An object moves in a straight line if

Net force on it acts in the direction of motion or net force is 0

Uniform circular motion

Object that moves in a circle at constant speed

Centripetal accleration

Acceleration that points towards the center of a circle

The greater the speed, the _____ the velocity changes direction.


Acceleration vector is always perpendicular to the velocity vector which is ________ to the circle



Number of revolutions per second


Time required for one complete revolution

An object moving in a circle must have a _____ applied to it to keep it moving in a circle

- Newton's 2nd law

If an object is in uniform circular motion and is accelerating, then ______

The net force must be directed towards the center of the cirlce

Automobile rounds a curve example

Person tends to move in a straight line but the car seat (friction) or the door of the car (contact force) exerts a force on you. The car also has a force exerted on it toward the center of the curve which is the frictional force between the tires and pavement

When the speed of an object changes, the force acting on it has a ________ component


What exerts the force of gravity?

Earth exerts the gravitational force on objects at its surface

The gravitational force exerted by the earth on any object decreases with the square of its distance r from the earth's center relationship

Force of gravity is inversely proportional to the distance squared

Newton's law of graviation

Every particle in the universe attracts every other particle with a force that is proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. This force acts along the line joining the 2 particles.

Centripetal force requirement

Inward force acting on an object in order for it to have an inward accleration

Centripetal force in horizontal circle on a string

Tension horizontal component

Centripetal force at minimum velocity required for the string to maintain necessary tension

Force of gravity

Centripetal force for a vertical circle on a string when the ball is moving greater than minimum speed

Tension force

Centripetal force in a vertical circle on a string when ball is at the bottom

Tension force- gravity force

Centripetal force when a Person riding the loop the loop roller coaster

Tension force+gravity force

Centripetal force when satellite is orbiting earth

Earths gravity

Centripetal force when a car is rounding a corner on a level road

Frictional force between the tires and pavement

Centripetal force when a car is rounding a curve on a frictionless surface

Horizontal component of normal force

Orbital speed increases when orbital ________

Radius decreases

Tangential speed is proportional to ________

Distance from the axes of rotation

Apparent weightlessness

When an object seems "weightless" because there is no contact force to make one feel the weight and it is free falling

Kepler's first law

The path of each planet about the sun is an ellipse with the sun at one focus


Closed curve such that the sun of the distances from any point P on the curve to two fixed points(foci F1 and F2) remains constant.
F1P+ F2P is the same for all points on the curve

Kepler's second law

Each planet moves so that an imaginary line drawn from the sun to the planet sweeps out equal areas in equal periods of time.

Relationship between distance and time for Kepler's second law

Smaller area, moving slower because the distance is farther away from earth and vice versa

Kepler's third law

The ratio of the squares of the period T of any 2 planets revolving about the sun is equal to the ratio of the cubes of their mean distances s from the Sun.

Kepler third law equation


Kepler's third law only applies ______

To objects orbiting the same attracting center.
Ex. Cannot compare moon orbit around earth to Mars or it around the sun

Gravitational potential energy is calculated relative to _____

A central body (earth)

Relationship between r (distance) and potential energy

As the r increases, the potential energy also increases

Measurement of gravitational potential energy


Describe the situation when an object in space falls into earths gravitational field

It starts with a potential energy relative to the earth of 0 and kinetic energy of 0. Then as it falls, the potential energy decreases(more negative) and the kinetic energy increases.

As long as the object is in orbit, _________.

There must be a gravitational force on it(centripetal force to keep it in orbit), so an object in orbit is not weightless

Astronauts in a space shuttle feel weightless because _______

They are in free fall

Orbital radius

The radius of the central body plus the height of the surface

Equations derived are for circular orbits but most objects are in _______

Elliptical orbits. (A circle is an ellipse with an eccentricity of 0)


When the satellite relative to the person moves at the same speed in which the earth rotates

If a satellite speeds up, ________

It will either move into a lower orbit or move into an elliptical orbit with the central body as one focus

As orbital radius decreases, _________.

Linear speed and angular speed increase so the angular momentum is constant