotates


spinning around an internal force; earth rotates around its axis once every 24 hours


moving around an external axis; Earth revolves around the sun once every 365.25 days


amount of time it takes for one revolution/ rotation
T= 1/f, unit is second, T= number of second/number of revolutions


number of rotations/revolutions per second
f= number of revolutions/number of seconds, f= 1/t, unit is Hertz


rate at which an object travels in a circular path, time=period (time for one revolution)

tangential (linear velocity)

What does tangential velocity depend on?
At center: tangential velocity= _____ m/s
As you move away from the center, your radius __________ so your tangential velocity ________.

radius of the path, 0, increase

not dependent on radius, number of rotations per unit time, how fast an object is spinning

rotational velocity

Is Hannah's tangential velocity greater than, less than, or same as Rebecca's linear speed. Why?

less than, smaller radius, standing closer to center so smaller radius

Is Hannah's rotational velocity greater than, less than, or the same as Rebecca's rotational speed?


rate at which an object moving in a circle changes direction

centripetal acceleration

The direction of centripetal acceleration is always ________ towards the center of the circle


net force causing circular motion, center seeking, like the normal force ,

centripetal force

The direction of centripetal force is always towards the ________ of the circle. (some fore pushing inward); not an additional vector


could be tension in a string or the wall of washing machine, or a seatbelt in a car

example of centripetal force

inertia of the object, fake force

centrifugal force

Centrifugal force is always directed toward _______ tangent to circular path


driving toward a curve in a car (inertia makes slide across seat, moving in a straight line), seatbelt (centripetal) making move in a circle around a curve, washing machine (spin cycle)- holes in a wall

example of centrifugal force

Name characteristics of centripetal force.

actual force, can be calculated, towards center, tension in a string, causes circular motion

Name characteristics of centrifugal force.

can't be calculated, fake force, tangent to circular path, curve in car, just inertia of an object-straight linear motion

When an object moves in a vertical circle path, the _________ also factors into its centripetal force.


net force into the center of the circular path

centripetal force

Name examples of vertical circles

twirling a whistle in a vertical circle, riding over a hill in car, going through roller coaster loop

Two people sit on a balanced seesaw. When one person leans toward the center of the seesaw, that person's end of the seesaw will
a. fall
b. rise
c. stay at the same level


When you carry a heavy load with one arm, why do you tend to hold your free arm away from your body?
a. change the mass of your body
b. be ready to grab something in case you fall
c. change the center of gravity of your body and load
d. change the weight


If you try to touch your toes while standing flat against a wall, you probably will fall over. The reason this happens is that
a. your center of gravity is not located directly above your support area
b. your center of gravity is outside your support area


Explain how an object moving at a constant speed can have a nonzero acceleration?

acceleration depends on the change in an object's velocity. an object moving at a constant speed can experience a nonzero acceleration if the direction of the object's motion changes

What provides the centripetal force for a car driving on a circular track?

friction between the car's tires and the track provides the centripetal force

Is there an outward force in circular motion? Explain.

no, only an inward force causing a deviation from a straight-line path. tendency to move in a straight line away from the circular path is inertia

Inertia wants to keep things moving in a __________ line.


Suppose an airplane normally flying at 80 km/hr encounters wind at a right angle to its forward motion-crosswind. Will the airplane fly faster or slower than 80 km/hr. Explain.

faster, resultant velocity is the vector sum of its forward/sideways movement

At an instant, a horizontally pointed cannon is fired, a cannonball held at the cannon's side is released and rope to the ground. Which cannonball strikes the ground first, the one fired from the cannon or the one dropped explain

same time, only distance above ground influences time to hit and times are equal

A projectile is launched at an angle in the air. Neglecting air resistance, what is its vertical acceleration. Its horizontal acceleration.

ax= 0 m/s, ay= has number

At what point in its path does a projectile have minimum speed? Explain.

top of path, vy is only zero at this point, only has Vx

What does it mean when an object is moving in a horizontal circle.

object spins in a circle that is parallel to the ground

Give an example of a horizontal circle.

string with weight tied to end, rest on floor, starts to spin it around in a circle so that the weight is dragging along on the floor

What happens when something is spinning in a vertical circle?

gravity will have different effects on the object at different times

If you tie something and spin it in a vertical circle, what happens if you spin it too slowly?

tension in the sting disappears when it is at the top of its swing, weight may start to fall, never happens at the bottom of swing, relationship between the tension in the strong, centripetal force, force due to gravity

When the ball is moving a circle, there must be _______ force acting on the ball to keep it moving in a circle. That force always acts toward the center of the circle, pulling the ball towards there.


