Work, Energy and Power Physics 1


quantity that causes matter to change and mediates how much change occurs; the ability to do work

gravitational potential energy

form of potential energy due to gravity. Close to the Earth's surface, gravitational potential energy is equal to mgh, measured in Joules (J).


unit of work and energy in the SI. A force of one Newton, acting for one meter requires 1 joule of work.

kinetic energy

energy due to mass in motion, measured in Joules (J)

law of conservation of energy

total energy in a closed system does not change over time. While energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can be transformed from one form to another, just as long as the total energy remains constant

mechanical energy

energy that comes from position or motion; sum of all potential energies and kinetic energies of an object; measured in Joules (J)

potential energy

energy due to an object's position, measured in Joules (J)


rate at which work is done or energy is transferred/converted, measured in Watts (W) which is one joule per second (1 J/s)


SI unit of power. One Watt corresponds to one joule per second (1 J/s)


force acting parallel or anti-parallel to displacement; can create a change in mechanical energy; force X displacement; measured in Joules (J)

work-energy theorem

change in the kinetic energy of an object equals the net work done on it.

Gravitational Potential Energy


Kinetic Energy

1/2 mv^2




W/t or Fv


change in kinetic energy