What happens at the bottom of the circle?

ball is pulled down by gravity, the string has to try to support this weight, the string will feel a force pulling it down (at the same time, the ball is also being pulled up towards the center of the circle by the centripetal force) (Newton's 3rd law sta

What is the miminum speed at which you could swing the ball so that the string won't go slack at the top of the swing?

minimum speed would happen when the centripetal force and the force due to gravity are exactly equal at the top of the swing; would make the tension exactly zero and the ball would be barely be able to keep moving in a circle

What happens at the top of the circle?

same sort of thing, gravity is still pointing down, centripetal force acting on the ball still points towards the center of the circle, centripetal force on the ball is now pointing down, Newton's 3d law means that the force acting on the string is up

A cannon fires a shell at a fixed angle above the horizontal. Which one of the following quantities is the same throughout the shell's flight?
a. its speed
b. its acceleration
c. its velocity


A projectile is fired at an angle of 45 degrees above the horizontal. Assume that air resistance is not significant. While the projectile is in flight, the horizontal component of the velocity remains constant.
True or False.


A projectile is fired at an angle of 45 degrees above the horizontal. Assume that air resistance is not significant. While the projectile is in flight, the acceleration remains constant.
True or False.


A machine launches a tennis ball at an angle of 25 degrees above the horizontal at a speed of 14 meters per second. Ball returns to level ground. Which combination of changes must produce an increase in time of flight of a second launch
a. increase the la


A .2 kg red ball is thrown horizontally at a speed of 4 m/s from a height of 3 m. A .4 kg green ball is thrown horizontally from the same height at a speed of 8 m/s. Compared to the time it takes the red ball to reach the ground, the time it takes the gre


A ball is thrown at an angle of 38 degrees to the horizontal. What happens to the magnitude of the ball's vertical acceleration during the total time interval that the ball is in the air
a. decreases then increases
b. decreases then remains the same
c. in


Explain the up motion of the projectile.

gravity is slowing projectile down

Explain the down motion of the projectile.

gravity is speeding projectile up, because gravity is causing the acceleration both up and down the two halves, are symmetrical

For the horizontal motion, what is happening to the projectile?

moving at constant speed

At the instant a ball is thrown horizontally with a larger force, an identical ball is dropped from the same height. Which ball hits the ground first?

same time, gravity is accelerating them both at the same rate downward

A ball is thrown into the air at some angle. At the very top of the ball's path, what is it velocity in the horizontal direction?

same as the velocity in the horizontal direction when it was launched

A ball is thrown into the air at some angle. At the very top of the ball's path, what is its velocity in the vertical direction?


At what angle should a ball be oriented for maximum height and range?

90, 45

continually falls around Earth


When an object is moving with uniform circular motion, the object's tangential sped is
a. circular
b. perpendicular to the plane of the motion
c. constant
d. directed toward the center of the motion


When the object is moving with uniform circular motion, the centripetal acceleration of the object
a. circular
b. perpendicular to the plane of the motion
c. constant
d. directed toward the center of the motion


net force directed toward the center of an object's circular path

centripetal force

The centripetal force on an object in circular motion is
a. same direction as tangential speed
b. direction opposite the tangential speed
c. same direction as the centripetal acceleration
d. direction opposite the centripetal acceleration


When a car makes a sharp left turn, what causes the passengers to move toward the right side of the car?


spinning around an internal axis; earth rotates around its axis once every 24 hours


moving around an external axis; earth revolves around the sun once every 365 days


amount of time it takes for one revolution or revolution
T= number of seconds/ number of revolutions
Unit: Seconds


number of rotations or revolutions per second
f= number of revs/number of seconds
unit is Hertz


Period and frequency are _________ (reciprocals)
T= 1/f
f= 1/T


distance moved per unit time

tangential (linea) velocity

Tangential velocity is always drawn ______ to the circular path.
Direction of the tangential velocity is the direction the object wants to move (_________ wants to move in a straight line)

tangent, inertia

distance, C= 2pir


time for one revolution (period-T)


V= circumference/T

tangential velocity formula

Tangential velocity depends on how far away the object is from the circle (its _______).
At the center, V= 0 m/s because r= 0
As you move away from the center, radius ________ so your tangential velocity _________.

radius, increases

number of rotations per unit time

rotational velocity

What does rotational velocity depend on?

number of degrees you turn in a given amount of time.

What does rotational velocity not depend on?

where you stand (radius) because the distance trave;ed (angle) will be the same

Rotational velocity is _________ proportional to its tangential velocity.
faster the object turns (rotational velocity), faster the tangential velocity can be


Why is Hannah's tangential velocity less than Rebeccas?

standing closer to the center (smaller radius) covers less distance in the same amount of time, tangential velocity depends on radius

Why is Hannah's rotational velocity the same as Rebecca's?

turn through the same angle in the same amount of time, rotational velocity does not depend on radius

quantitative expression of the amount of rotation that a spinning object undergoes per unit tim

rotational velocity

When an object moves in a circle, direction is constantly changing so the object is accelerating.
The direction of centripetal acceleration is always __________ the center of the circle.


acceleration due to an object moving in a circle path; constantly changing velocity
unit; m/s2
ac= v2/r

centripetal acceleration

net force causing circular motion

centripetal force

Centripetal force is always into the ________ of the circle. Fc is not an additional force, it is just the net force that is causing the object to keep changing direction. not a new velocity.
If the Fc is removed, the object will fly off in the direction

center, tangential

tension in string, wall of washing machine, seatbelt of a car friction between tires, road when driving around a curve

examples of centripetal force

inertia, not a real force, fake force that tries to make the objects move in a straight line; always directed tangent to the path of the circle.

centrifugal force

Explain the centrifugal force in a washing machine.

tiny holes in the walls of the machine always the water to fly out tangent to the circular path during the spin cycle; wall provides centripetal force for the clothing to keep it spinning in a circular path

When an object moves in a vertical circular, its _______ also factors into its centripetal force.
To Find Fc (net force), we take:
Fc= forces pulling into the circle- forces pulling out of the circle
(into the circle is always the positive direction)


dx= vixt
vix= vicostheta

launched at an angle x direction equations

dy= viyt+ 1/2at2
viy=vi sin theta

launched at an angle y direction equations

When forces are launched at an angle, we have to break it down into _____ and __ components.
What degree is max range?
What degree is max height?
If angles are __________, ranges will be the same.

x, y, 45, 90, complimentary

Projectiles Launched at Angle
Vy _________
Ay constant (-9.81 m/s2)
Dy ________ each second
Vy= _____
Ay is constant (-9.81 m/s2)
Vx= only velocity; ________
Vy _________
Ay constant (-9.81 m/s2)
Dy ______ each second.

decreases, 0, constant, increases


horizontally launched x direction equations

dy= 1/2ayt2

horizontally launched y direction equations

When the projectile is launched horizontally, all of its ______ velocity is in the _____ direction.
Vx is constant, so dx is the same every second
Vy is increasing due to the force of gravity, dy changes every second

initial, x

any object that is launched with an initial velocity and continues to move due its inertia and voce of gravity


path a projectile follows; parabolic


horizontal distance covered by a projectile


vertical distance covered by a projectile


Motion in x direction:
Forces: none, _______ is the only thing that makes the projectile continue to move in the x direction
Velocity: ________
Acceleration: _______
Displacement: object will move equal distances every second in the horizontal direction b

inertia, constant, 0

Motion in y direction:
Forces: ________- only force in the y direction
Velocity: ______
Acceleration: -9.81 m/s2
Displacement: distance the object moves each second will change because it is accelerating

gravity, changes